Saturday, May 12 is the first official Cultural Appreciation Day here at Legal Insurrection.
If you’ve followed the news lately (and we assume that if you’re a regular reader, you do), you’ve been MADE aware that something as innocuous as a thrift store prom purchase triggers half the internet. The social justice warriors beam in from social justice utopia to be judgy, vile, and completely ignorant bullies over something they call “cultural appropriation.”
I’m so old, I remember when our elementary teachers taught us America was a great big ol’ melting pot made of people and cultures from the furthest reaches of the globe. Put together, the cultural cocktail made for something admirable and unique.
But anyway, on Saturday, May 12, we will celebrate our celebrations of other cultures. Look for pictures and stories from LI authors appreciating other cultures, a social justice sin these days.
Because we know the best way to enjoy and respect a culture is (in most cases) to partake of it.
And also this (I apologize in advance for the rap part):
We cordially invite you to join us.
“BUT HOW?! I’m not a blogger!!!!!”
I’m glad you asked!
Entries are subject to editing for readability and length, but we won’t bastardize your handiwork. Pinky promise.
By submitting photos, stories and so on, you give us permission to use them.
It’s been a while since we devoted a day to something special (past days being Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day and Empty Chair Day) so now seems as good a time as ever to celebrate how we celebrate cultures. Plus, it was Leslie’s brilliant idea and we all loved it.
Remember —> Saturday, May 12.
Can’t wait to hear from you! Questions? Email me here.
[Featured image, our very own Leslie Eastman]