Yale Psychiatry Prof Has Second Meeting With Dems, Claims She’s Getting Death Threats
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Yale Psychiatry Prof Has Second Meeting With Dems, Claims She’s Getting Death Threats

Yale Psychiatry Prof Has Second Meeting With Dems, Claims She’s Getting Death Threats

“met with around 45 Democrats at the Washington, D.C. home of U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-New Haven”


When the Russia narrative failed, Democrats shifted to a new tactic of questioning Trump’s mental fitness for office. They’re just going from thing to thing, hoping something will allow them to declare the 2016 election void so they can remove Trump from office.

In this latest effort, they recruited Yale psychiatry professor Bandy Lee to declare Trump unfit. We’ve been following the story closely:

White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson just gave Trump a clean bill of physical and mental health but Democrats are not letting go of the mental health attack because they’ve got nothing else.

Bandy Lee just had a second meeting with Democrats and is now getting death threats.

Adelaide Feibel reports at Yale Daily News:

Yale psychiatrist faces threats

In the wake of denunciation from fellow psychiatrists and death threats from supporters of President Donald Trump, Bandy Lee MED ’94 DIV ’95 met with lawmakers again last week to discuss the president’s mental stability, despite colleagues’ claims that she is breaking psychiatric ethical code.

Lee made national headlines in January after she briefed congressmen on Trump’s mental state, arguing that the president is a danger to society. Last Wednesday, Lee met with around 45 Democrats at the Washington, D.C. home of U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-New Haven, marking her second such gathering with lawmakers. Since the news broke of the meeting, Lee told the News, she has received death threats at a level that makes her fear “mob violence.” According to Lee, the offices of DeLauro and U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-MD were flooded with threats, leading to the cancellation of a scheduled town hall with Raskin…

On Friday, White House physicians said Trump was in “excellent health” after administering a physical examination, the president’s first since he took office.

“Using psychiatry for political or self-aggrandizing purposes is stigmatizing for our patients and negatively impacts our profession,” the APA statement read.

But Lee has consistently argued that she has a duty to warn, which is greater than her obligation for political neutrality as a psychiatrist. She told the News she is not normally political but that by speaking out, she has the potential to prevent violence and the “potential extinction of our species.”

What Democrats and Dr. Lee don’t seem to realize is that to most Americans, they are the ones who need to be fitted for straight jackets.

Patricia McCarthy writes at American Thinker:

Physician, heal thyself: It’s Bandy Lee who’s non compos mentis

In recent weeks, Bandy X. Lee, a pseudo-psychiatrist, astonishingly employed by Yale, has been going around telling everyone who will listen that Trump is mentally ill, dangerously so, and that he must be removed from office.

The Democrats are all atwitter. They hang on her every word. They do not care that she is acting and speaking in complete violation of her profession. As any professional in mental health knows, it is absolutely unethical to diagnose a person one has never met or spoken to, let alone interviewed or examined.

It is this woman who is mentally ill. She continues to speak out in spite of being warned by the American Psychiatric Association that her public comments are unethical…

Trump has done more good for the nation in one year than Obama did in eight.

But Yale’s Bandy Lee thinks Trump is mentally impaired! Lee is a political hack, not a legitimate psychiatrist. No honorable psychiatrist would do what she has been doing. Lee clearly has some mental issues herself. Someone needs to arrange an intervention.

The only question at this point is what new narrative Democrats will embrace when this one has run its course.


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So at what point do the APA or Yale move to restrain her if she is breaking ethics codes?

    Tom Servo in reply to Blueshot. | January 17, 2018 at 8:27 am

    No, you don’t get how it works – Yale has her on staff BECAUSE she is willing to break all the ethics codes.

    Of course if she said anything even slightly critical about Hillary’s health she would be fired on the spot. That’s what amounts to “ethics” at the average Ivy League School today.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Tom Servo. | January 17, 2018 at 5:03 pm

      Bandy Lee (Chinese for Bat-Daca Crazy?) would have been dead from Clinton Mob Arkanciding already if that were the scenario Tom.

