Parkland Students Arrested for Bringing Weapons on Campus, Deputy Suspended for Sleeping on the Job
Shooter’s brother arrested Monday

What in the world is going on at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School?
Tuesday, two students were arrested for bringing weapons to school (one brought a knife, the other brought a razor), a third was arrested for making threats on Snapchat, and a Broward County deputy assigned to patrol the high school was busted sleeping in his patrol car when the brother of the Parkland shooter was trespassing on school property. The officer was suspended with pay.
Local news reports:
Two students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have been arrested for bringing weapons on the school campus, the Broward Sheriff’s Office says, while a third is accused of making a threat on social media.
Arrest reports from BSO say two students brought knives on campus. A third student is now getting treatment under the Baker Act after being arrested for making a threat on Snapchat, showing a gun and bullets.
BSO also said a deputy assigned to patrol the school has been suspended with pay after a sergeant spotted him sleeping inside his patrol car. Deputy Moises Carotti was on duty Monday afternoon just after 5 p.m. when a student told a BSO sergeant that Carotti appeared to be asleep in his car while he was supposed to be monitoring the perimeter of the 1200 building.
Monday evening, Zachary Cruz, brother of admitted Parkland shooter who murdered 17 people, made his way beyond locked gates to skateboard on school property. Reportedly, Cruz had been asked to stay away from the campus. When deputies caught up with him, Cruz explained he wanted to “reflect on the school shooting and soak it in.”
Cruz was skateboarding around campus while the designated Broward County deputy snoozed in his patrol car, say Stoneman Douglas students.
Monday, bond was set at $25 and Cruz was scheduled to appear in court Tuesday. When he arrived in court Tuesday, the judge raised his bond to $500,000. This is Cruz’s third trespassing offense, according to local news.
The brother of admitted Stoneman Douglas shooter Nikolas Cruz has been arrested for trespassing on the school’s campus, the Broward Sheriff’s Office said.
Zachary Cruz, 18, reportedly rode his skateboard through the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School campus on Monday afternoon, getting past locked gates.
According to the arrest report, Zachary Cruz told deputies he wanted to “reflect on the school shooting and soak it in.” Deputies said officials had previously warned him to stay away from the school.
Deputies said Cruz “surpassed all locked doors and gates and proceeded to ride his skateboard through school grounds.” The incident was captured on security cameras on campus.
All of this is strange enough without the repeated failures of law enforcement and everyone that crossed the shooter’s path before and during the bloody massacre that left 17 people dead. We’ve covered this story extensively here.
Get it together, Broward County.

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A half million dollar bond for trespassing?
Are we getting all the facts?
Or are they punishing one brother for the crimes of the other?
I go with #3 with punitive bail for insensitivity. Skateboarders can be obnoxious and in this case clueless… BUT… in the slammer for this? The Cruz’s can’t embarrass Broward County Sheriff now.
The Broward County Sheriff does not need anyone’s help to embarrass himself. He is very proficient at it.
If thou and thy sand could avoid being whipped into a emotionally oversensitized frantic be-lathering, a chaffing and paint lifting sandstorm of overreaction, and instead seek out a perspective longer than 30 seconds and the last two days, as short and long, why then these events would be seen as teh utterly normal thing they are.
Watchmen, even good ones, that is to say nearly all of them, have fallen asleep on the job since time immemorial. The watch is a boring job!
And boys love “weapons”,, it is innate in the male genes. Boys brings weapons to school all the time. Do you think that the metal detectors stop that? Horrible if it did, to be sure. What a mockery of good order they are when used! They scream no one is to be trusted, and that all must comply and be subordinate. Subordinate like battered wife and horribly beaten children.
Not at all healthy for a society.
Really? You might have a point if he had just fallen asleep, but he managed to fall asleep while Cruz’s brother, who has some baggage of his own, “surpassed all locked doors and gates and proceeded to ride his skateboard through school grounds.”
What were the odds? It’s like being on watch and hitting an iceberg 3 miles high and 10 miles wide.
So they missed the guy with the flashing neon sign saying, “I’m going to shoot up the school”, and they missed his brother who has the baggage, but rest assured, they got the kid with the Boy Scout knife. Woo Hoo. They are so on it!!
Unfreaking real. Why does this guy still hold office???!!
Because it’s BRoward County. And, apparently, the locals have been drugged into subservience.
For falling asleep while on duty the deputy gets suspended with pay? Isn’t that called a paid vacation?
Watchmen, even good ones, that is to say nearly all of them, have fallen asleep on the job since time immemorial. The watch is a boring job!
No, falling asleep on watch is a huge problem. Good watchmen do not fall asleep on watch.
What a cluster farce. The sheriff needs to go.
Wherever the Muslim Brotherhood holds sway, inexplicable things happen. It’s probably a strategy for them.
Again I ask, what normal parent who lost a child because of the incompetents and/or conspirators who run law enforcement from the FBI down to the Sheriff wouldn’t be driving his car through the front door of City Hall over this?
Can’t imagine any parent sending their child to this school any time soon.
