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Princeton University Student Health Plan to Cover ‘Trans Care’ Costs

Princeton University Student Health Plan to Cover ‘Trans Care’ Costs

“medical necessity for many trans individuals”

Hormone therapy and ‘gender affirmation surgery’ are part of the deal. Why is the school even getting into this?

Campus Reform reports:

Princeton subsidizes ‘trans care’ through health plan

Princeton University is offering medical coverage for “trans care” expenses to students enrolled in its healthcare plan.

According to a Princeton University Health Services (UHS) web page titled “Trans Care at UHS,” the school is “committed to continue our efforts to increase inclusive and comprehensive medical services specific to the trans community.”

“Consultations and prescriptions for masculinizing and feminizing hormones” are available to students at UHS, the website notes, describing such treatments as a “primary care service” and a “medical necessity for many trans individuals.”

Similarly, UHS explains that it can also provide “information and referrals for surgical transition-related care” and other “comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care services.”

The website further notes that “gender affirmation surgery” has been covered under the school’s Student Health Plan (SHP) since September 2014, adding that coverage caps were removed one year later.

According to the 2018-2019 SHP Design and Benefits Summary, transgender-related expenses, including “charges incurred by a covered person for medically necessary surgery, mental health, prescription drugs, and other related services,” are covered at a rate of “80% of the Negotiated Charge.”


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nordic_prince | June 29, 2018 at 9:56 pm

“…charges incurred by a covered person for medically necessary surgery, mental health, prescription drugs, and other related services…”

If you believe everything these pervert activists say, you’d get the impression that transitioning solves everything. So you gotta wonder why “mental health” is included under trans care.

Freudian slip…?

So if you want the surgery, it sounds like a semester at Princeton is the cheapest way to get it.