After a series of fatal stabbings involving migrant attackers, the German police union has called on the government to introduce tougher laws against stabbers. According to Germany’s national police trade union, or DPoLG, “young Arabs” were importing the culture of carrying knife into the country.
Germany has witnessed a rise in violent crimes since Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to open the country’s border to migrants, prominently young men from Arab and Muslim countries, in the autumn of 2015.
Last week, Germany witnessed a string of riots and deadly attacks involving migrant gangs, with the leading German newspaper Bild Zeitung describing the countrywide violence that began last Friday as “bloody weekend.”
Turkish, Iraqi, and Lebanese criminal gangs waged violent turf wars in the cities of Duisburg and Nordhorn armed with baseball bats, machetes, and knives, local media reported.
The German Bavarian daily MERKUR reported the police union’s demands amid soaring stabbing attacks:
In light of repeated knife attacks, the German Police Trade Union (DPoIG) has called for the premeditated stabbing to be prosecuted as attempted murder, not merely as bodily harm.”This move will enable an immediate pretrial detention and, in cases the act is carried out by a refugee, a deportation,” the DPoIG said in its response to a query by German news agency DPA. The newly appointed German Justice Minister Katarina Barley needs to act in this regard [the union maintained].In DPoIG’s opinion the stabbing attacks and attacks with similar objects must result in a minimum prison sentence of one year. Currently the stabbings are “treated as bodily harm.” For [bodily harm] there is a maximum penalty, but no minimum penalty. Only when someone dies as a result: it is treated as an attempted murder or murder. “And that is wrong, because it is matter of pure chance if the stabbing ends up killing someone or not.”The DPolG has joined hands up with the rival police trade union GdP to call for a nationwide registry of stabbing crimes in order to understand the extent of the problem. [Translation by the author]
So far, Chancellor Merkel has largly refused to acknowledge the severity of the situation, with her surrogates and government officials choosing to insult and discredit those who dare to raise the issues of soaring migrant crimes.
Last year, Ralf Stegner, deputy leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Merkel’s main coalition partner, attacked police union chief Rainer Wendt for merely stating that “criminals” too were “using open borders”. Social Democrat Stegner calling Wendt’s attempt to question the wisdom of open borders “disgusting and stupid”.
Sven Rebehn, the chairman of the German Association of Judges, called Wendt “the Donald Trump of domestic politics,” apparently the biggest insult a liberal can come up in Merkel’s Germany.
Meanwhile, the German government burying its head in the sand hasn’t made the problem go away.
According to the annual crime report, released by the country’s Federal Crime Bureau (BKA) last year, there has been a 50 percent increase in migrant crime compared to the previous year’s figure. During that period, police booked more than 610,000 suspects of foreign origin, indicting the presence of a ‘disproportionately large’ size of criminal migrants in the country.
Newly arrived ‘refugees’, who made up for less than 2 percent of the German population, was suspected of carrying out almost 15 percent of all crimes involving serious bodily harm, rapes, and sexual assaults, BKA’s 2017 annual crime report revealed. Subsequent surveys and studies have confirmed the worrying trend. In Janaury 2017, a government-funded study carried out in the northern German state of Lower Saxony found that newly arrived ‘refugees’ were responsible for at least 90 percent of the surge in violent crimes.
Raw footage: German Police move in to stop clashes between rival migrant gangs in the town of Duisburg:
[Cover image via YouTube]