Army Awards Three JROTC Cadets Killed in Florida Shooting

The Army has decided to award three JROTC cadets who were killed in the Florida school shooting with Heroism Medals: Cadet Peter Wang, Cadet Martin Duque, and Cadet Alaina Petty.

From The Washington Examiner:

The family of Alaina Petty was presented her medal during a memorial service Monday, and the family of Peter Wang will be presented his medal at a service Tuesday. The Army said Wang’s family requested the 15-year-old be buried in his JROTC uniform, which will include the Medal of Heroism. The family will also receive a second “keepsake” medal.Wang reportedly held a door open for his fellow students to get out of the school ahead of him. A White House petition launched in the wake of the shooting called for Wang to be buried with full military honors. The petition currently has more than 56,000 signatures.The family of the third JROTC cadet, Martin Duque, will receive his medal Saturday.The three students were killed when Nikolas Cruz, 19, opened fire at the high school last week. Seventeen people died and several more were injured in the shooting.The Army said it is currently going through a review process to award additional medals for other JROTC cadets.According to the Army, the Medal of Heroism is awarded to a JROTC cadet “who performs an act of heroism.” Cadets are recognized with the award for performance that “involved the acceptance of danger and extraordinary responsibilities, exemplifying praiseworthy fortitude and courage.”

Tags: Florida, Military