Tolerant Pennsylvania State Rep Welcomes Pence to Philly With the Middle Finger

Openly gay Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims decided to break from the left’s message of tolerance and welcomed Vice President Mike Pence to Philadelphia with the middle finger.

He added a bit more on Facebook:

Those posts have quite a few contradictions! City of Brotherly Love…except when you hold views that don’t agree with us. SOARING DIVERSITY….except we don’t like those with conservative views. Power of all people, we want you and we’ll respect you. WEIRD. I guess that doesn’t apply to white male Christians.

On Twitter, Nathan Wurtzel noticed that Sims tagged the anti-Semitic Women’s March. I guess they don’t want to include Jews either.

Sims responded to some people on Twitter by throwing the situation on the border in their faces. You know, how we’re literally ripping children from the arms of their mother and literally throwing them into literal concentration camps. I wonder when Sims will stop virtue signaling and head to the border to actually do something?

The middle finger doesn’t bother me. If you follow me on Twitter then you know I can use some very colorful language. It’s the hypocrisy of those who preach LOVE TRUMPS HATE, diversity, inclusiveness. As a former socialist leftist, I have to say I have found more tolerance and acceptance on the right and within libertarians than I ever experienced on the left.

Plus, last time I checked, gay marriage is still legal in America. My gay friends are not in a concentration camp despite the left making us think that would happen.

Just remember this, conservatives and libertarians. They preach tolerance and inclusiveness, but only if abide by their rules and share their views.

Tags: Mike Pence, Pennsylvania, Women's March