CNN’s Jim Acosta Badgers Trump About DACA During White House Easter Egg Roll
“Didn’t you kill DACA, sir? Didn’t you kill DACA?”

The 140th annual White House Easter Egg Roll took place Monday morning. The egg roll is a tradition dating back to 1878.
During the Easter Egg Roll, The White House lawn is filled with children participating in various activities from coloring to bunny hopping.
An honor to host the Annual @WhiteHouse Easter Egg Roll!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 2, 2018
While Trump was coloring with his family and other children, CNN’s Jim Acosta used the close press pool opportunity to badger the president about DACA.
“Mr. President, what about the DACA kids? Should they worry about what’s going to happen to them, sir? Continuing, “Didn’t you kill DACA, sir? Didn’t you kill DACA?”
The Daily Caller’s Benny Johnson videoed Acosta:
Here’s Jim Acosta yelling at Trump about DACA while the president colors with Barron, Melania & children gathered at the White House
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) April 2, 2018
Naturally, other members of the press rushed to Acosta’s defense citing an incident during Obama’s tenure.
2018: The Daily Caller is very upset with the press for shouting questions at the president
2012: The Daily Caller interrupts a Rose Garden announcement by heckling the president
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) April 2, 2018
The national press lambasted The Daily Caller reporter for behaving this way. But it’s worth noting that the Rose Garden announcement they’re referencing was an immigration policy announcement, not a traditionally apolitical event specifically for children.
During Trump’s White House Tenure, Acosta has made a name for himself as one of the few pool reporters who repeatedly make themselves the story while simultaneously wearing out their victim card.
Sunday, Trump tweeted, “NO MORE DACA DEAL”. Congress has yet to concoct legislation to protect Dreamers and Democrats continue to use DACA as a bargaining chip rather than negotiating in earnest.
I blogged earlier:
Late last week, it was reported that a “caravan” of close to a thousand Central Americans were marching through Mexico and onward to the southern U.S. border. Their goal is “to cross our border by seeking asylum, crossing illegally, or by exploiting the ongoing “catch and release” policy,” Fuzzy Slippers blogged Sunday.
…When the Trump Administration announced the cancellation of DACA, they indicated they would support legislation that provided similar protections. A legislative deadline of March 5 was set. That deadline has come and gone and Congress has yet to act.
During the Omnibus Spending Bill press conference, Trump lashed out at Democrats for refusing to include DACA protections among the bill’s hodgepodge of provisions, accusing them of political posturing.

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So a clown came to the egg roll.
Jim Acosta #Me!
Was he in on this MSM Bashing also?
“They Hate Us”
Posted by V the K at 9:32 am – April 2, 2018.
Filed under: Liberal Dhimmitude
“NBC News celebrated Easter by publishing an editorial saying Christians are responsible for “white supremacy” and the KKK.”
via GayPatriot.
FROM NBC/MSM outlet started by a Russian!
“On Easter Sunday, Christians must remember how easily and often our faith is used to defend white supremacy”
Fake News – This is what mind control in the MSM looks like.
Notice how the scores and scores (it may be hundreds) of MSM – national and local – news readers are Literally speaking the same attack for gun control.
They’ll do it more. They can’t help themselves. Two example of their crazed narratives.
1. America is racist to its core.
When a white kid gets killed by a black guy it’s only a local story.
(I’ve got dozens of these “local stories” and generally I agree; it was a good shoot).
Black criminal, who was only WEEKS away from turning his life around, gets killed by a white guy. RAAAACIIIST!
A slight variation on this theme is that the Second n Amendment is only in the Constitution to defend slavery or something. Apparently, I’m afraid of black men with guns. Hello! What outfit did I join? The Navy has been kitting out (with a short interlude courtesy of that rat b@st@rd Woodrow Wilson) black men with guns for going on two centuries.
My current hero. Attention to citation.
I see a black man with a shotgun or M-14 and I think, “Great, maybe we can talk about hunting.” Or I might have more negative thoughts. If I’m heading into the 7-11. But they are the exact same negative thoughts I have about Estonians, at that point. I’ve gone hunting with black men. I’m a life member of the NRA. Not once has it come up in conversation, “You know it’s a good thing we have the Second Amendment to keep those Negroes down.”
Maybe because he’s wearing a suit. Dunno. Not feeling threatened by the black man with the rifle. If he were wearing jeans and a t-shirt I’m thinking my mind would work the same way. But feel free to analyze me.
Local stories bring us to point two.
2. DR. Gosnell was only a local story.
The leg humping MSM didn’t cover the story of the largest mass murderer in US history because it might have cast abortion in a bad light. Abortion is good!
Got that? If the baby survives and is squirming on a cold steel tray, it’s between the woman and her doctor if the child gets to live or die. You or me have no say in the matter.
Why is it fake news? Are you saying the story, reported here many times, is untrue? Isn’t this exactly what the AP, Reuters, UPI, and other news agencies all over the world have done for 100 years? I don’t get why anyone would be surprised that low budget local news shows do the same thing.
The observation that the news is fake is not new.
Are we certain that Jim Acosta is not working for the Trump campaign? Because if I ran an op to garner sympathy for my client and make his enemies look like jackasses, this would be it.
what about the DACA kids? Should they worry about what’s going to happen to them, sir?
They’re living illegally in somebody else’s country.
They should worry.
They haven’t worried so far.
Evidently they’re just pleased as punch to be the Democrats new slaves………..
Acosta needs to STFU. Or have someone help him do it.
I’m in favor of someone offering assistance!
Acosta reminds me of the movie Shrek(1) when Donkey jumps up and down yelling “Pick me! Pick me!”
They should revoke his press credentials.
Jim Acosta’s manners are poor, and so the Trump press secretaries have refused to take him seriously. He seems to be under the impression that he has no other recourse than to double down on the bad behavior. That strategy might have won, with a different administration.
Elective abortion? No. The anti-native activists in America, Mexico, etc. exposed Americans and aliens to immediate, imminent, and even progressive risk.
A good percentage of the DACA “kids” are no longer kids – they’re grown adults, old enough to realize they’re in the wrong, make amends, and go back home to make a positive difference in their own countries.