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Connecticut, Massachusetts Shelve Assisted Suicide Bills

Connecticut, Massachusetts Shelve Assisted Suicide Bills

“This isn’t just a medical issue it’s a moral, cultural, and social issue”

Despite heavy lobbying by “right to die” groups, Massachusetts and Connecticut have decided not to pursue assisted suicide legislation.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Two of the most liberal states in the country killed off legislation that would have legalized assisted suicide.

Lawmakers in Massachusetts and Connecticut have shelved bills that would have allowed doctors to prescribe lethal medication to patients with terminal diagnoses. Activists, who prefer the term medical aid in dying, were hopeful that heavily Democratic majorities in both states would pass the bill, and Massachusetts, in particular, seemed receptive to assisted suicide after the state’s top medical association withdrew its opposition to the practice and pledged neutrality on the bill.

The Massachusetts Medical Society’s stance, however, inspired backlash from doctors across the state. Former society president Dr. Tom Sullivan joined physicians across the state in February to lobby lawmakers against legalization. He told the Washington Free Beacon he was “overjoyed” when he learned that lawmakers would table the bill.

. . . .  Dr. Sullivan, the former Massachusetts Medical Society president, said he is prepared to wage the battle again and plans on visiting the Rhode Island statehouse in the coming weeks as it weighs legalization. He said more must be done to ensure patients have access to palliative care and hospice care to ease suffering in a person’s final months.

“I know this is going to be a never-ending battle,” Sullivan said. “This isn’t just a medical issue it’s a moral, cultural, and social issue … We know this is another alarm call that we need to do more for people who are suffering and depressed that has led them to desire to end their own lives.”


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Well there is a surprise.

Yes, suicide is a great sin in Western society, but, unless another means is provided for those seeking a way out, gun sales will rise, any building over 5 stories will have to make certain that no one can approach the edge of the roof, and all municipalities will become responsible to assure that all “vista” locations and roadway overpasses are sufficiently protected to prevent such actions.

BradleyMTaas | April 2, 2018 at 1:08 pm

Yes you may like the concept of assisted suicide/euthanasia but the administration of the non-transparent laws in OR, WA, CA and CO brightly provide immunity for predators (corporations, strangers, caregivers, heirs, guardians…) to complete the killing all before the family knows. The safeguards are hollow and unenforceable .A simple reading of the laws confirms this to be true. I am not for that. Are you?? For more investigative reports mtaas org. Resisting saves lives everyday. Join the side you are on.

Yup. I’m for assisted suicide, but not like that. Too much opportunity for abuse.

My father died of cancer. The last 2 months were horrific. One night, I could hear him through his bedroom wall, gagging and coughing so violently and for so long that he would break down crying in despair. It got so bad I had you cover my ears because I did not want to have that memory of him. This went on for weeks until we met time requirements to get him into a hospital for hospice to end it mercifully.

His law partner gave the eulogy and was diagnosed with the same cancer about 6 months later. He and my father had been close, and he had witnessed everything my father went through. So before he got as bad, he chose to sit down with a bottle of bourbon and a shotgun. I don’t blame him, I’ll do the same if it comes up.

But there should be a more humane way.