One year ago, Covfefe

Bumper Sticker Massachusetts Covfefe

Donald Trump’s Twitter account sets the news cycle.

One year ago, on May 31, 2017, Trump issued his famous “Covfefe” tweet.


(h/t Jerry Dunleavy)

The internet immediately exploded, with the NY Times asking, What’s a ‘Covfefe’? Trump Tweet Unites a Bewildered Nation:

And on the 132nd day, just after midnight, President Trump had at last delivered the nation to something approaching unity — in bewilderment, if nothing else.The state of our union was … covfefe.The trouble began, as it so often does, on Twitter, in the early minutes of Wednesday morning. Mr. Trump had something to say. Kind of.“Despite the constant negative press covfefe,” the tweet began, at 12:06 a.m., from @realDonaldTrump, the irrepressible internal monologue of his presidency.And that was that.A minute passed. Then another. Then five.Surely he would delete the message.Ten. Twenty. It was nearly 12:30 a.m.Forty minutes. An hour. The questions mounted.Had the president’s lawyers, so eager to curb his stream-of-consciousness missives, tackled the commander in chief under the cover of night?Perhaps, some worried aloud, Mr. Trump had experienced a medical episode a quarter of the way through his 140 characters.No one at the White House could immediately be reached for comment.By 1 a.m., the debate had effectively consumed Twitter — or at least a certain segment of insomniac Beltway types, often journalists and political operatives — ascending the list of trending topics.

Trump followed up with at question:

Hillary “joked” it was “a hidden message to the Russians“.

Snopes “fact checked” whether it was a secret nuclear code.

Sean Spicer, then White House Press Secretary, played along:

How deeply has Covfefe entered the consciousness?

Reader L recently spotted this bumper sticker, and writes:

I took this picture on May 26, 2018 in Barnstable, Mass. Feel free to use it. (Credit: H J Productions)As you can see, it’s a shame that Massachusetts allows only 6 characters on a license plate. Still, we get it.

Tags: Bumper Stickers, Trump Twitter