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Penn State Eliminates Gendered Titles of Homecoming King and Queen

Penn State Eliminates Gendered Titles of Homecoming King and Queen

“to embrace diversity and gender inclusivity within our community”

Wouldn’t this be a better story if the students eliminated king and queen because they rejected the idea of monarchies?

The Daily Collegian reports:

Penn State Homecoming Court eliminates gendered titles of ‘king’ and ‘queen’

The Penn State Homecoming Executive Court and Royalty Committee announced Tuesday morning changes to how typical courts are selected.

The titles of “Homecoming King and Queen” will be eliminated.

In addition, the male to female ratio representation — typically five males and five females — will be replaced with a different selection of individuals, according to a press release.

“In an effort to embrace diversity and gender inclusivity within our community, ten candidates who capture the essence of the values we hold true as a university will be chosen, regardless of their gender, gender identity, and/or gender expression,” the release states.

Though in past years the top two student court members were acknowledged as “King and Queen,” Homecoming plans to instead recognize these two members with the “Guide State Forward Award.”


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buckeyeminuteman | April 13, 2018 at 12:50 pm

Not that I have ever cared about homecoming, especially at the college level; but why do these progressive lemmings insist on ruining absolute everything they can.

Suggestion from Dr. Seuss:

Call them —

Thing One

Thing Two

It leaves gender (and species) preferences totally open and PC-fluid.

Problem solved.

Next target: chess club!

    alaskabob in reply to malclave. | April 14, 2018 at 12:36 pm

    Well… can a King act like a Queen on the board? Better yet… can every piece on the board be what it wants to be at anytime? That really adds diversity to the game!

healthguyfsu | April 14, 2018 at 5:48 pm

Which award are they going to hand out to Joe Pa and Graham Spanier?