Georgia Sixth Grader Records Teacher’s Unhinged Anti-Trump Rant
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Georgia Sixth Grader Records Teacher’s Unhinged Anti-Trump Rant

Georgia Sixth Grader Records Teacher’s Unhinged Anti-Trump Rant

“It kept getting worse and worse”

A middle school teacher in Georgia recently decided to use her classroom as a platform to attack Trump. What she didn’t realize is that one of her students recorded it and then shared it with her mother who was not pleased.

The student told the story this weekend on FOX and Friends. From the FOX News Insider:

‘America’s Never Been Great’: Student Records Teacher Saying Trump ‘MAGA’ Slogan Trying to Bring Back Segregation

Josie Orihuela of Hampton Middle School near Atlanta began recording on her phone when sixth-grade teacher Johnetta Benton began reaming out the president.

“When my president says let’s Make America Great Again, when was he talking about?” Benton is heard asking, and later adding that Trump must mean when “[America] was great for Europeans.”

“Because,” Benton continues, “when it comes to minorities, America has never been great for minorities.”

Huntsman said the incident happened at the same high school where another teacher requested students write letters to their lawmakers demanding gun control.

Orihuela said Benton made the comments as she was introducing a video to celebrate Black History Month.

“It kept getting worse and worse,” she said.

Though not captured on the audio played by Huntsman, Orihuela said that at one point, Benton surmised aloud that “Make America Great Again” could be a precursor to “trying to bring back segregation.”

Watch the segment below:

As mentioned above, this school was also in the news last week for assigning students to write lawmakers demanding greater gun control. Katherine Timpf reported at National Review:

Seventh-Grade Assignment: Write Letters to Lawmakers Begging for Gun Control

Students at Hampton Middle School in Hampton, Ga., were given a homework assignment that required them to write a letter asking lawmakers for stricter gun-control laws.

The seventh-grade social-studies assignment, a copy of which was obtained by Blue Lives Matter, stated:

“For this assignment, you are writing a letter to the lawmakers of the United States. The purpose of this letter is to pressure lawmakers to have stricter gun laws in the United States. Your letter should contain at least five complete sentences. Make sure that you use proper grammatical skills when writing your letter,” read the assignment given out by social studies teacher Corey Sanders to his students at Hampton Middle School.

A parent of one of the students, William Lee, told Blue Lives that his son came home from school “and said he had to write a paper on gun control.”

“I looked at it, and I told my son, ‘No, you’re not doing that assignment,’” Lee said. “Then I emailed his teacher the next day and told him that my son would not be writing that.”

Sounds like some conservatives need to run for the local school board.

Featured image via YouTube.


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More evidence that the American public “education” (read: indoctrination) system is fundamentally broken.

    YellowGrifterInChief in reply to Rusty Bill. | April 1, 2018 at 10:43 am

    Yes, lets bring back

    christian prayer in schools;
    that the Civil War was about states rights – not slavery;
    Manifest Destiny,
    that segregation was god’s plan for separation of the races;
    that evolution is a lie created by atheists;
    that the EPA is evil and was designed to destroy Capitalism;
    that Capitalism is an unmitigated good.

    We need to indoctrinate them properly. Then Americas would be great, again.

      You left out the KKK and other violent segments of the Democrat Party. You left out the Democrat gun control laws to ensure the Blacks could not protect themselves from the Democrat Party violence. You left out the Democrat Party’s voter laws and violent intimidation by the Democrats to keep Blacks from voting.

      You do use rhetoric tricks with skill, however.

      The chance that you are just acting as a childish provocateur approaches certainty. Pursuing foolishness must be worth the waste of time you commit to it.

      Jack Klompus in reply to YellowGrifterInChief. | April 1, 2018 at 11:49 am

      Oh look! The dopey sexless loser has returned with his unique brand of pathetic attention whoring idiocy!

      Couldn’t resist: April Fools, in more way than one?

      So, to your “points”.

      “christian prayer in schools;”

      I doubt that prayer in school was detrimental to anyone. As to Christian prayer, generic prayer to a higher being can be used without causing harm to anyone of religious bent. And, for atheists, they profess not to believe in God anyway, so it should not matter to them.

      “that the Civil War was about states rights – not slavery;”

      That is correct. The Civil War was not about either states rights or slavery. It was a naked power grab by the federal government and the North. The USA could not survive without the Southern states as members. The South acconuted for 85% of the export trade of the US and would have been a competitor with the USA for control of territories to the West, especially the south west. And, it was friendly with France and England, both of which would like to expand into the area surrounding the US. The reason for the succession WAS states rights and economics. Slavery was part of that issue, but it was the economics of slavery which was driving the states rights issue.

