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Middlebury College Offers Course on ‘Anti-Capitalist Feminisms’

Middlebury College Offers Course on ‘Anti-Capitalist Feminisms’

“it is more epistemologically and politically powerful to state that our feminism is anti-racist and anti-capitalist”

Modern academic feminism sure seems more focused on taking down capitalism than advancing women.

Campus Reform reports:

School offers course on ‘anti-capitalist feminisms’

Middlebury College is offering a course next Spring dedicated to exploring how the traditional theory of intersectionality fails to critique capitalism.

Middlebury attained national notoriety last year after student protesters aggressively disrupted a speech by conservative scholar Charles Murray, even assaulting one of their own professors as she tried to escort him from the venue.

“Beyond Intersectionality: Developing Anti-Racist and Anti-Capitalist Feminisms” will be co-offered by the school’s Women’s Studies and American Studies departments, and will seek to teach students about how capitalism hurts women.

The class will start “from the position that it is more epistemologically and politically powerful to state that our feminism is anti-racist and anti-capitalist than to say it is ‘intersectional,’” according to the school’s newly-released course catalogue for next year.

“What are the benefits and limits of the original theory of intersectionality?” the class description asks. “What does it mean to be socially and politically conscious, and how do we move from consciousness to action in ways that are not siloed?”


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The Friendly Grizzly | May 2, 2018 at 8:13 am

Anti-capitalist feminismS? Does that mean there is more than one?!?

When a college offers courses like this, it tells me they are scrambling for every tuition buck they can get their hands on. How sad. (Well, not really…)

Just when you thought feminism couldn’t get more stupid…they raise the bar.

I have to believe that things were better when colleges had a History Dept., an English Dept., and a Math Dept. Now it seems like every course is its own Dept. and every professor is a chair of something. When my dissertation advisor told me to never mistake credentials for credibility, I believe this is what he was warning me about.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to MajorWood. | May 3, 2018 at 11:27 am

    Things were also better when federally guaranteed student loans weren’t strewn about like confetti.