      RE: “Of course if she said anything even slightly critical about Hillary’s health she would be fired on the spot. That’s what amounts to “ethics” at the average Ivy League School today.”

    artichoke in reply to Blueshot. | January 17, 2018 at 7:05 pm

    The APA publicly denounced her. I cannot get to the page Milhouse cites as showing her NY license.

    We’re waiting on Yale. The longer they let this go, the more damage to the reputation their medical school and hospital occurs. And it’s a shame because Yale New Haven is a wonderful hospital. (I know nothing about its psych side but would have assumed it’s as excellent as the rest.)

      When the news came out that she didn’t have a license a few days ago, I did the Google leg work. At that time, I found reference to a practice in NY and her NY medical license. Unfortunately, it appears the NY state medical board’s website is having issues tonight. Her Yale bio states that she does not accept patients (and she would not be able to practice in the state of CT without an active license).
      BTW, she also gave an interview where she was concerned about the mental health of Lincoln and Roosevelt ….. (http://www.kabc.com/2018/01/09/psychiatrist-warning-about-trumps-mental-state-admits-lincoln-roosevelt-also-concerning/).
      The Yale biography states that she is an assistant clinical professor. In some medical schools, that can be a very loose affiliation (providing clinical teaching support for small groups). In general, clinical professors are not tenure track, and as an assistant professor is she is not tenured.

      Milhouse in reply to artichoke. | January 18, 2018 at 7:05 pm

      The page is working fine now.

Liberalism- a mental illness.

one would think the democrats would learn their lesson, once you open a can of worms it’s hard to put them back. everything they are doing to Trump will come back to haunt them later.

    Whitewall in reply to ronk. | January 17, 2018 at 8:01 am

    If Dems were capable of learning anything, they wouldn’t be Democrats.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Whitewall. | January 17, 2018 at 5:05 pm


      That’s the truth!

      And Ronk is so right! This will stick to the Dems.

      Remember it was the Lyin’ Media that first thought up
      Fake News to attack President Trump with…

      How did that work out for you Lyin’ MSM?

    C. Lashown in reply to ronk. | January 17, 2018 at 8:24 am

    YES! There is a certain beauty about compound interest on unpaid debts.

I’m interested in hearing her explanation of Dr. Jackson’s statement that PDT is fully mentally competent?

    hrh40 in reply to Dave. | January 17, 2018 at 10:51 am

    This. He who has actually followed the APA and Goldwater Rule of actually, you know, examining a person, you know, in person, before making a diagnosis.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Dave. | January 18, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Point of fact (and Mike should know better), Trump was not given a “full bill” of “mental health.” Trump’s cognitive abilities were tested – that is, his ability to think. His mental/emotional state was not examined. (Not that I believe there’s anything wrong with him, but a fact is a fact.)

I wonder what her ethnic origins are, Korean or Chinese. AND, obviously, I contemplate this is just another attack from the North Koreans….I can almost hear ‘Pork Chop’, the North Korean fat boy, chuckling as he reads the headlines.

G. de La Hoya | January 17, 2018 at 8:55 am

Dr. Lee appears to be suffering from “Paranoia”. Paranoia, they destroy ya. They’re coming to take her away, Ho-ho Hee-hee Haa-haa. 🙂

It’s pretty clear to this physician that her talking about a patient she’s never met is unethical.

However, when I searched national databases to find out what State Board of Medical Conduct I could complain to, it appears the woman does not have an actual license to practice medicine!

And, if you believe the press (haha!) what she had expired years ago. No doctor lets their license ‘expire’, especially if you trained in NY. Psychiatrist, indeed…

    Milhouse in reply to Chicklet. | January 17, 2018 at 9:25 am

    Wrong. She is licensed in New York. She used to also be licensed in CT, CA, and France, but let those lapse because she doesn’t need them any more and they were too much trouble to maintain.

      How can there be down thumbs to this factually accurate, completely responsive, comment?

      hrh40 in reply to Milhouse. | January 17, 2018 at 10:55 am

      Ok. So she’s licensed in NY.

      Why is she then a professor at a CT school and meeting with CT politicians?

      It seems to me she could find plenty of crazy – schools and/or politicians – in NY to meet her needs.

