Trump Signs Omnibus Spending Bill, Makes Clear He’s Unhappy
“I say to Congress — I will never sign another bill like this again.”
Friday, Trump will hold a press conference on the rotten Omnibus spending bill. The press conference is expected to start at 1:00 PM ET.
Watch here:
Mary covered the bill at length here.
As Sen. Rand Paul described it, the bill is ‘rotten’. Every bit of it. Drafted in the dark of night, more than 2,000 pages were given to legislators with less than a day to pilfer through the spending spree before voting on it.
Disappointingly, the Republican Congress passed the bill and Trump is expected to sign it Friday afternoon, though he’d threatened to veto the bill earlier.
Disgrace indeed.
Highlights from the bill signing:
Pres. Trump says "we're going to get on to this ridiculous situation that took place over the last week," ahead of his expected signing of omnibus bill
— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 23, 2018
"Tell me who can read that quickly," says Pres, pointing to 2,200-page Omnibus Spending Bill.,
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) March 23, 2018
Pres. Trump: "I say to Congress, I will never sign another bill like this again. I'm not going to do it again. Nobody read it. It's only hours old."
— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 23, 2018
"I have signed this omnibus budget deal…but we were in a sense forced if we want to have our military" to sign it, Trump says, but he won't do it again
— Jessica Taylor (@JessicaTaylor) March 23, 2018
“We wanted to include DACA, we wanted to have them in this bill…the Democrats would not do it.” – Trump on Omnibus.
— Kemberlee Kaye (@KemberleeKaye) March 23, 2018
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We need a requirement that the final form of any legislation be read aloud on the floor of the legislative body before it can be voted upon. No more of these “pass it to find what’s in it” garbage scow bills.
by those who wrote and supported the parts – let a light shine and watch the vermin scatter!
You’re a little late. And besides, who do you think is going to pass this bill? McConnell?
Does anyone know where I can find out which senators voted for this mess?
My representative voted against it. We’ve already written him to say thanks.
Here: The HOT MIC
Which has, as I quote:
“Senate roll of honor for opposing omnibus.
When I saw the bill passed the Senate, I feared the worst — that conservative heroes like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton, or Cory Gardner had abandoned their principles. Here’s the roll on the vote.
Remember these honored names:
Sen.s Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), David Perdue (R-Ga.), Mike Barasso (R-Wy.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Mike Crapo (R-Id.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Mike Enzi (R-Wy.), Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), James Lankford (R-Okla.), James Risch (R-Idaho), EVEN JEFF FLAKE (R-Ariz.) voted against it.
Meanwhile, Republican sellouts:
Sen.s: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), John Boozman (R-Ark.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.), Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Dean Heller (R-Nev.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), John Thune (R-S.D.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Todd Young (R-Ind.).”
By the way, Lisa Murkowski lost the Republican Primary for Senator, and ran as an Independent. Why does she have a seat in the Republican Caucus, or any responsibilities? Just asking for a friend.
Because “Lisa!” is a feminist RINO and Alaska has an addiction for Leftist politicians. Alaskans have lived off of government and from it royalties through the hard work of others (Pipeline companies). Lisa! is Establishment.
Because she won the election. Why should she not be in the GOP caucus, if she wants to be and they want her? Why do you think it matters what label was next to her name on the ballot?
BTW you are aware, aren’t you, that Sanders and King are in the Dem caucus? Same story: they want to be there, and the Dems are happy to have them, so they’re there.
She ran as an independent, nota Republican. She is supposed to lose her seniority with that move.
In other words, all the usual suspects.
Just remember people: Mitt Romney is inevitable, so don’t even think about not voting to put another squish in the Senate.
pjmedia hot takes
Senate roll of honor for opposing omnibus.
When I saw the bill passed the Senate, I feared the worst — that conservative heroes like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton, or Cory Gardner had abandoned their principles. Here’s the roll on the vote.
Remember these honored names:
Sen.s Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), David Perdue (R-Ga.), Mike Barasso (R-Wy.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Mike Crapo (R-Id.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Mike Enzi (R-Wy.), Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), James Lankford (R-Okla.), James Risch (R-Idaho), EVEN JEFF FLAKE (R-Ariz.) voted against it.
