Britain’s ‘Worst Ever’ Child Grooming Scandal: Up to 1,000 Girls Raped, Sold for Sex
“The worst moment came just after my 16th birthday when I was drugged and gang raped by five men.”

The Sunday Mirror blew open ANOTHER child sex abuse ring in Britain. This 18-month investigation found up to 1,000 girls, as young as 11, raped, sold for sex, and even killed for over 40 years in Telford, located 146 miles southeast of London.
The Mirror reported:
- Social workers knew of abuse in the 1990s but police took a decade to launch a probe
- Council staff viewed abused and trafficked children as “prostitutes” instead of victims, according to previously unseen files
- Authorities failed to keep details of abusers from Asian communities for fear of “racism”
- Police failed to investigate one recent case five times until an MP intervened
- One victim said cops tried to stop her finding out why her abusers had not been prosecuted because they feared she would talk to us
Police conducted an inquiry into child prostitution called Operation Chalice, which led to imprisonment of seven men in 2013. A report from the local Telford and Wreckin Council that same year said that “[F]rom the late 1990s professionals had concerns about the nature of some of the child sexual abuse cases presented to them.” Nothing happened, though, due to “existing procedures” and “understanding and learning at that time.”
But people told the authorities about the abuse decades before Chalice. The Mirror found out that two pedophiles started “targeting girls at a local children’s home in 1981.” One of those “abusers earned thousands a night for years trafficking girls around the country for sex with hundreds of men, according to one victim.”
The publication spoke to 12 victims who “accused more than 70 abusers and claimed that violent rapes were still taking place just months ago.” The Mirror continued:
One 14-year-old, groomed and abused after her phone number was sold to paedophiles, said: “I hated what was happening and my abusers made my skin crawl but I was told that if I said a word to anyone they’d come for my little sisters and tell my mum I was a prostitute.
“Night after night, I was forced to have sex with multiple men in disgusting takeaways and filthy houses.
“I must have been getting the morning after pill from a local clinic at least twice a week but no one asked any questions.
“I fell pregnant twice and had two abortions. Hours after my second termination, I was taken by one of my abusers to be raped by more men.
“The worst moment came just after my 16th birthday when I was drugged and gang raped by five men.
“Days later, the ringleader turned up at my house and told me he’d burn it down if I breathed a word of what had happened.”
An 18-year-old Asian man groomed a 14-year-old girl in 1985. He passed her to his “friends to have sex with and allegedly rape her” after she had his baby:
The girl, now 47, says she reported her abuse to the council and school but does not believe action was taken.
She says her doctor said she was mentally ill and should take medication.
The vast majority of those targeted were young white girls but teenagers from the Asian community also fell victim.
The abuse scandal left at least five girls dead:
Lucy Lowe, 16, was killed in 2000 along with her mother and sister after her 26-year-old abuser Azhar Ali Mehmood set fire to their house.
Cabbie Mehmood targeted Lucy in 1997 and she was just 14 when she gave birth to his daughter.
He was jailed for murdering Lucy, her mum Eileen and 17-year-old sister Sarah.
But he was never arrested nor charged in connection with any child sex crimes over his illegal relationship with the schoolgirl.
Lucy’s death was used as a warning to other girls, according to victims. One, drugged and gang raped by nine men two years later, said the threats drove her to attempt suicide.
She said: “I was scared my family would die like Lucy’s. I thought they’d only be safe if I killed myself.”
Becky Watson died in a car crash in 2002 at the age of 13. Reports called it a prank, but it turns out an Asian grooming gang abused her for two years. Her diary spoke of “her torment at being made to ‘sleep around.'”
Her mother spoke to The Mirror about how she told the police about Becky’s abuse and even provided a suspect list:
She told the Sunday Mirror: “Girls like Becky were treated like criminals. I was crying out for help but it felt like I had nowhere to turn. If Becky’s abuse had been properly investigated by the authorities more girls could have been saved from going through this hell.”