        Milhouse in reply to hrh40. | January 17, 2018 at 2:30 pm

        Why shouldn’t she be? Neither teaching nor meeting politicians requires a license. She treats patients in NY.

          artichoke in reply to Milhouse. | January 17, 2018 at 6:58 pm

          I’ve never heard of a Yale medical professor that didn’t have an affiliation with Yale New Haven Hospital. It’s right there on campus including a special psych building with windows that don’t open.

    Milhouse in reply to Chicklet. | January 17, 2018 at 9:30 am

    PS In what “national databases” did you expect to find state licensing information? You clearly didn’t search the actual New York database or you’d easily have found this. I’m inclined not to believe you really looked.

      artichoke in reply to Milhouse. | January 17, 2018 at 6:55 pm

      That page is saying “Service not available” right now for me. Are they removing her license as we speak?

      DaveGinOly in reply to Milhouse. | January 18, 2018 at 12:05 am

      Actually, there’s a lot of state licensing information in national databases. I work in behavioral health licensing and certification. I maintain a state database and regularly upload and revise state licensing information in a national database.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Chicklet. | January 17, 2018 at 5:44 pm

    Then she is another Democract Party/MSM Collusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She’s effectively obliterating the credibility of her profession. The APA seems unable to stop it.

    What credibility?

    artichoke in reply to billdyszel. | January 17, 2018 at 6:57 pm

    It’s pretty strong that the APA publicly denounced this psychiatrist who teaches at a major medical school.

    Obviously they can’t physically restrain her. But they’ve probably done a number on her career. It will be hard for Yale to keep her on the faculty after this, I would think.

What Democrats and Dr. Lee don’t seem to realize is that to most Americans, they are the ones who need to be fitted for straight jackets.

Straitjackets. And yes, they do; not literally, of course, but they’re nucking futs and this is obvious to every normal person.

pseudo-psychiatrist […] Lee is a political hack, not a legitimate psychiatrist.

Now that’s going too far. She is a genuine psychiatrist, graduated from Yale medical school and licensed in New York.

No honorable psychiatrist would do what she has been doing.

Honorable, no. But honorable is not the same as genuine. She’s dishonorable, unethical, and seems out of touch with reality, but she’s still a real shrink. Though it would be wrong for any shrink to say so without examining her; but most of us are not shrinks, so we can say it.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Milhouse. | January 17, 2018 at 9:27 am

    Pretty sure that license is no longer in good standing.

      Milhouse in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 17, 2018 at 2:35 pm

      How could you possibly be “pretty sure” or even “somewhat inclined to believe” something that has never had a shred of evidence to back it up? It’s just a stupid lie that someone invented for fun, and other people picked up just because they would have liked it to be true. A simple search easily yields the NY license.

        artichoke in reply to Milhouse. | January 17, 2018 at 7:00 pm

        Being publicly denounced by the APA should be a pretty clear signal for a state licensing board to take action. Right now I cannot get to the page you link by the way.

          artichoke in reply to artichoke. | January 17, 2018 at 7:02 pm

          And making what appears to be a partisan diagnosis without examining the patient and without any consent by the patient, after meeting with Democrats!

          A state licensing board cannot let this go by without taking some publicly visible action. Otherwise they besmirch their own authority to control the quality of care in their state.

      DaveGinOly in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 18, 2018 at 12:09 am

      Her license says “Status: Registered.” If you click on “status” it will bring you to an explanation of the different status indicators that may be on a license and what they mean. “Registered” means she currently has an active license in NY (that expires the last day of April this year).

Someone punched their ticket for the democrat grievance train.

casualobserver | January 17, 2018 at 9:54 am

She claims

..the potential extinction of our species..

because of Trump.

That hyperbole alone either points to her intent as not being as innocuous and professional as she claims or perhaps highlights her own mental state.

I’m writing a new best seller entitled “Go sell Crazy Someplace Else: The Leftist Insanity of Shitholes, Pr0n Stars, Collusion, Emoluments, Walls, Borders, Nazis, Stalin, and Double Scoops of Ice Cream.”

Because she gives no evidence that those death threats are coming from Trump himself, they’re irrelevant to her claims about his mental stability. Her mention of those irrelevant (and unsubstantiated) threats in support of her claims is further evidence that she’s a unethical and agenda-driven.

