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Trump Will Meet With Kim Jong Un on June 12

Trump Will Meet With Kim Jong Un on June 12

U.S officials have shown preference in Singapore.

President Donald Trump announced on Twitter that the summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un will take place on June 12 in Singapore.

From CNN:

Speaking to reporters at the White House, Trump ruled out the demilitarized zone (DMZ) that divides North and South Korea as a potential location for the talks with Kim. Singapore and the DMZ are the only two places Trump has floated in public as potential venues for the meeting.

The Southeast Asian city-state has been the preferred location among US officials, who saw its neutrality as an advantage over locations closer to Pyongyang.


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I hope Trump has has a food taster and will carry radiation and chemical detectors.


    4th armored div in reply to snopercod. | May 10, 2018 at 2:42 pm

    it would be a ‘shame’f Kim decided to ‘Defect’ in order to keep his ill gotten cash, wouldn’t it ?