CA Teacher Placed on Leave After Asking if School Would Allow Student Walkout Over Abortion

Schools all over the country allowed students to participate in walkouts to protest and demand gun control. But what would happen if students wanted to stage a walkout to protest something like abortion? Would the politics of such a demonstration be equally accepted?

California high school teacher Julianne Benzel posed this question to her class. Now she has been placed on leave.

Jessica Chasmar reports at the Washington Times:

Calif. teacher on leave after questioning whether schools would support pro-life walkoutA California high school teacher was placed on paid administrative leave this week after she pointed out an apparent double standard surrounding Wednesday’s national school walkout against gun violence…The majority of schools nationwide agreed not to punish the students participating in the walkout and some even made certain accommodations in support of their efforts.Julianne Benzel, a history teacher at Rocklin High School in Rocklin, told a local CBS affiliate that she discussed the walkout with students in her class last week and questioned whether schools would be just as supportive of students protesting against abortion.“I just kind of used the example, which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time — a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?” she said.

CBS Sacramento has more:

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” said Julianne Benzel.Benzel says she never discouraged her students from participating in the national school walk out, but she did question whether it’s appropriate for a school to support a protest against gun violence if they’re not willing to support all protests.

Here’s the related video report:

Ms. Benzel asked a perfectly valid question. We all know the answer though, don’t we?

This entire movement has been one sided and pushed by liberal media outlets which just can’t seem to get enough of putting high school kids on the air to call the NRA child murderers.

DNC chair Tom Perez even let the mask slip in a recent interview. When asked who is the leader of the Democratic Party, the student activists were the first people he named.

Cameron Cawthorne reported at the Washington Free Beacon:

Perez: High School Students Marching Against Gun Violence, Female Resistance Activists Lead Democratic PartyFox News host Bret Baier asked Perez to name the leader of the Democratic Party, prompting Perez to list several groups of people, but never naming any specific leaders.”I think there are many leaders in the Democratic Party. I think those young people today who were marching all over this country are incredible leaders,” Perez said. “I think women who have been leading the resistance have been remarkable leaders and I think there are mayors, governors, folks here in Congress. That’s why I’m so excited about where we are going. Those folks are leading.”

What a telling response.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: California, Education