Trump: Dems rejected my generous offer because they “do not want to solve DACA, only use it!”
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Trump: Dems rejected my generous offer because they “do not want to solve DACA, only use it!”

Trump: Dems rejected my generous offer because they “do not want to solve DACA, only use it!”

Trump is blessed with an opposition that makes him seem reasonable by comparison.

A hot topic in the Legal Insurrection comment sections has been whether the insane/deranged/lunatic/vicious/malicious reaction of Democrats and the open-borders left to Trump’s generous DACA/Dreamer amnesty framework was part of some three-dimensional chess play by Trump.

In that scenario, Trump offered what he knew never would be accepted in order to make himself look good and his opposition unreasonable: Amnesty for 1.8 million ‘Dreamers’ plus immediate family reunification, in exchange for funding of border security and The Wall, and an end to extended family chain migration.

The other view, which I share, is that the ‘Dreamer’ framework actually was what Trump wanted, but as has happened so many times before, he is blessed with an insane/deranged/lunatic/vicious/malicious opposition which makes him seem reasonable by comparison.

See the comment sections for these posts for some of the reactions:

Trump is claiming this morning on Twitter that it all was a three-dimensional chess play:

I have offered DACA a wonderful deal, including a doubling in the number of recipients & a twelve year pathway to citizenship, for two reasons: (1) Because the Republicans want to fix a long time terrible problem. (2) To show that Democrats do not want to solve DACA, only use it!

Democrats are not interested in Border Safety & Security or in the funding and rebuilding of our Military. They are only interested in Obstruction!

Expect Trump, with a national audience for the State of the Union address next Tuesday to point out how generous he has been on immigration.

Democrats are playing right into his hands by having the open-borders Kennedy spawn from Massachusetts give the official response to Trump’s SOTU address:

And if that wasn’t enough, Rep. Maxine Water is giving an unofficial response on BET TV. Expect it to go something like this:

Like I said, Trump is blessed with an insane/deranged/lunatic/vicious/malicious opposition which makes him seem reasonable by comparison.


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If the problem didn’t exist, they are known to create it, and offer to treat the symptoms, at a price, in perpetuity.

It’s been obvious all along to anyone who has the ability to objectively discern. If you at any time doubted Trump, check your NeverTrump infection.

“…Democrats do not want to solve DACA, only use it!”

If my understanding of history is correct two major groups of refugees roughly equal in size were created in 1948 with the independence of Israel: Jews expelled from surrounding Arab nations and Arabs who were displaced by the War for Independence. One group was resettled, never to be mentioned again. The other group is retained as perpetual refugees.

Yes, it’s true: politicians will use whole groups of people for political gain.

    C. Lashown in reply to DDsModernLife. | January 28, 2018 at 2:39 pm

    Daniel Greenfield has a few things to say about this Democrat push back:

    DaveGinOly in reply to DDsModernLife. | January 28, 2018 at 2:59 pm

    The Arabs who were “displaced” during Israel’s war for independence were not displaced by the war nor by Israel, they voluntarily displaced themselves at the request of the Arab League. The object was to clear the fields of fire for the Arab League to push the Jews into the sea. Those “displaced” Arabs were promised the Jews’ land in return for their cooperation.

    It’s no wonder the Israelis don’t want any of these people, they were hoping for the demise of Israel and the death of all its Jews.

    Oddly, the “Palestinians” are probably the only “refugees” in the history of the world who left their homes voluntarily at the request of friendly forces. I’m not sure they’re qualified as “refugees” at all.

    a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

    Refugee – Wikipedia‎
    A refugee, generally speaking, is a displaced person who has been forced to cross national boundaries and who cannot return home safely.

    There are several legal definitions of the term, some of which do not apply to the Palestinians. (And others, which I suspect may have been tailored to include them.)

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to DaveGinOly. | January 29, 2018 at 2:01 pm


      Historians also conveniently forget much of that Israeli land was bought and paid for legally by the immigrants prior to statehood.

      Milhouse in reply to DaveGinOly. | January 29, 2018 at 3:39 pm

      The Arabs who were “displaced” during Israel’s war for independence were not displaced by the war nor by Israel, they voluntarily displaced themselves at the request of the Arab League.

      This is true of some of them, but definitely not all, or even most. First, the Arabs of Lod and Ramleh, as well as some in the Haifa area were forcibly expelled.

      Then there were the many Arabs who fled after the Battle of Dir Yassin, which both sides deliberately played up as if there had been a massacre of Arabs; the Arabs finally had a “Jewish atrocity” to flaunt before the world, while the Jews were happy to have panicked Arabs flee before their turn came.

      And of course, as in any war, many fled before the fighting, because who wouldn’t, if they could? They expected to come back after the fighting was over, but by then their homes were in Israeli hands and they were not welcome back. They can hardly be blamed for this.

      The number who deliberately left at the orders of the Arab High Command was probably no more than 25,000, all from Haifa.

