Rutgers Prof Denounces White People in Facebook Rant
“OK, officially, I now hate white people.”
Social media can be a very dangerous thing, as we are reminded again and again.
The College Fix reports:
Rutgers professor goes on Facebook rant against white people
A history professor at New Jersey’s Rutgers University blasted white people after being annoyed by little (white) kids at a Harlem restaurant.
James Livingston — who’s white — ranted on Facebook “OK, officially, I now hate white people. I am a white people [sic], for God’s sake, but can we them — us — out of my neighborhood?”
Livingston complained that the Harlem Shake eatery was “overrun with little Caucasian assholes who know their parents will approve of anything they do.”
“Slide around the floor, you little shithead, sing loudly, you unlikely moron,” he continued, and then concluded he was “resign[ing] from [his] race.”
The prof was informed by Facebook that his post violated community standards on hate speech, and as such either he or the company deleted it. The Daily Caller has a screencap.
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Self-loathing: a mark of the new breed of Social Justice Warriors, SWJ’s for short (and a new synonym for “morons”).
You have to be evil to call children disgusting names like this asshole.
OK, officially, you’re an idiot. There’s always the Rachel Dolezal route…