      “Manifest Destiny,”

      Manifest destiny was no more ludicrous than the idea that God had granted people inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, the schools still teach that nonsense.

      “that segregation was god’s plan for separation of the races;”

      While I doubt that segregation is God’s plan, it seems to be humanity’s natural tendency. Segregation by race, culture, gender, age and a variety of other factors is the decided norm in all societies. Integration almost always has to be forced.

      “that evolution is a lie created by atheists;”

      This is no more outrageous than the current teaching that creationism is a lie created by religious fanatics. Actually, evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive. And, if viewed in the context of scientifically established facts concerning evolution, Genesis could be a simplified account of the development of Earth’s species over eons rather than days. Whether one chooses to believe that life was created upon this planet by the hand of a divine being or was a random chance in the face of astronomical odds is up to the individual.

      “that the EPA is evil and was designed to destroy Capitalism;”

      The EPA IS evil, in its current incarnation. When the EPA was simply a regulatory agency whose stated purpose was to curtail the harmful effects of unnecessary pollution, it was a force for good. But, its mission changed to that of stopping ALL pollution from all sources, including naturally occurring compounds from naturally occurring sources, and returning the nation to a fictional garden of Eden. In other words, the EPA became delusional.

      “that Capitalism is an unmitigated good.”

      Capitalism is neither good nor bad, in itself. It is by far the most flexible system of economics and provides for both the most vertical mobility in a societal system as well as the greatest innovation. What causes problems is the human capacity for personal greed. Capitalistic enterprises do not exist in a vacuum. They do not force people to purchase their goods or services. And, the same human desire for greed drives the capitalist to demand the greatest freedom for his enterprise while at the same time attempting to eliminate competition through extra-market constraints. Like every other human endeavor, economics has to have rules.

      Historical fact is pretty neutral. It is always ideological interpretation which causes problems.

      The Founding fathers believed in the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for themselves, not necessarily for everyone.

      White Europeans, and their North American cousins did not enslave Negroes. other Negroes did that and sold those slaves largely to Arab slave traders, who then resold them to some Europeans.

      Republicans did not engage in the suppression of minority rights following the US Civil War, Democrats did. Democrats, not Republicans, fought the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And, Democrats, not Republicans actively engaged in the attempted re-enslavement of the African-American minority through the use of government dependence [welfare] and the destruction of the Black family [welfare and abortion].

      History can be complicated. Bumper stick explanations simply don’t cut it.

        Milhouse in reply to Mac45. | April 2, 2018 at 6:43 am

        The EPA IS evil, in its current incarnation. When the EPA was simply a regulatory agency whose stated purpose was to curtail the harmful effects of unnecessary pollution, it was a force for good.

        There was no such time. From its very inception the EPA was in essence what it is now. Of course it got worse over time, as such things do, but it was never good.

        Milhouse in reply to Mac45. | April 2, 2018 at 6:47 am

        Capitalism is neither good nor bad, in itself.

        I disagree. Capitalism is freedom, and freedom is not good for something, it’s inherently good. It’s morally right, and it would be so even in some hypothetical perverse universe in which it led to poor economic outcomes. How much more so in our universe.

      Yes Indeed let’s bring back …

      christian prayer in schools;

      (Since schools were run at the local level the community not some mindless federal bureaucratic nanny, like you, made decisions for the kids curriculum) – Bring back local control of schools.

      that the Civil War was about states rights – not slavery;

      (For Lincoln slavery wasn’t really high on his list of worries and the 10th amendment did indeed leave rights to the states. The problem is the new states had to be slave or not depending on what was seen as the balance not on what they actually wanted. I guess you missed this in your public education) – Bring back states rights.

      Manifest Destiny,

      (An idea that was made real, bloodlessly) – Bring back peaceful ideas

      that segregation was god’s plan for separation of the races;

      (Taught in the south by liberal democrats like you) – Let’s go back to when it was Fredrick Douglas was a part of the Republican party, and people knew why.

      that evolution is a lie created by atheists;

      (Darwin was a Catholic. Many, many scientists are religious) – Yes, let’s go back to were ideas could be challenged, even in court and removed from a curriculum when shown to be wrong.

      that the EPA is evil and was designed to destroy Capitalism;

      (I can guarantee that this was NEVER taught in school. You are losing your time frame here) – Nothing to go back to.

      that Capitalism is an unmitigated good.

      (Once again I can guarantee that this was NEVER taught in school.) – Nothing to go back to.