Meanwhile, Republican sellouts:
Sen.s: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), John Boozman (R-Ark.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.), Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Dean Heller (R-Nev.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), John Thune (R-S.D.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Todd Young (R-Ind.).
Many of the sellouts rightly received primary challenges when they were last up for election. Surprising disappointments from Rubio, Inofe, and Scott. Let’s hope they come to their senses.
Limbaugh pointed out that this bill is designed to separate Trump from his supporters. No joke… this could be a major turning point considering what is in this bill.
He signed and he is right… it will never happen again. It doesn’t have to happen again…the damage is done to both him and the country.
In addition, he’s now established that given certain circumstances he will sign, even a very bad bill. Who’s playing who in this game?
“N-dimensional chess,” my ass.
I am done. I have marched, voted, called, written and everything else we have been told to do, and they still ignore us. They can take my vote and shove it.
How many times in how many elections have sentiments such as yours been uttered, only to be repeated again and again. To think of the hopes that people have had and to see them dashed by the one person we were relying upon to bring them to a reality.
Not one person. The Congress. I live in NJ, so my vote really doesn’t count in Liberal land anyways. BUT…I have done everything they have asked AND Donated to the Republicans. Never again. They have to EARN my vote, and my trust. They lost it.
The “one person” being Trump. We got snookered, once again. The one person upon whom many of us were relying to prevent this was Trump. Well, he threatens “veto” and then proceeds to roll over, rather quickly at that.
It will be interesting to see who tries to take out the Manhattan Democrat in the 2020 GOP primaries.
We are like a rudderless ship heading for the falls. It’s sad, really. I already live in a People’s Republic-type state. But even if I didn’t, what’s the point of voting?
He’s now a one termer!
No one seems to give any thought to what lies between now and the elections. We have Korea, Iran, Mueller, OIG report, and the economy. None of which favor the democrats. Not to mention DACA and immigration.
Trump has stated that he has spent this past year learning. Learning what? How to yield to the swamp? They played him and he’s as much said, “Well, okay, but don’t do it again.”
Putz he is. The damage has already been done. People have been hanging in with him, despite all the stress and manure of this past year. When it comes to delivering on this
critical juncture, he seems to be more like what he claimed he was going to drain. Frankly, I don’t think he can exonerate himself, at least not with me.
This budget will expire just before the midterm elections.
I’m about to do what I never thought I’d do, find a 3rd-party alternative. I don’t see a whit’s bit of difference between democrat and republicans now.
That may be the most ridiculous statements Trump has ever made.
Just when you think he’s pulling it together “Mr I want everyone to like me and I am a stooge of Ryan’s and the turtle”, comes out.
I’m sure there are those who quite willing to say, “I told you so.” Well, yes. However, now what?
“Now what?”
Start by realizing the truth: half the GOP is irredeemably corrupt. They are the ones who control the party. Vote against them and everything they support, at every turn. DO NOT vote for their candidates, and if Mitch McConnell endorses someone in a race, run from them.
Dictatorships are in reality power structures. Getting rid of the figurehead is ineffective; you must dismantle the institution.
Get rid of McConnell in 2020, but in the meantime you must get rid of his cronies.
You’ve got a fresh list of them.
Sounds like what we’ve been through lo’ these many past elections.
Flip the Turtle over and a richly paid for Red Chinese tattoo is there.
Trump won’t be signing another bill like this again even though the Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schemer will be sending it to him.
“Fool me once…”
“Fool me once…”
Said Trump or the Trump voter?
What makes you think this? What evidence do you have that Trump would ever veto any bill that makes it to his desk?
Time will tell. The end of September we’ll have a chance to see if he means it. He has only the choice to sign or not sign, depending on what Congress sends him. My Senator, John Cornyn, has staffers bemoaning the lack of regular order, but he signed without a fight. September comes before the mid-term elections.
Good point.
Show us the lower taxes. Show us the revenue. Otherwise, curb your consumption and redistribution.
Revitalization. Rehabilitation. Reconciliation.
DJT is 1 and done – unless a MIRACLE occurs –
Passover is next week — so, Pray for our once great nation.
If his base evaporates, which seems to have happened after this disaster, he has no chance of even making it to the next election.
It is only the authority granted by 55 million of our votes that keeps him in Washington D.C., he has no institutional support anywhere. If we abandon him, so will his power.
I no longer care about national politics. And it definitely no longer cares about me.
