SPLC apologizes, pays $3.375 mil settlement for wrongfully labelling Maajid Nawaz an anti-Muslim extremist

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer organization.

Monday, the Southern Poverty Law Center announced they’d forked over $3 million in a settlement over the inclusion of Maajid Nawaz and the Quilliam Foundation in their Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists.

From the SPLC:

The Southern Poverty Law Center was wrong to include Maajid Nawaz and the Quilliam Foundation in our Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists. Since we published the Field Guide, we have taken the time to do more research and have consulted with human rights advocates we respect. We’ve found that Mr. Nawaz and Quilliam have made valuable and important contributions to public discourse, including by promoting pluralism and condemning both anti-Muslim bigotry and Islamist extremism. Although we may have our differences with some of the positions that Mr. Nawaz and Quilliam have taken, they are most certainly not anti-Muslim extremists. We would like to extend our sincerest apologies to Mr. Nawaz, Quilliam, and our readers for the error, and we wish Mr. Nawaz and Quilliam all the best.

And the apology from SPLC president, Richard Cohen.

Maajid posted a video on Twitter saying this isn’t the time “to gloat.”

“Too much and for too long many on the left have been trying to shut down any debate of critique or criticism of around Islam, especially by Muslims within Muslim communities. This moment should teach us all a lesson and allow us all to work together,” said Maajid.

Heck, even Bill Maher agrees with Maajid on this one:

Anyway, this is great news for Maajid:

Amazon recently solicited the help of the SPLC in deciding which charities ought to be included in the site’s charity program.

Congrats to Maajid. And three cheers for fighting back.

Tags: SPLC