The same gang abused Becky’s friend Vicky, who got “hooked on crack cocaine aged 12 and on heroin by 14.” She died at the age of 20 “of a drugs incident.” Her sister Emma said she has “no doubt Vicky would still be here if she hadn’t been so badly abused – yet the people who made her life hell still walk the streets.”
The Daily Mail wrote those who attempted to speak up received punishment. Police chaplain Keith Osmund-Smith was suspended when he provided the Mirror with papers along with “a report commissioned by the council revealed social workers knew of the sex crimes before the turn of the milleniun.”
One woman, employed by sex abuse charity Axis Counselling, had to “leave her role after she tried to speak up.” Apparently officials thought they’d lose funding “if she continued to criticise the police and council by suggesting they had not done enough.”
Telford’s Member of Parliament Lucy Allen demanded a public inquiry. She told The Mirror that its findings are “extremely serious and shocking.” She previously demanded an inquiry into the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal and said the same must happen “in Telford so that our community can have absolute confidence in the authorities.”
[Featured image via The Mirror.]

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Rape is just one of the many gifts the west has gotten from the globalists.
Those via the British, and their vile evil doesn’t stop there.
“Two Free Speech Activists Released After 72 Hour Detention By British Authorities for “Incorrect Thoughts”…
This is at once heartbreaking and enraging.
What has happened to the men of the UK?
“This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
General Sir Charles James Napier, GCB
What happened to the feminists? They disgust me as much, if not more, because they claim their purpose is to help women. But they turn their heads and complain about non-issues, like transgender bathrooms. What an ugly joke they are.
Yes feminists all are the same; like Patty Duke:
Jesus has been around a lot longer than feminists. He must have been looking away.
Were you in on this racket? I can imagine this type of operation would be the only chance you’d ever have of getting laid.
“What has happened to the men of the UK?”
While I can’t say for sure, my guess would be that those girls targeted for grooming were from homes without fathers.
Just one more product of the sexual revolution/liberation of the 60s and 70s and overall decline of the importance of values in society.
You guess? How convenient.
Do you know that only 400K slaves were imported into the country, but by 1860 there were 4 million.
While I can’t say for sure, my guess would be that the girls were groomed by slave owners. In many cases they were inseminated by the owners, sons, friends and overseers.
Just one more product of the sexual revolution/liberation of the 60s and 70s? Apparently not. Men hardly need the sexual revolution to rape.
I don’t think that the authorities did anything about it. There wasn’t an Asian in sight.
“”I don’t think that the authorities did anything about it.””
I’m pretty certain that the authorities did do something about it. I think they called it the Civil War.
That was quite a tangential tirade there Yellow.
Clearly my comment went zooming right over your head. I was not referring to the behavior of the rapists, their motivation and rationale has been clearly articulated by others here.
My comment refers to the normalization of single parent households. A mindset created in the sexual revolution that left men free to f&^* and run thereby leaving responsibility behind for single mothers and the state to pick up the pieces all the while creating an ample pool of vulnerable children for predators of all types.
“normalization of single parent households.” The reason my comment went right over your head is that you assume facts not in evidence.
In case that was not clear, there has always been
See, I brought up the case of slavery because if one can show an example that does not fit your hypothesis, then it busts your hypothesis. That won’t bother you because you have your ideology. No fact or logic is going to pierce what you have decided to believe.
because they do not fit your ideology does not mean they are not facts.
That many slaves were raped by their masters is a horror that was allowed to happen 150 to 300 years ago in the context of the larger crime of slavery itself.
How that compares to “Asian” men systematically preying on vulnerable girls in the 21st century in what is supposed to be a just society is lost on me.
And the first step in that chain were Islamic slave traders. Who are still in business, with Hildebeeste’s support.
There are no British men left in the UK. There are damned few men left in Europe. There is no reason to try to help those who will not defend themselves. Which means after 3 times we have rescued them in a century [WW-I, WW-II, and the Cold War] they are going to have to be on their own and ride their own heat. The European Caliphate will have to become a free fire zone.
