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Former Professor Describes Her Escape From Political Correctness

Former Professor Describes Her Escape From Political Correctness

“realized she was lying to her students for ‘fear of sounding right-wing’”

If you want to get away from political correctness, leaving academia is a great first step.

Campus Reform reports:

Former prof recounts her ‘escape’ from political correctness

A professor emerita at California State University-East Bay has written a book about how she “escaped” political correctness with the help of evolutionary psychology.

How I Escaped Political Correctness and You Can Too was just published by Dr. Loretta Breuning, who was a professor of Management for over 20 years at California State before she left academia to launch her own think-tank, The Inner Mammalian Institute.

Through the Institute, Breuning spreads awareness of how people can “build power over their mammalian brain” to become happier and healthier—and she contends her new book is an extension of her thinking on that subject.

Breuning’s “ah-ha” moment came in the 1990s, when she realized she was lying to her students for “fear of sounding right-wing.” She writes that she “didn’t want to subordinate my life to ideological despotism,” but she ultimately felt she had no choice.

“How did I get into this mess? I’m a grownup! A tax-payer! A reader of self help books!” she exclaimed. In an interview with Campus Reform, Bruening said she was inspired to write the book because she wasted too many years allowing political correctness to substitute for her own judgement.

“I saw facts that conflicted with the prevailing belief system, but I questioned myself because I saw that people who question progressive assertions are ridiculed, shunned, and attacked,” said Bruening, who is also a member of Heterodox Academy.


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First in a series of PC escapees, maybe, but God knows when the next one might happen. How nice that this one was in Kalifornia.

DINORightMarie | February 24, 2018 at 8:04 am

“I saw facts that conflicted with the prevailing belief system, but I questioned myself because I saw that people who question progressive assertions are ridiculed, shunned, and attacked,”…

Boy, is THAT an understatement!

Sad that what she saw in the 1990s has been allowed to fester and grow, like a cancer. It will take major efforts if academia is to be rescued – before it collapses under its own hypocrisy.