Trump: Dems rejected my generous offer because they “do not want to solve DACA, only use it!”

A hot topic in the Legal Insurrection comment sections has been whether the insane/deranged/lunatic/vicious/malicious reaction of Democrats and the open-borders left to Trump’s generous DACA/Dreamer amnesty framework was part of some three-dimensional chess play by Trump.

In that scenario, Trump offered what he knew never would be accepted in order to make himself look good and his opposition unreasonable: Amnesty for 1.8 million ‘Dreamers’ plus immediate family reunification, in exchange for funding of border security and The Wall, and an end to extended family chain migration.

The other view, which I share, is that the ‘Dreamer’ framework actually was what Trump wanted, but as has happened so many times before, he is blessed with an insane/deranged/lunatic/vicious/malicious opposition which makes him seem reasonable by comparison.

See the comment sections for these posts for some of the reactions:

Trump is claiming this morning on Twitter that it all was a three-dimensional chess play:

I have offered DACA a wonderful deal, including a doubling in the number of recipients & a twelve year pathway to citizenship, for two reasons: (1) Because the Republicans want to fix a long time terrible problem. (2) To show that Democrats do not want to solve DACA, only use it!Democrats are not interested in Border Safety & Security or in the funding and rebuilding of our Military. They are only interested in Obstruction!

Expect Trump, with a national audience for the State of the Union address next Tuesday to point out how generous he has been on immigration.

Democrats are playing right into his hands by having the open-borders Kennedy spawn from Massachusetts give the official response to Trump’s SOTU address:

And if that wasn’t enough, Rep. Maxine Water is giving an unofficial response on BET TV. Expect it to go something like this:

Like I said, Trump is blessed with an insane/deranged/lunatic/vicious/malicious opposition which makes him seem reasonable by comparison.

Tags: DACA, Joseph Kennedy III, Maxine Waters, SOTU, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump Immigration, Trump Speech