Mark Levin was on the Sean Hannity show on Thursday night, where he offered a scathing analysis of the Department Of Justice’s IG report. He notes several key points.
Levin points out that all of the political bias goes in only one direction. He also talks about real collusion, between the FBI and members of the media.
Here’s a partial transcript via Real Clear Politics:
MARK LEVIN: I went through this major report here, I see several things. Number one, out of all the texts, all the documents, all the emails that have been reviewed. You know what’s interesting, Sean? There is not a single pro-Trump text. There’s not a single anti-Hillary text. There’s not a single pro-Trump senior FBI official. There’s not a single anti-Hillary FBI official. This was a cabal. And what these people had as their purpose, to interfere with a presidential election.They interfered with this presidential election worse than the Russian could say have ever dreamed of. And I am no fan of Vladimir Putin and the Russians. Let me tell you that.James Comey’s FBI, there was collusion. The media in this report appalling — giving gifts and tickets to sporting events and golf outings in exchange, apparently, for leaks. You have a culture of leaks at the FBI. The buck stops with Comey. This is Comey. Comey disgraced. McCabe, criminal referrals. Have you ever heard of an FBI like this? You have obstruction.
Watch the whole segment below:
Kelly Cohen of the Washington Examiner has more details on the media’s involvement with the FBI:
Dozens of FBI agents violating policy by schmoozing with the press: IG reportSo many FBI officials are talking to the press and attending “social events” with the media that it’s impossible to say who might have leaked confidential information to the media during the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private emails, according to a report from the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General.That report said the IG has “profound concerns about the volume and extent of unauthorized media contacts by FBI personnel that we have uncovered during our review.”…The IG also found social interactions between FBI personnel and journalists that “were, at a minimum, inconsistent with FBI policy and Department ethics rules.”“[W]e identified instances where FBI employees received tickets to sporting events from journalists, went on golfing outings with media representatives, were treated to drinks and meals after work by reporters, and were the guests of journalists at nonpublic social events.”
Levin has published a few tweets on this as well:
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