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Will Higher Education Fracture Under the Weight of Progressivism?

Will Higher Education Fracture Under the Weight of Progressivism?

“we’re already seeing the beginnings of a de facto divorce of universities”

Steven Hayward of Powerline is making a credible prediction about the future of higher education. He suggests that colleges and universities will eventually divide under the weight of left wing influence. Here’s part of his recent post:

I’ve been predicting, most recently in a lecture last month at Arizona State University that I’ll post up as a podcast at some point soon, that universities would soon begin to divide into two entities—the STEM fields and related practical subjects (i.e., business and economics), and the social sciences and humanities, which would start to shrivel under the weight of the degradations the left has inflicted over the last 40 years. The number of students majoring in the humanities has declined by two-thirds since around 1980.

Here’s part of what I said at Arizona State:

I think we’re already seeing the beginnings of a de facto divorce of universities, in which the STEM fields and other “practical” disciplines essentially split off from the humanities and social sciences, not to mention the more politicized departments.

At this rate eventually many of our leading research universities will bifurcate into marginal fever swamps of radicalism whose majors will be unfit for employment at Starbucks, and a larger campus dedicated to science and technology education.

Hat tip to Instapundit.


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He’s partly right but the SJWs are working hard to contaminate even the hard sciences. Their success would make any division moot.

The problem is not confined to the professors and students; there’s also the leftist administrators to consider. As long as they remain in their positions, it won’t matter of the universities split STEM/humanities. Also, the next generation or two of professors have already been contaminated by leftist indoctrination.

pablo panadero | March 19, 2018 at 4:32 pm

Simple solution: student loans are granted by the universities who then are then responsiible for getting the loans repaid by the student/graduate. If they don’t produce graduates that can pay back the loans, they either shut down from lack of funds or find a sugar daddy (Soros) to keep them afloat.

Ought to be an interesting fight over who pays how much of the various fees: student fees, sports fees, library fees, campus services, etc. If the STEM folks don’t need to run to counselling and safe spaces halfway through every class, why should they pay for such things?

Umm..totally yes! every day everything is changing) and that’s ok. If your children are shocked you can calm them down and let to help them. Don’t be stressed out)