Just words. Just speeches.
“I say to Congress — I will never sign another bill like this again.”
But why did sign this one?
Some of you uppity conservatives have still not gotten with the Republican program. Y’all need some continuing re-education until you’re completely comfortable with being abused. It’s always the NEXT session, the NEXT deal, the NEXT election. Beat your head against the wall until it doesn’t hurt anymore.
Well, you know, they just need a supermajority in the Senate in addition to controlling the House and White House.
If they ever chanced to get one, their talk would instantly turn to protecting our majority and not wasting our political capital. As Mark Steyn puts it, no hill is ever the right one to die on for these sad sacks.
It is apparent that they already have a supermajority of Democrats and GOPe to work against the country. Deal with it.
The only public comment that Trump made about the future of young people was with respect to illegal aliens that invaded and colonized this country. He may be trying to push the DACA game to fragment the other side, but he needs to worry about keeping the people on his side together. That bill screws all American citizens, but the young citizens are getting screwed worse.
Today was a perfect chance for Trump to be Trump. He has flipped the tables on both parties before. Why the change of heart now? He could have got to the ceremonial signing and vetoed it to everybody’s surprise on national television and called out Congress for the snakes they are. Wouldn’t have surprised me one bit if he did that. But now, he owns this omnibus the same way Ryan does and the same way Boehner used to and the same way Pelosi used to before him.
“Why the change of heart now?”
I’ve been trying to warn about this for a year. When Trump endorsed McCain in 2016, it was obvious he had made a deal with the GOPe. That idea was reinforced when he endorsed Luther Strange, and again when he endorsed Romney.
Trump may not be completely owned by McConnell, be he acts like the junior partner in the deal.
In 2016, the GOPe backed the lesser of two evils from their perspective (Trump vs Cruz), in the hopes that they could corrupt Trump or control him. They were correct, and they succeeded.
Trump’s time in NY accustomed him to dealing with corruption. Now it’s come back to bite him.
“I say to Congress — I will never sign another bill like this again.”
Trump is correct, because this guarantees the GOP will lose control of Congress and then Trump will be impeached.
Yawn….does anyone care how many rinos voted to pass this bill? They are the enemy.
Republican controlled House, Senate, President delivers on all Democrat spending. Why not vote for Democrats next election?
Does Trump even know that it is normal for the president to submit his own budget? Things have been so abnormal for so long it seems that the most basics are neglected. Trump is so out of the loop that he doesn’t even know he is supposed to be the beginning of the loop. Are there no competent advisors around? No one who even knows how the office of the president is SUPPOSED to function?
May be normal. Don’t know when it started. What it is not is a duty of the President under the Constitution. All revenue bills originate in the House, that’s what’s there.
Let me be perfectly clear. The Speaker of the House (R) and the Senate Majority Leader (R) set the agenda and schedule the votes.
This vote was scheduled right before the House and Senate adjourned and fled to the far corners of the country where it would be nearly impossible to bring them back. This was done *intentionally* or as I might more correctly say, done to hold the country hostage against the President’s veto.
Yes, hostage.
This will continue as long as the Senate puts together these giant hog-strangling balls of crap. The President needs to really put his foot down and insist that the Legislative branch complete the 12-14 budgets by the beginning of the Fiscal Year (Oct 1) or he will refuse to sign any omnibus like this. Period.
The House did its job. It sent the 12 budgets up to the Senate long ago. Mitch screwed up.
If he truly was unhappy he wouldn’t have signed.
Actions speak louder than words Mr. President. If you threaten that you won’t sign another bill like this piece of crap, then why the hell did you sign this one?
I have zero faith left in the republican party. At least the Democrats are corrupt and now open about it. What the hell is the sense in voting anymore? Honestly, we get the same crap from both of these anti-American parties, so why bother?
“This was done *intentionally* or as I might more correctly say, done to hold the country hostage against the President’s veto.”
There is no reason McConnell, Ryan, Schumer, Pelosi and their political parties should change anything; they have exactly what they want.
They have only a bill…which of course doesn’t guarantee the money HAS to be spent. Of corse if this was a budget then this would be a very different kettle of black fish.
This is a 6 month omnibus spending bill. The elections are in November. By November, no one will remember this. Especially since it all has to be done again in September- JUST before the election.
