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Luntz Focus Group Found Comey ‘Very Weak, Pathetic’ and ‘Two-Faced’

Luntz Focus Group Found Comey ‘Very Weak, Pathetic’ and ‘Two-Faced’

However, the group didn’t think Trump should have fired Comey.

Pollster Frank Luntz recently conducted a focus group on former FBI Director James Comey’s interview with George Stephanopoulos.

The group was comprised of 15 people, Republicans and Democrats who provided feedback while watching the interview. Using hand-held dials, participants dialed up when something Comey said or did during his interview pleased them and dialed down when they had a negative reaction.

They had at least one thing in common: all were bothered by Comey’s claim that he didn’t remember where he was on Election Night.

From Mediaite:

Several who participated in the focus group were bothered by Comey’s lack of recollection of where he was on Election Night in 2016, one saying he “lost credibility” and another saying he “looked like a complete moron.”

“Probably his weakest moment was when he didn’t know where he was on Election Night,” Luntz told Nightline. “That they thought that some of the things that he couldn’t answer as FBI Director he should have been able to answer. That was the negative.”

The Republicans “bottomed out” during the election night discussion, but the Democrats also had a serious issue with him not voting or not having a memory of where he was that night.

The two sides split when Comey brought up President Donald Trump’s appearance. The Republicans dialed very low while the Democrats dialed up.

One participant was bothered that Comey provided many details of Trump’s physical looks and not enough details on Trump’s leadership. Another man agreed with the first guy and said that Comey needs to get rid of the petty behavior.

Luntz said that Comey’s attack on Trump’s appearance hurt him. He also stressed to “people, CEOs and candidates,” to never “talk about someone’s appearance no matter how mad you are about them.”

Bipartisan support shined through when Comey said that Trump shouldn’t be impeached and also that Trump should not have fired Comey.

Luntz said that the president should “pay attention to that last bit.” These people think he made the “wrong decision” and “that Trump is responsible for the actions.”

Afterward, one participant found the focus group to be “an extremely eye-opening experience” and described Comey as a “very weak, pathetic personality” and “two-faced.”


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Shouldn’t have fired him my a$$, he should have fired the whole lot a long time ago and he wouldn’t be in this fix

Sesssions is a traitor!

    Conan in reply to gonzotx. | April 19, 2018 at 5:55 pm

    There is something really wrong if people are talking about Comey as “two-faced” but he shouldn’t get fired for that. I guess we just think traitorous advisors and subordinates are just neat now.

      Alan McIntire in reply to Conan. | April 19, 2018 at 7:45 pm

      You’ve got THAT right! I guess the focus group is OKAY with most government employees being weak, pathetic, and two faced.

    Yup – Sessions is in on the scam.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to gonzotx. | April 20, 2018 at 2:57 pm

    Trump should do a purge now of all Obama appointees, and they should do performance reviews of everyone hired by any Obama appointee. Clean house.

and also that Trump should not have fired Comey.

I wonder why not. Are absolutely no professional or personal standards expected of The Swamp?

Or perhaps they think someone else should have fired him.

    I’m fairly sure the focus group considered the FBI director position to be like most jobs, where you need a *reason* to be fired.

    Quite the contrary. The FBI director serves at the pleasure of the president. Not “until he has done something bad” or “until the end of his term” He can be fired at any time without notice or reason. Just goodbye, leave your office the way it was because your replacement starts tomorrow. Generally, that is not the way the job is handled because of the number of projects in process and cases under investigation that need to be gently moved from person A to person B, but the man (or woman) in the White House is the ultimate authority on who serves in that position and for how long. (barring Senate impeachment, accident, impairment, etc…)

    In this case, the line of thought behind his firing goes as follows:
    Q: Is the FBI director doing a good job? A: No.
    Q: Do we have somebody we can appoint into that position who will do a better job? A: Yes, but it will take a while to get things set up.
    Ok, he’s ready to be appointed. Fire the director and appoint the replacement.

Alternate headline: “Luntz Focus Group Confirms What Most Americans have known for the Last Year”

Afterward, one participant found the focus group to be “an extremely eye-opening experience” and described Comey as a “very weak, pathetic personality” and “two-faced.”


So your heading is false. The “focus group” found not such thing.

    Daiwa in reply to Ragspierre. | April 19, 2018 at 8:04 pm

    You are quite right Rags. The sort of sleight-of-hand headline we roundly criticize here all the time. Mary knows better, or should.

      Ragspierre in reply to Daiwa. | April 19, 2018 at 11:51 pm

      The Ragspierre Factor hits you, as well. Sorry that your honesty cost you.

        Daiwa in reply to Ragspierre. | April 20, 2018 at 4:53 pm

        Appreciate the thought, but hasn’t cost me a thing.

          He’s talking about “down twinkles,” Daiwa. Apparently, Rags thinks that your down votes are due to him and not to your own opinion. I’d beg to differ. But that’s just me. I could be wrong.

          Rags’ fun self-appointed victimhood status, though, is kind of cute. Cute squared is his apparent belief that his victimhood is transferable to others.

          There’s a chance that LI readers are down-voting anyone who agrees with Rags because Rags. Somehow I doubt it, though, since when Rags posts comments with which LI readers agree, he gets many many of the ever-valuable up-votes. I guess Rags will be taking credit for the up-votes of people who agree with him next. What fun! It’s a Rags, Rags, Rags world.

    Ratbert in reply to Ragspierre. | April 22, 2018 at 10:04 am

    Another comment from Hillary’s biggest supporter.

OleDirtyBarrister | April 19, 2018 at 6:15 pm

Most Americans know more about what is going on in their TV programs and the singing contests than what is going on in government.

And that is very good for incompetent and corrupt politicians that run on taking from someone else and giving them “free shit”!

I am guessing they are low information people, or only know the news from a leftist bias. The group is republicans and democrats, though from California, which should tell you a good deal of their likely make up.

These type of exercises are usually to spin things in a set way. I don’t think the station got their wish.

While this idiot was tap-dancing under the limelight, other things happened. Cohen dropped his lawsuit against Fusion GPS re the fake dossier.

There are some things that Mueller doesn’t want to have made public, and it appears he’s made that happen.

Over the past 20-30 years the FBI has morphed from the nation’s leading law enforcement agency to a US version of the KGB, working to subvert and control the government. Sad.

Luntz focus groups are always a joke.

2nd Ammendment Mother | April 19, 2018 at 9:05 pm

Why doesn’t anyone ask Comey (or the focus group) how long he thinks he would have been employed by Hillary?

Anyone else find it odd that most people are more concerned about a Mueller interview, not because they believe Trump did anything wrong, but that the interview will be designed to ensure entrapment of some kind….. what does that say about Rule of Law in America today?