    Milhouse in reply to moonmoth. | January 17, 2018 at 2:37 pm

    Nobody but you has ever suggested the threats come from Trump, or that they might support her “diagnosis”. She has certainly not suggested either of these things. Which suggests that you might be even more out of touch with reality than she is.

      moonmoth in reply to Milhouse. | January 17, 2018 at 7:18 pm

      I neither said that she suggested that the threats came from Trump, nor did I say anything that a reasonable person would have interpreted as insinuating that she had. What I did say is that (a) in the absence of any evidence that Trump is the one who made those (alleged) threats, those (alleged) threats are immaterial to her claims about his mental health.

        moonmoth in reply to moonmoth. | January 17, 2018 at 7:19 pm

        Sorry — that last sentence should have read, “What I did say is that in the absence of any evidence that Trump is the one who made those (alleged) threats, those (alleged) threats are immaterial to her claims about his mental health.”

Maybe people work for companies that regularly credential hundreds of physicians, and subscribe to services which do exactly what I said they do.
Maybe people also wander over to NY State Office of the Professions and do a simple search, last name first (separated by a space, no comma) first name. Maybe they hit the “search” button and watch it come up empty. Thanks to your post, I realized I put in Brandy. The professor does not allow editing. Crucify me.

    If she IS licensed, then complaints should be filed. Any licensed professional who takes to the airwaves to give a diagnosis of incompetent for someone that they have never met is not a professional.

    I can’t imagine why anyone would applaud this Stalinist monster, no matter how they feel about Trump. She is truly frightening.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Chicklet. | January 17, 2018 at 2:53 pm

    Double death for the microaggression of using a non-ethnic name on accident!!!

I don’t believe she is getting death threats.

    Agreed. If she’s willing to be so flippant about rules for her profession, lying about amorphorous death threats wouldn’t be a big leap for her. This ‘doctor’ needs to provide written or recorded proof of death threats, or I can only conclude she’s lying.

      How could you possibly conclude she’s lying merely from her not offering proof? Is her claim at all implausible? Considering the threats received by conservative journalists who dared to oppose Trump, it would be surprising if she didn’t receive any.

      Trump’s following has some very scary sectors; even if he had nothing to do with it, this sort of thing never used to happen in the GOP. Knowingly or not, he brought them in.

        Milhouse: “how could you possibly conclude – ”

        Heh. Listen to yourself. How can I possibly. Possibly. Lol.

        1) as mentioned upthread, she’s already diminished her character and credibility I diagnosing outside her profession’s ethical standards.

        2) it’s common for liberals in this instance to play the death threat card when they are scrutinized

        3) she hasn’t offered any proof at all and she never will

        That’s how it is “possible”, you nitwit.

          Milhouse in reply to Fen. | January 18, 2018 at 12:24 am

          It is literally impossible to conclude that she is lying merely from her not offering proof. Absence of proof is not proof of absence. I can’t prove there’s life under Titan’s sea, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t. Her not offering proof means we have some information indicating that she has received these threats, and no information indicating that she hasn’t.

        DaveGinOly in reply to Milhouse. | January 18, 2018 at 12:16 am

        In all the instances in which we’ve seen outspoken liberals claiming to be receiving death threats, how often has anyone been charged for making same, and how often has that person been shown to be affiliated with conservatism in any form? I think that’s pretty much a goose egg. Even if you came up with one or two, that wouldn’t be statistically significant considering the number of time liberals have claimed to have received such threats.

        I think it just as likely that if she is receiving threats, they’re coming from liberals knowing that conservatives will be blamed. That’s how they roll. If threats from conservative looney tunes aren’t forthcoming, provide a suitable substitute, virtually indistinguishable from the real article.

        Barry in reply to Milhouse. | January 18, 2018 at 1:27 pm

        “Trump’s following has some very scary sectors; even if he had nothing to do with it, this sort of thing never used to happen in the GOP.”


        What a crock of BS, Milhouse. There has never ever been a time when some damn unsavory characters were not part of the GOP. And plenty of them on the left considering they support commie state murder by the millions.

