Melania Trump Arrives in Texas to Visit Border Facilities
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Melania Trump Arrives in Texas to Visit Border Facilities

Melania Trump Arrives in Texas to Visit Border Facilities

“The images struck her as a mother, as a human being, and also as a first lady.”

First Lady Melania Trump has arrived in Texas to visit border facilities. From CNN:

“This was her decision. She told her staff she wanted to go and we made that happen. He (President Trump) is supportive of that, but she told him, ‘I’m heading down to Texas,’” her spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told reporters on the flight to McAllen.

Trump was moved by the images and sounds of the children separated from their parents, and sought to see an unfiltered view of the situation on the ground. “The images struck her as a mother, as a human being, and also as a first lady,” Grisham said, adding, “She wanted to see as close to what she had been seeing on TV. She wants to see what’s real, she wants to see a realistic view of what’s happening.”

Vile Reactions

Haters wasted no time to take to social media to criticize Melania for her trip.


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I am SO glad that I do not have a Twitter account. I am appalled that Twitter allows some of this to stand.

    DieJustAsHappy in reply to Granny. | June 21, 2018 at 4:14 pm

    If I had one of those accounts, I wouldn’t have one of those accounts, at least not for long because I’m sure my retorts would get me banned.