University Course Examines the ‘Pyramid of White Supremacy’

Isn’t it interesting how progressives in academia have adjusted their messaging to align perfectly with Democrats and the media?

The Daily Caller reports:

College Course Unveils ‘Pyramid Of White Supremacy’A course at Salisbury University suggests that “remaining apolitical” and saying “two sides to every story” are part of the “pyramid of white supremacy,” according to a Wednesday report.Professor Erin Stutelberg‘s course, “Diversity and the Self,” is mandatory for Salisbury students that want to receive an elementary education major, reported Campus Reform.The proposed pyramid of white supremacy is divided into seven parts: “indifference” occupies the base, followed by “minimization, veiled racism, discrimination, calls for violence, violence, and genocide.”“Remaining apolitical” and “two sides to every story,” along with “not challenging racist jokes” and “avoiding confrontation with racist family members” comprise sections of indifference.The minimization tier features statements like “why can’t we all just get along?” and “it doesn’t matter who you vote for,” and the veiled racism floor includes victim blaming and cultural appropriation.

Tags: College Insurrection