Mika Throws Wolff Off Set: ‘You’re Slurring a Woman. It’s Disgraceful’

Can we finally STOP taking Fire and Fury author Michael Wolff seriously? Of all people, Morning Joe‘s Mika Brzezinski finally brought the arrogant man down a peg or two over his comments on US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley. From The Washington Examiner:

“I’m gonna go as far as to say that you might be having a fun time, playing a little game dancing around this,” Brzezinski said, “but you’re slurring a woman. It’s disgraceful”

This all started when Wolff said on “Real Time” that President Donald Trump is currently having an affair and if people read between the lines of his book they could figure it out.

People immediately jumped on Haley, who wasted no time pushing back against the rumors.

Wolff used this as an opportunity to show his true colors as an opportunistic misogynist when he said during an interview that Haley seemed to “embrace” these rumors and continue on the media circuit.

This feud brought him to Morning Joe, but it did not end up like it usually does. He tried to deflect blame to others, but Mika wasn’t having any of it:

“I’m gonna go as far as to say that you might be having a fun time, playing a little game dancing around this,” Brzezinski said, “but you’re slurring a woman. It’s disgraceful”Wolff maintained that Haley had not been directly accused of anything, though he had previously said he was certain Trump was having an affair and pointed readers to “read between the lines” of his book to figure it out.He had also said in a separate interview this week that Haley “embraced” the rumor.Haley has denied the accusation.”She has decided to deny what she has not been accused of,” Wolff said. “Certainly, I didn’t accuse her of this.” He told Brzezinski to “read me the language” from the book.Brzezinski grew frustrated and ended the interview.”I’m not reading you anything,” she said. “If you don’t get it and you don’t get what we’re talking about — I’m sorry, this is awkward here on the set with us, but we’re done.”


Oh, Wolff didn’t stop there. To discredit himself even more, he took to Twitter to whine about Mika’s behavior:

Weirdly enough, as far as I have seen, Wolff has not lashed out at men who have criticized him. Erik Wemple at The Washington Post expressed his disgust at Wolff after the author made his comments about Haley embracing the rumors (emphasis mine):

Now the matter has boomeranged back to Wolff, who is showing why, perhaps, we might not want to place too much credence in the entire book. In an interview with theSkimm, Wolff was confronted with the fact that Haley was “distraught” about the whole thing. “Or she seems to me — I would say she seems to have embraced it,” responded Wolff. Asked to explain himself, Wolff continued, “Well, I don’t know. All she does is hammer on this fact. I mean, if I were being accused of something, and I am not accusing her of anything. She hasn’t tried to avoid this, let’s say,” responded Wolff.Embraced it? In what reportorial universe is Wolff living? Here’s an idea for Wolff: Go straight to the Politico interview with Haley, and listen to her address this matter. “It is absolutely not true. It is highly offensive and it’s disgusting … It amazes me what people will do and the lies they will say for money and power,” said Haley, who rebutted the specifics of Wolff’s allegations. The “bigger issue,” said Haley, was that “if you speak your mind and you’re strong about it and you say what you believe, there is a small percentage of people that resent that and the way they deal with it is to try to throw arrows — lies or not — to diminish you.” While most men respect women, Haley said, there’s a “small group” who will “resent” women doing a righteous job.

Wemple also pointed out that as much as Wolff tries to deflect the blame, evidence shows that the author directed everyone to Haley. He told theSkimm that “some other reporter accused her,” but Wemple reminds his audience that Wolff said on HBO, “You’ll know it. Now that I’ve told you, when you hit that paragraph, you’re going to say ‘Bingo.’”

To say all of this disgusts me is an understatement. I become even more disgusted when I remember that FAILED Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (I will never tire of writing that) read excerpts from this book at the Grammys.

Tags: Mika Brzezinski, Morning Joe, Nikki Haley