      Only YOU YellowTroll and your liberal fellow travelers believe in indoctrination. Your ilk has infected our schools because we thought that it would be good to have the poor educated and we left that to the state to implement. We are starting to regain our power and you will not be able to indoctrinate us anymore. Because we will know both sides of an issue and be able to make decisions for ourselves.

      Oh look. It’s yellow-troll again.


      At least when yellow-troll shows up, it presents the opportunity for the remainder of us to educate the readers in general as to why and how yellow-drool’s lies and intentional misstatements are wrong.

      Several of those items are completely correct, and yes, I do want them taught in schools. The rest not so much, but you know what, America was a far better place for practically everyone when those were its problems than it is now.

    TX-rifraph in reply to Rusty Bill. | April 1, 2018 at 11:16 am

    It is broken if its purpose is education. It is working if its purpose is leftist indoctrination. Truth in advertising would require it to be labeled as Public Indoctrination.

    Unknown3rdParty in reply to Rusty Bill. | April 2, 2018 at 12:00 pm

    Broken? Absolutely not! It’s doing _exactly_ what it was intended to do when it was originally implemented by its socialist-minded creators: employ Socialists as educators who would then move up the career ladder to control the curriculum, eventually allowing the government to dictate what gets taught to its captive subjects. And now, we’re simply seeing the fruits of its decades of anti-American efforts.

    And therein lies the problem.

    In order to go out into the world, students must understand the world as it really is, not as it’s imagined that it could be. IF you teach them correct principles, they’re well prepared to function in a society that respects those principles, and if you teach them false principles, they’re not prepared to function in any society, except to rabble rouse and incite and foment. And that is what we’re watching.

Rusty claims our educational system is fundamentally broken.

Yellow attempts to refute him but only provides an example of just how broken that system is.

The New Red Guard. We should be terrified, but we can’t stop laughing

    casualobserver in reply to Fen. | April 1, 2018 at 11:18 am

    Yellow demonstrates how simplistic and thoughtless the supporters of the current educational system can be. Their fundamental premise is usually resolved down to the idea of critical thinking. Yet their arguments almost always belie that principle. His words prove there is little interest in the system exploring both defensible as well as faulty thinking. It should only present the “approved” thinking. Little Rocket Man no doubt envies such an approach.

Teachers have been doing this type of thing for quite a while. I recall the Obama praise, mmmmm-mmm, that was to a religious level, and now you see this crap of making false claims of what Trump is looking to do. Indoctrination is being kind, it is as Hitler Youth were groomed to be against their parents, all for the state, as was the true meaning of it takes a village.

I hope this “teacher” loses her job. Enough is enough, and it needs to change, if it is not already too late.

Slightly off topic – I live in a very conservative suburb of Dallas. The school district was undergoing major new construction / expansion projects at all the middle and high schools in the district (without a corresponding increase in the student body).

I ran into the school board president at a social function (our daughters played on the same volleyball team).

I asked the school bond president why such much money was being spend on an unneeded project –

The response with some indignation –

“This bond money – not taxpayer money”

    That is often the problem. The administrators don’t see “bond” money as tax money, because it’s part of a “separate pot,” because the taxes collected for it are collected over the much longer period of time than a in-your-face tax hike for day-to-day spending.

What the hell is this teacher teaching? What class is this? Do they have subjects any more other than liberal politics and the teacher’s pedophilic needs?

“at one point, Benton surmised aloud that ‘Make America Great Again’ could be a precursor to ‘trying to bring back segregation.’”

Black Progressives are doing that all on their own.

The student is lucky it’s a one-party consent state for recordings. I still wouldn’t be surprised to learn she faces major repercussions from the school system.

    SDN in reply to JBourque. | April 1, 2018 at 8:43 pm

    Well, there have already been court decisions, even in two party states, that the public has the right to record public officials performing their duties. Is that teacher being paid by the taxpayers? Case closed.

For this assignment, you are writing a letter to the lawmakers of the United States … Your letter should contain at least five complete sentences. Make sure that you use proper grammatical skills when writing your letter.

Well, nothing wrong with that, particularly if these amateur letters (by non-voters!) are never actually mailed.

The purpose of this letter is to pressure lawmakers to have stricter gun laws in the United States.

Oopsies, there’s the problem. This isn’t a letter-writing exercise, this is Children’s Crusade propaganda. If the school is going to hire child labor to churn out propaganda, they should be paid something; otherwise it’s that old Democratic stand-by—slavery.

Is there some kind of law against inducting minors as slave labor for your activist movement?

And parents continue to send their children to government monopoly bureaucratic “public” schools.