Between now and then, if and when the IG report ever comes out with the load of indictments following, as many believe will happen, things will change. Nobody knows what the IG report will say. Nothing has leaked from it. Sessions has revealed the existence of prosecutors outside the DC swamp looking at DC goings on. I’m willing to be a little more patient.
And let’s not forget DACA. Apparently on the oh so important issue now before the courts, congress did nothing. While it’s something that shouldn’t even be in court, since it was established by executive order and can therefore be canceled by same, the fact that it was ignored by congress strengthens Trump’s position that he’s not bound forever by a previous dictator’s- uh- president’s position. What’s done with a pen can be undone with a pen.
You may have missed that Duh Donald is to the LEFT of Barracula on DACA.
Listen to some of you whining little bitches whine! HAHAHAHAHHAAA.
Yeah go on then, don’t vote in the mid terms and next Presidential elections and see what you get in return? I can tell you bitches now that you WONT get an accountable Government if the Democrats take over.
What you will get is 24/7/365 BLMATIFAWHITESARERACIST! But hey, at least you didn’t vote to oppose Democrats right!
You want these RINO’s fickwits held accountable then get out there and VOTE for true conservatives! Work to get TRUE conservatives in to Government! But no, you cry baby living at home little fucking fucks while just sit at your keyboards bitching about who Trump abandoned you and gave everything to the Democrats!
As I keep telling my eye-ranian friends, you get the Government you deserve and if you dumb fucks are dumb fuckery enough to get Democrats elected in to control then you thoroughly deserve EVERYTHING that will be coming your way (think South Africa on steroids because there will be much payback to be had!).
Listen to some of you whining little bitches whine! HAHAHAHAHHAAA.
Yeah go on then, don’t vote in the mid terms and next Presidential elections and see what you get in return? I can tell you bitches now that you WONT get an accountable Government if the Democrats take over.
What you will get is 24/7/365 BLMATIFAWHITESARERACIST! But hey, at least you didn’t vote to oppose Democrats right!
You want these RINO fickwits held accountable then get out there and VOTE for true conservatives! Work to get TRUE conservatives in to Government at all levels!!! But no, you cry baby living at home little fucking fuck bitches will just sit at your keyboards bitching about how Trump abandoned you and gave everything to the Democrats while mommy makes you dinner you poor precious rose petal!
As I keep telling my eye-ranian friends, you get the Government you deserve and if you dumb fucks are dumb fuckery enough to get Democrats elected in to control then you thoroughly deserve EVERYTHING that will be coming your way (think South Africa on steroids because there will be much payback to be had!).
Donald lame Duck
By running budget negotiations down to the wire again and then dumping everything into one omnibus bill, republicrats in the majority backed Trump up to a government shutdown wall; ensuring he had no alternative short of shutting down the government over signing or vetoing that gargantuan bill. Did Trump sign it? Yes. Did he honestly have a choice? Not really. There would have been a bipartisan skewering of him if he had not.
Also, concerning a veto override congress could have done to avoid a shutdown if Trump had stood alone by his principles: although the votes were there for a veto override during the main vote, I’m not sure the democrats wouldn’t have pulled back just enough votes initially to keep a veto override from succeeding; leaving the republicrats holding the bag for the start of a government shutdown. They have become so easily played I could easily see them being punked again.
Reagan…and IIRC even Carter…shut the government down.
They won.
This is a different world. The Establishment not only opposes him but is actively sabotaging him so that he will get impeached. They will screw the country not even to necessarily get one of their own in, but Trump out. A Hillary presidency at the same point now would be where? Trump was not behind this. I wish he had gone further with a fight. I wish he had only one marriage with no women baggage. I wish a bunch of things. He didn’t back down to benefit himself. His DACA plan was not stand alone but was a negotiating tool.
Look at some of the signs from the march today. “Arms are used for hugs.” The youth vote is going to be strong for the graduating class of 2018. Hopefully, youth from both sides will participate. We could do worse than Trump.
We very nearly did do worse the Trump! Thank god for normal, every day Americans and thank God for Democrats running an unelectable candidate!!!
I was the first commenter on this issue but since it was unflattering to Mary it got dropped. First time for me. Any others had this problem?
Trump, seriously? That is about as effective as wagging your finger at them.
Vetoing the bill would have sent the proper message.