        Try not to let your Trump hatred color everything.

          Milhouse in reply to Barry. | January 18, 2018 at 7:12 pm

          You are wrong. Until last year, political violence in the USA was almost exclusively a phenomenon of the left. It still is, mostly, but now for the first time we’re seeing it on the right as well.

“Paranoid? Paranoid? How DARE they say I’m paranoid! I’ll show THEM!” B. Lee, MD (currently not licensed to practice medicine)

These are the same nimrods who never saw anything whatsoever to be concerned about when it came to Hillary’s health, mental or otherwise.

The first card played by the left after being publicly found a liar(it turned out she greatly exaggerated her interactions with politicians) is the death threat card. Like the race card, the death threat card is designed to change the dynamics of the debate and turn the malefactor into the victim.

The first card played by the left after being publicly found a liar(it turned out she greatly exaggerated her interactions with politicians) is the death threat card. Like the race card, the death threat card is designed to change the dynamics of the debate and turn the malefactor into the victim.

MaxWebXperienZ | January 17, 2018 at 1:32 pm

Introverts suffer from a mental disorder: They think they are superior. They think they cannot be wrong. So this moron can diagnose people at a distance? She needs to call herself a psychic, not a doctor, no?

theduchessofkitty | January 17, 2018 at 1:46 pm

Let us not forget she suggested a coup be performed on the President. Does she even understand what she said?

She will never see me gracing the threshold of her office. I’m too sane for that.

“…Claims She’s Getting Death Threats”
It turns out, when you try to overthrow the duly-elected president, some people take it personally. Maybe she should re-think her position.

    Milhouse in reply to Matt_SE. | January 17, 2018 at 2:44 pm

    She should rethink her position anyway, but that doesn’t justify the threats, and she’s very far from the only one to receive them.

She’s a unprofessional lying SOS, why should anyone believe anything she has to say?

She let her license in the state of Connecticut expire May 31, 2015. License number 40388. That means she cannot use the MD designation anywhere in the state of CT. She had a controlled substance registration without having the appropriate medical license which is against the law. Now that has expired as well.

If she lives in Connecticut, she cannot technically claim she is a MD until her license in reinstated in the state. Nor can she prescribe controlled substances until that registration has been updated.

The NYS license does her no good if she resides in Connecticut.

    PhillyGuy in reply to PhillyGuy. | January 17, 2018 at 6:24 pm

    She actually should be suspended from Yale until she fixes her licensing issue in the state.

    Milhouse in reply to PhillyGuy. | January 17, 2018 at 7:55 pm

    You haven’t got the foggiest notion what you’re talking about. No license at all is required to disclose the fact that one has an MD, any more than one is required for BA, PhD, or any other degree.

    In fact, not even an actual degree is required, since it’s not against the law to lie about having one (just as it’s not and can’t be against the law to lie about having military honors, hence the “stolen valor” act was struck down).

    And there’s certainly no need for any sort of license in order to teach at a university.

      PhillyGuy in reply to Milhouse. | January 17, 2018 at 10:31 pm

      Actually you don’t. She cannot practice as an MD without a license. Hers expired. On any official documentation she cannot assert she is a licensed professional.

        PhillyGuy in reply to PhillyGuy. | January 17, 2018 at 10:33 pm

        within the state of Connecticut. Don’t know why that did not print.
        She’s sloppy.

        Milhouse in reply to PhillyGuy. | January 18, 2018 at 12:17 am

        She can put MD after her name anywhere she likes. So can I, but I’d be lying; she isn’t.

        She practices medicine in NY, and is licensed there. She does not practice in CT, and does not assert that she is licensed there.

    DaveGinOly in reply to PhillyGuy. | January 18, 2018 at 12:25 am

    Sorry, but that’s not true. She is licensed to practice in NY, so she’s still a psychologist there and can call herself that anywhere she goes, she just can’t practice anywhere else. The fact remains she’s a psychologist. She teaches in CT, so does not require a license to practice there.

Death threats, shmeth threats. Nobody’s swatted her yet?

Char Char Binks | January 21, 2018 at 9:01 pm

She’s paranoid. That’s my diagnosis.