That was the old Britain back when Great Britain was a great nation and men were men. That nation no longer exist. If you don’t protect your women and children you are not a civilized people.
“A report from the local Telford and Wreckin Council that same year said that “[F]rom the late 1990s professionals had concerns about the nature of some of the child sexual abuse cases presented to them.” Nothing happened, though, due to “existing procedures” and “understanding and learning at that time.”
Obviously, there’s no 2nd Amendment in the UK.
And of course it’s white males who have that toxic masculinity thangie going on.
In this short article are found these references,
“Asian communities”
“Asian community”
“18-year-old-Asian man”
“Asian grooming gang”
Not only does the author perpetuate the dishonest practice widely used in the UK of equating Muslims with “Asians,” thereby disparaging those who are typically considered Asian (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese), but the author never uses the words “Muslim/s” or “Islam,” though it is beyond question that Muslims are behind almost all of the sex grooming / sex slavery throughout the UK (and elsewhere though the principal focus in on the UK).
As Robert Spencer has ably demonstrated, time and again, that in Muslim law all non-Muslim women may be treated as basically chattel. Because it is divinely sanctioned according to Islam’s holy book.
The following from
According to Islamic law, Muslim men can take “captives of the right hand” (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 33:50). The Qur’an says:
O Prophet! We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have paid their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses of those whom Allah has given you as spoils of war (33:50).
Qur’an 4:3 and 4:24 extend this privilege to Muslim men in general. The Qur’an says that a man may have sex with his wives and with these slave girls:
The believers must win through, those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or those whom their right hands possess, for they are free from blame. (Qur’an 23:1-6)
Oh, take a breath. Chineese, Japanese etc. would ore often be called Oriental in British English. “Asian” more often means South Asian, such as Pakistan or Bengal: clearly more Muslim areas.
Muslim == ‘da religion of peas’ === the most evil group on the planet, where taqiyah is a sacrament, and all non muslims are 3rd rate kuffirs.
if we do not get rid of this scourge in the USA, then expect the same results here.
How heartbreaking. Britain seems completely lost.
just ask the mayor of london — you rayzist —
how can you say this is bad ?
seriously, if the brits can elect that POS, then all is lost for them.
Yes, and yes!
It is no accident that the male british population
got overrun by outsiders. Same holds true in Germany and in France. Many, many of the best and brightest, and the strongest of those nations never got to reproduce, on account of WW’s I and II.
Each great war has negative long range effects to the fighting nations, to a horrible degree. Luckily, the US gene pool was not nearly as affected, due to much lower casualty rates.
If only these women had the means to defend themselves…
1000 girls but diverse. That is they are interchangeable, and disposable, by virtue of their skin color and sex.
Ummm, this is not new. England has a long history of prostitution, and they do start young, usually with girls who are vulnerable due to poverty or lack of protection. The lack of attention by the police likely has its roots in the upper class, or wealthy individuals.
The escalation in savagery, however, might well correlate with the influx of people from societies where violence against all women and infidels is more than tolerated.
Please forgive me if I misunderstand but are you agreeing with councils that these girls are just prostitutes?
it’s the ‘councils’ that are prostitutes, that Britain still maintains a monarchy is the stupidest thing of all.
why would a ‘free people’ submit to that idea in 2018 ?
the British have a lot of blood on their hands, if it were not for Winston Churchill, they would be speaking German now –
the royals are related to Germany more than too the British.
Their original family was Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. They changed it in 1917 due to fear of anti-German sentiment during the first World War.
This is the end results of political correctness. The police, msm and the politicians will not say anything that can be construed as anti-muslim. The whole country is afraid of this label and in the meantime, the muslims are consolidating in certain areas that are no longer part of Britain. If ever a group could be equated with cancer this is it.
Worst ever … so far. No reason to think things are improving.
Where’s #metoo and Time’s Up when you need them?
This may be considered harsh, but…
where were the fathers of these girls?
