Tom Steyer Thinks His Effort to Impeach Trump is Like the Civil Rights Movement

Tom Steyer Impeach Trump

The liberal billionaire Tom Steyer is spending time, and lots of money, on an effort to get Democrats elected in 2018 with the ultimate goal of impeaching Trump. Despite his best efforts, Democratic leaders aren’t following his advice.

Edward-Isaac Dovere writes at Politico:

Why Tom Steyer Doesn’t Care What Nancy Pelosi ThinksTom Steyer says the Democrats telling him to call off his impeachment crusade are like those who told civil rights activists to be patient, and he says Nancy Pelosi and others holding back on calling for impeachment are “normalizing” Donald Trump’s presidency.Steyer doesn’t care that Democratic leaders are worried that he could blow their chance at winning the House by talking up impeachment around the country and in his TV ads—though he argues he’s actually helping Democrats. He says he’s the only person willing to tell the truth. And the thing about a self-made billionaire with nothing to lose: It’s hard for anyone to convince him he might be wrong, or to get him to stop.“Impeaching the president of the United States is upsetting the status quo. Anytime in American history that there has been an attempt to upset the status quo, there have been people within the status quo—within the establishment—saying, ‘It may be true, it may be something we should deal with, it may be important, but not now,’” Steyer told me in an interview for POLITICO’s Off Message podcast. “If you look at the civil rights movement, the pushback was not, ‘You’re not telling the truth,’ the pushback was, ‘We’re dealing with it in time. Stand down so we can deal with it in time.’”…For Steyer, it’s not just Pelosi who’s wrong, it’s every Democrat who stands with her. They’re putting the country at risk right now, he said, and they’re destroying themselves in the long term.

Even if Democrats want to impeach Trump, and many of them do, they don’t want to broadcast it ahead of the midterms. That would be honest.

Steyer is playing to the anger of the Democrat base, also known as The Resistance. Democrats trying to get elected know this could play right into Trump’s hands by energizing Republican voters.

Steyer has some other issues, too. Todd Shepherd reports at the Washington Free Beacon:

Group Says Steyer’s Town Halls Fail His Own Standards for TransparencyA group in support of workers in traditional energy sectors says Tom Steyer’s highly promoted town halls aren’t living up to Steyer’s own words on transparency because event organizers are generally banning recordings by the general public.Power the Future, an advocacy non-profit, sent one of their employees to a recent “Need To Impeach” town hall run by the California billionaire, only to see a sign at the check-in table which read, “In accordance with ‘Need to Impeach’ rules and regulations, no unauthorized or pre-scheduled filming is allowed at this event.”On at least two occasions in the same article by Time magazine, Steyer advocated his efforts toward transparency.

Tags: 2018 Elections, Democrats, Tom Steyer, Trump Impeachment