So it looks like the New Jersey transplants have completely taken over the county.
It’s easy to picture the deputy thinking, “They already had one school shooting here. What are the odds anything else is going to happen? Think I”ll just relax and enjoy the sun ………”
He thought he had been assigned an easy post. Now, he has to be wondering if he’s going to be terminated for that foolish thought.
Hopefully, he will be terminated, immediately after the idiot sheriff.
No coincidence that this dysfunctional part of Florida is deep blue.
Blame the NRA. If it wasn’t for then, skateboarding wouldn’t be allowed.
Threaten to kill everyone in a school – nothing done. Ride a skateboard and you are thrown in jail.
To be fair, it was a bit more than just “skateboard riding.”
Amazing leadership.
Thank God for the students. If not for them the students with the weapons would never have been found out. But, just think what could have happened if these two knives were high capacity firearms and the possessors intended to use them against other students. Over a MONTH after the shooting a MSDHS and there is still NO security at the campus. This like refusing to install smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in a building after a major fire breaks out.
Let’s all stick our fingers into our ears and sing la-la-la-la-la. Maybe nothing bad will happen.
UPDATE: Zachary Cruz talked about setting up a fan club for his brother, Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz, prosecutors say:
The media has more to answer for here than the NRA does. In all these sorts of cases.
sorry, the link didn’t come across right:
Well, since the NRA has nothing to answer for, that’s a no-brainer.
But publishing the names of mass shooters should be banned. Well, not really, since I actually do believe in the constitution, but such a ban should be proposed and openly discussed. I would seriously like to see a bill introduced into Congress to that effect. Nothing in the constitution says “Congrefs shall confider no law”. So long as it doesn’t pass, Congress has every right to consider and debate it, hold hearings and discuss the pros and cons, and in general bring this into public consciousness. Let people understand that the first amendment is just as vulnerable to such analysis as the second.
Then introduce a bill to allow people to be locked up if they show signs of potentially being mass shooters. To relax the rules of evidence, deny them bail, legal counsel, etc. The fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments deserve no more consideration than the second, after all.
Finally say “sorry, much as all these measures would undoubtedly save lives, the Bill of Rights is more important. All of it.”
If name redaction is a violation of the first amendment, then we have been doing that for a long long time.
This pattern of systemic failure is a direct result of poor leadership. They need to fire all the superiors in the Sheriff’s Office.
If the position is elected, then the state legislature needs to convene and change the position to an appointment that falls under the supervision of the relevant state agency that can fire them for incompetence.
About the position of Sheriff, in Florida.
First, a Sheriff, in Florida, is a Constitutional Officer. That means that the position is outlined in the state Constitution. To change it, the constitution has to be amended. This has happened once in Florida, with the position of Sheriff of Dade County [now Miami-Dade County] being eliminated and his duties being assumed by an appointed Public Safety Director answerable to the County Commission. So, the legislature has no authority to change the Office of Sheriff in any way. The Governor and Cabinet can suspend a sitting Sheriff for a variety of reasons, including gross negligence or extreme incompetence. The Sheriff can also be recalled by the voters of the county. As to placing a county Sheriff’s office under other elected officials, this does nothing but spread the elected incompetence around.
Another thing. Any incorporated municipality in Broward County, including the City of Parkland, can have its own, independent police department. But, police departments are expensive to operate and the liability issues can be daunting. For this reason, a majority of the municipalities in Broward County contract with the Broward Sheriff for police services.
It’s just gotten weirder, as if that were possible: the suspect’s adopted mother/guardian just held a tearful press conference with her attorney, Gloria Allred.
Review the narrative on this from the day of the event. One thing is certain: it’s bullshit.
WTH?! Maybe the other shooting (where an armed guard saved the day), the bomber and the knife attacks interfered with their narrative and they needed something to redirect it back to their blockbuster media roll out.
While not so blase as bvw, there is a sane explanation.
Both the school and the sheriff’s department dropped the ball before the shooting in obvious and embarrassing ways. Recall that one of the issues this area faced was the concious decision to not arrest trouble-makers, so as to keep the numbers looking good.
I suspect that -pre-shooting- bringing a knife to class and troublesome statements on social media were ignored. I cite the example of Cruz as evidence. Now that both the school and the justice system (not just the police) have been embarrassed, they have motivation to over-react, hence the quick punishment for carrying a 2-inch blade knife. They will likely crack down for a while on student offenders to protect their jobs. Once things have cooled off, the kabuki will no doubt continue, and ignoring 4 sdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddlawbreakers will resume sway.
The 9-inch knife can legitimately be considered a weapon, and threats on social media should be taken seriously, or at least investigated. So the school wasted no time in showing they’re by-golly on top of things now.
As for the increase in bail for trespassing, note that it’s the shooter’s brother, who has been asked to stay off school property. I don’t doubt the judge upped the bail to keep the kid on ice for a while. The last thing they need is another “how did we miss this?” scandal.
I knew I was sleepy, but damn. Please ignore the line of “d”s. 😉
Sounds like a regular goat roping going on there.