Intern Who Screamed ‘F You’ at Trump Suspended, Not Fired

Last week as Trump arrived at the U.S. Capitol, a young woman screamed “Mr. President, f*** you!” That person has now been identified as an intern for New Hampshire Democrat Senator Maggie Hassan. The intern has been suspended but not fired.

Isn’t it fascinating how the people who keep telling us Trump is Hitler never seem to suffer any consequences for their behavior, no matter how outrageous it is?

Chad Pergram reports at FOX News:

Intern who cursed at Trump is identified, was suspended but not firedThe Congressional intern who hollered “Mr. President, f— you!” across the Capitol Rotunda last week during a presidential visit has been identified.Sources tell Fox News the woman in question is 21-year-old Caitlin Marriott, who is interning in the office of Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H.Fox News is told she has not been terminated and will continue to work there through August.Congressional authorities were finally able to identifiy Marriott and speak with her to determine if she posed a threat to the president, sources said. She raced from where she heckled Trump, forcing U.S. Capitol Police to put out a “be on the lookout” over their radios.After deciding Marriott didn’t pose a threat to President Trump, authorities decided there was no other action they could take. However, Fox News was told that Marriott will be confined to her duties in Hassan’s office on the third floor of the Hart Senate office building and earned a week-long suspension.

Here’s a video of the incident:

Twitchy has collected some reactions to the suspension:

This is a good prediction:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Democrats, Trump Derangement Syndrome