Cynthia Nixon Challenges Governor Cuomo to One-on-One TV Debate
“no huge multi-candidate free-for-all like you always insist on”
Cynthia Nixon is taking the fight to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo aggressively. WABC in New York offered to host a televised debate and Nixon jumped at the chance before Cuomo even had a chance to respond. She also said she wants the debate to be between only the two of them.
Nina Golgowski reports at the Huffington Post:
Cynthia Nixon Challenges Andrew Cuomo To 1-On-1 Televised Debate
New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon is challenging Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) to a one-on-one televised debate ahead of the November election, but Cuomo has rejected similar offers in the past.
The “Sex and the City” star on Monday extended an invitation to the governor in a provocative video on Twitter that poked at the governor’s past refusal to participate in two candidate debates on TV.
“I believe voters deserve to hear a frank and direct discussion of the real issues facing New Yorkers, and the difference between my progressive vision for this state, and Governor Cuomo’s centrist record,” Nixon says in the video.
She adds that a debate hosted by New York’s WABC will be “no huge multi-candidate free-for-all like you always insist on. One on one. No distractions, and nowhere to hide.”
See the video in the tweet below:
So, big news, WABC and their partners have offered to host a televised debate between myself and Governor Cuomo….and I accept their invitation.
— Cynthia Nixon (@CynthiaNixon) May 7, 2018
Will Cuomo accept Nixon’s challenge?
The editors of the Daily Gazette want him to do it:
Editorial: Governor shouldn’t fear debates
They say a political debate has the most benefits for the challenger.
Challengers get publicity for their campaigns they might not otherwise get.
They’re seen on an equal footing with the incumbent, giving them extra credibility. They get to articulate their positions in front of an attentive audience of potential voters. And there’s always a chance the incumbent will mishandle a question or be forced to defend an unpopular decision and end up looking bad.
So why on Earth would Gov. Andrew Cuomo want to give all that advantage to a political challenger like Cynthia Nixon and aid her longshot bid to unseat him by accepting her challenge to a one-on-one debate? He faces far more negative fallout from a poor debate performance than he does from being called a chicken by her.
In response to an invitation to debate Nixon from WABC-TV, the governor’s office has said only that they’re fielding many requests and that voters deserve “a robust, detailed debate on the issues that matter most.” That last part doesn’t necessarily mean Cuomo’s going to show up to any actual debate. But he should.
And not because she’s taunting him.
He should debate her because someone who’s been elected to public office — particularly a governor who has served for seven years — shouldn’t have to worry about giving an opponent publicity or credibility.
According to WNYC, the Cuomo campaign has accepted without committing to anything specific:
Nixon, Cuomo to Debate before September Primaries
Cynthia Nixon might as well have double-dog dared New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to debate her.
WABC-TV and its partners, including WNYC, had invited the Democratic gubernatorial candidates to debate, and Nixon wasted no time beating Cuomo to the punch, releasing a video accepting the invitation…
His campaign at first responded that Cuomo was “reviewing invitations” and looking forward to “a robust debate.”
A spokesperson later clarified he would indeed participate — but did not commit to a date, debate format, or media outlet.
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My vote is for Marc Molinaro, hard-working Dutchess County Executive.
You won’t vote for Jane Hathaway?????
So he’s already done two terms and is running again? Two Democrats will be on the ballot in November? One doesn’t think Cuomo is “progressive” enough? So many questions about the representative republic or lack thereof in New York.
Yes. Why on earth would he not?
No. Where did you get that idea?
“New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon is challenging Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) to a one-on-one televised debate ahead of the November election, but Cuomo has rejected similar offers in the past.”
With the majority of primaries taking place in the Spring, the above sentence implies that two Democrats will be on the ballot in November. Additionally, most governorships are similar to the presidency in that you get two terms. NY must be different, but the article doesn’t include that information. You should stop being so condescending and instead explain your position instead of implying that you already know everything. I bet you have very few friends.
Primaries are in September. Why would they be in the spring? If you don’t know when they are, why not look them up before posting, instead of making utterly baseless assumptions and making a fool of yourself?
For a woman with such an ignorant ideology, she is pretty clever on this debate matter.
Poodle Talk with Hillary?
My vote for the first thing Nixon will ask Cuomo in a debate:
“What did you know about Eric Schneiderman’s history of sexual assaults and when did you know it?”
I would laugh without ceasing if Nixon were to beat Cuomo. She’d be the Governor that New York deserves.
That’s why Christians pray for mercy, justice would condemn us all.
Why would he know anything about it, and supposing he did what should he have done about it? Why is this question more appropriate for him than for anyone else, including Nixon herself?
Millhouse take a shower you are too dry.
What’s that supposed to mean? The only political meaning I know for “dry” is “economic rationalist”, and I’m proud to be one.
Why is she ALL-RED in that pic?
If you look closely there is a little spot on her left shoulder that is more skin tone or perhaps yellow. It is in the shape of a hammer and sickle.
Of course Cuomo will refuse to debate her without the other candidates, if there are any. Why would he? What would be in it for him? No candidate who is ahead, especially an incumbent, wants to give one challenger a free boost over the others, and there’s never any reason they should. Remember Reagan refusing to debate Bush one-on-one, when there were four other candidates with just as much right as Bush to be on that stage, depriving him of that privileged position. How is this any different?
The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Governer Cuomo the 1st used to make a practice of insisting he be the last speaker in any public forum where there were multiple speakers. Or he wouldn’t appear. It’s a debaters trick.
Since most pols are busy folks with multiple appearances a day, many of the follow speakers would, like a busy guest on the old Tonite Show, say their piece and leave.
Cuomo would sometimes take advantage of their absence to and use it against them, as well as attack them in ways he wouldn’t if they were still present.
Former Senater Damato was an old school NY pol, just honest enuf not to be arrested but even so an effective senator for all that. One time they appeared together and Damato did his thing and went to leave – but instead hung around in the back of the crowd to hear Cuomo’s schtick. Cuomo went into full Cuomo mode, attacking Damato and repeatedly saying what a shame it was that Damato wasn’t “here to respond to my questions”, many of which were of the “when did you stop beating your wife” level of fairness. So, of course, midway through Damato returned to the podium, spoke up, and grabbed the mike to respond. Hilarious.
How is this any different?
Well, it’s not. I mean, she comes across as petulant and demanding. She’s a celebrity from a trashy TV show with no record of political or business success, “calling out” a successful (okay, for some definition of the term) incumbent. It would be embarrassing if she had any shame. It’s MC Hammer vs. Michael Jackson all over again.
She actually has a better resume than obama.
“a celebrity from a trashy TV show with no record of political or business success”
Granting that is true, this is the Peoples’ Soviet of New York City where the debate will take place. The Peoples’ Soviet has the votes to carry the State of New York, and the Peoples’ Soviet elected Comrade DeBlasio who is turning the Peoples’ Soviet into a cross between a Frisco [yeah, that was deliberate] BART station and a Chicago free-fire zone. Being a celebrity from a trashy TV show IS success to the denizens of New York City. The words that come to mind are “good”, “hard”, and “repeatedly”.
I know nothing about her, but feel pity for the conservative sane minority in NY.
Yuppers, the downstate Libs outvote the sane upstaters routinely.
Currently, there’s not a single upstater in a state leadership position that I can name.
If Cuomo is a centrist then I shudder to think what Nixon’s policies would be like.