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UW Madison to Allow Hormone Therapy Without Doctor Consent

UW Madison to Allow Hormone Therapy Without Doctor Consent

“meant to eliminate barriers to care for transgender persons”

No medical or psychological professional needs to provide written consent?

The Daily Caller reports:

UW-Madison To Let Transgender People Get Hormone Therapy Without Doctor Consent

The University of Wisconsin-Madison will let anyone who wants to undergo gender reassignment treatment to do so without the consent of a therapist or counselor.

At most public universities, and indeed at almost any medical facility, persons wanting to undergo hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery must talk to a therapist, counselor or medical professional to receive consent prior to moving forward with treatment. But UW-Madison is changing that policy to let students bypass those normal requirements, according to Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR).

Students wanting to transition will need only to work with their doctor and don’t have to receive written consent from a counselor or go through UW-Madison’s Gender Identity Consultation program.

UHS associate counselor Shannon Juniper Neimeko says the change is meant to eliminate barriers to care for transgender persons. “What we’re trying to pay attention to and work to resolve, is that trans health care has different requirements for access than care for cis(gender) folks,” she said, WPR reports. Neimeko noted the changes should take effect by May.


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Why is it that when I read “eliminate barriers to care” I instead see “to streamline and facilitate our billing process.” For those who haven’t seen it, the classic UK comedy series “Yes, Minister” features a character named Sir Humphrey Appleby who is the king of doublespeak. I always run stuff through my “Sir Humphrey” filter to figure out what is really being said.

Seriously, this show will change how one views the world, in a much better way.

    Gremlin1974 in reply to MajorWood. | March 12, 2018 at 2:10 am

    Actually what I hear is “we have decided to break the law and provide prescription medication without a physician’s consent”.

    Now how they are gonna get away with that, I don’t know.