Utah Lawmakers Make Hilariously Horrible Rap Video Explaining How a Bill Becomes Law
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Utah Lawmakers Make Hilariously Horrible Rap Video Explaining How a Bill Becomes Law

Utah Lawmakers Make Hilariously Horrible Rap Video Explaining How a Bill Becomes Law

You won’t forget this one


This made its way into my feed and I selfishly decided I would not suffer in solitude, thus this post.

Wednesday morning, Utah’s House of Representatives tweeted a music video explaining how a bill becomes law.

The bastard child of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song and School House Rock’s, “I’m just a bill“, “Fresh Prints of Bill Here” is painfully cringe-worthy, but cute and endearing in the way your Grandma misuses a completely random pop culture reference.

If you’re not triggered by memories of your 16-year-old self mortified or struck with giggle fits watching your parents try their hand at the whole “being cool” thing, then I’m not sure you can fully appreciate the awkwardness that lies ahead.

See for yourself:

That closing scene though:


Forgetting that they’ve used a song from the 90s as a hip, vogue, or otherwise rad canvas, we can safely confirm Utah’s lawmakers may be skilled at representing their constituents, but there is not a single beat of rhythm to be found in that entire House.

Since we’re talking about it, I suppose it’s a success on some level, right?

Relatedly, I’ll never look at the Fresh Prince theme song the same again.


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Mormon Tabernacle Choir cover of In Da Godda Da Vida.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 1, 2018 at 5:32 pm

SNL did it best in their take on “I’m Just a Bill”.


The Simpsons explain it better (especially with the drinkin’, the physical fightin’, and the overall sneakiness),


Now if you want a constitutional amendment, well, the Simpsons address that one too,


Can’t do it – I only lasted 47 seconds. Give me Schoolhouse Rock anytime.

Oh my GOSH!!! That’s stupendously awful!!

This is so going on Facebook.

Schoolhouse Rock, from the Private Industry side…
Out-classed them by 20 levels.
And, they were accurate.

I expect the rap to suck, that would be the entire point; no one thinks that Epic Rap Battles of History are good raps but the production values are hideous. Bad editing, bad sound quality – the opening graphic wasn’t even overlaid with proper transparency. This thing should be taught in classes on video production as an example of what not to do.

Apparently “White Men Can’t Jump” has a sequel.

Am glad I read the comments…………..thus avoiding listening to it. Thanks to all who posted!