This suggests that there were deep failures by both mums and dads, and that the girls were expressly targeted by these vile men because they were without any “toxic” male to protect them.
When you make a baby there are lots of things you should remember.
LibRules don’t want to bother wih reproducing themselves – that’s also a job that Americans don’t want to do –
for Muslims taqiyah is their sacrament.
for LibRules abortion is the same thing –
outcome change of population, whether it’s immigrants of the illegal sort or muslims of any sort.
along with outlawing AR-15, outlaw pickup trucks, cars, knives, candles, fertilizer, and of course pressure cookers.
did i forget, bolts, screws and and all metal sharp objects….
If liberals don’t want to reproduce themselves, you should be happy.
It’s just another way “liberals” are like Star Trek Borg. They’re even happier corrupting decent people.
It’s more efficient in a long war than simply reproducing yourselves.
Well there’s certainly no worry about that happening from you.
In some cases the fathers started the abuse.
Your thinking is an inch deep. Do you really think that exploitation of girls/women is a recent phenomenon? Do you really think that girls didn’t grow up without fathers before feminism?
Strom Thurman fathered a child with a household maid and didn’t meet his daughter until she was 16. I guess she must have become a prostitute given her extremely toxic father.
You’re an annoying little shit head, you know that?
“In some cases the fathers started the abuse.”
Citation? Or just more made up facts.
There are several documented cases of them being arrested when they tried to stop it.
It is very likely that the girls were afraid to tell their parents what was happening to them. Shame and threats.
“where were the fathers of these girls?”
Really? This may sound harsh but WTF is wrong with you, you POS.
In any society there are girls that don’t have “fathers”. Our society has promoted the fact they aren’t even necessary.
This is an article about how all of the social nets designed to help girls who “don’t have fathers” be protected. And yet, you deflect by blaming the parents.
Oh, and by the way Ragspierre, you just gave yourself away as Yellow-whatever.
No other two people in the world would be so despicable as to wave their hands away on this sad story.
eeecch….I need a shower just reading what your write. Gross.
Oh, and by the way Ragspierre, you just gave yourself away as Yellow-whatever.
No other two people in the world would be so despicable as to wave their hands away on this sad story.
eeecch….I need a shower just reading what your write. Gross.
This is the same evilly deluded society that jailed and threw out Lauren Sutherland as well as arrested some 3,400 people in 2016 for posting ‘racist’ social media comments.
This is the evil that we can expect if the fascist liberals ever take power.
Yellow Reptile endorsed.
All cultures are equal (except for ours, which is a little less equal). Who are we to impose our values on others?
Back in the day when Britain suppressed the practice of suttee in India, the British had confidence in their civilization, its institutions and its values.
And perhaps they had a little more confidence than was warranted, but today they seem to have none at all. Indeed, today there appear to be entire academic departments dedicated to disparaging and distroying whatever values Western Civ retains.
And in an environment in which one is encouraged to accept that one’s civilization and its values are among the worst of the worst, who has the civilizational confidence to speak out against even the most obvious depravity? Are you sure that your outrage isn’t just your cis-heteronormative, white-colonialist privilege speaking?
So, no one says nothin’. For who are we to criticize anyone (or anything)?
I think they must mean “worst yet.” The year is still early.
There are clearly no British, Scot, or Welsh men left in the British Isles. They have all become trans chickens. This is personally embarrassing, because my genes are from the same pool, though admittedly my ancestors came to the colonies 300 years ago. I wish I did not feel tainted by the cowardice I see so often in nations I used to admire.
When the British say “Asian” they mean “Muslim.”
To quote Mohammed himself, “Silence is consent.”
It’s time the US reconsiders the moral turpitude of the UK and conducts diplomacy with it in mind. To allow this to happen under the guise of “existing procedures” and “understanding and learning at that time.” is beyond contempt. The UK needs to also revise it’s understanding of the difference between “hate” speech” and “free” speech and also the concept that the truth is an absolute defense i.e., if it’s true it cannot be prosecuted.