      None of which means Israel should have let them return. They should have been resettled by their Arab brothers, just as Israel resettled the Jewish refugees, and just as every other country resettled their people who came to them as refugees. Their property claims should have been dealt with at an international conference on all claims arising out of the war. Israel wanted such a conference; the Arab countries refused.

    Ignorance is bliss – temporarily.

    Your boy Abbas, the al sharpton of the middle east:

    “Palestinians” will starve because of Trump’s cuts, PA buys Abbas $50,000,000 private jet:

      Paul In Sweden in reply to | January 28, 2018 at 8:24 pm

      It never ends. I wonder what the per capita income for Arabs living in the West Band and Gaza is averaged over the last 40 years is with all the wasted billions that has poured over the terrorist leaders.

      Fine, do you have any idea?

        Gaza. It’s like a license to print money. A prime piece of real estate on the eastern Mediterranean. Just get over your Joooo hatred and make money hand over fist.

        You have to work overtime to make Gaza a losing proposition and boy have the Palestinians been working overtime. It’s almost a form of genius but in reverse order. Scaring the tourists away.

And as I have been saying from the instant this offer came out, Trump made this offer KNOWING that the Dem’s would reject it, and knowing that he would then be able to use his generous offer to do exactly what he is doing.

The Dem base fervently, wholeheartedly believes that they are going to retake the House and the Senate in the fall, and that they will then immedieately be able to Impeach Trump because he Obstructed Justice or something. They will NEVER NEVER NEVER agree to ANY bill on immigration as long as they believe that – and that is why Trump is free to make himself look reasonable and generous by publicly offering them everything they say that they want.

No matter what he offers, they will turn him down. They HAVE to.

One of the humorous sideshows going on now – every hard core “right winger” that goes public with his or her thoughts on what a “betrayal” this is, is also doing EXACTLY what Trump wants – proving to the middle that Trump is a fair dealer, an honest bargainer, doing his best to come to an honestly brokered deal between 2 sets of extremists. There is still a political middle in this country, and Trump is making it his own. Thank you, Never Trumpers!

    Matt_SE in reply to Tom Servo. | January 28, 2018 at 3:16 pm

    If Trump really thinks he can broker a deal between the honest citizens of this country and the Swamp, then he’s a fool after all. They aren’t interested in any f*cking deal that enforces the border. They either win on that issue or they die.

      Who is “they” – the honest citizens or the swamp? Or both?

      Tom Servo in reply to Matt_SE. | January 28, 2018 at 4:48 pm

      He is not trying to “broker a deal”, that’s what so many are failing to grasp. He is trying to win the 2018 congressional elections, and a key to doing this is for him to publicly demonstrate the cynicism and hypocrisy of the dems. And the best way to do this is for him to publicly show that he is ready to do a deal, and force the dems to publicly admit that they are not.

The American people want a country that works together, but they prefer gridlock to one-party government. In order to bring people together, both sides will have to give a little. Trump is claiming the middle ground.

If you think that Trump’s offer is a bad deal, what compromises are YOU willing to make in order to reach a bipartisan agreement? What is YOUR offer that you think both sides can agree to?

    DaveGinOly in reply to myiq2xu. | January 28, 2018 at 3:09 pm

    My compromise (in part): Dreamers in school or vocational training will be allowed to complete their courses, upon which time they must leave the country for X number of years before they are allowed to return with the ability to apply for citizenship. What country they go to in the interim is irrelevant, but Trump could invite them to learn here and return to Mexico to help “Make Mexico Great.”

    For a people supposedly so fiercely proud of their heritage, they certainly seem in a hurray to abandon the lands of their births and the people who remain behind there. Those that are here should be encouraged to get educated/learn a trade, then go home and help their own people. Some of them would come back, but some of them would stay in their own countries.

      Gremlin1974 in reply to DaveGinOly. | January 28, 2018 at 3:37 pm

      My only problem with Trump’s proposal is the “immediate family” being able to stay. If that “Immediate family” includes parents of children over the age of 21 then nope. Wives and Children of the 800k DACA, “dreamers” is the stupidest term I have ever heard if they were brought here as young children the only dream involved was the parents dreaming that using their kid as a tool to get free stuff. Wives and kids of DACA of course should be allowed to stay, the parents who broke our laws bringing them here, hell no.

      I would even add a rider that if a DACA wants to serve in the Armed Forces for 6 years then they should be able to apply for citizenship the moment that 6 years is up, if they don’t then a 12 year path with clear guidelines is fine. As long as it is understood that deviating from those guidelines will immediately remove your DACA protections not only for you but for your immediate family.

      “Dreamers” is another leftist concoction of a fake name to distract from the bad news of an bad law. Kind of like “Affordable Health Care Act,” which should have really been called the “Nazi Enabling Act of 1933 #2 – thoroughly approved by John Roberts.”

      ONLY people who want to become Americans (‘American’ is a state of mind) should be allowed to remain in this country, if we want it to remain ‘American,’ not ‘The Soros New World S-hole’.

      The “dreamers” is another leftist title for bad news, just like the “affordable health care act” was, just as the “Patriot Act” was, etc.

      They really should call it: “the furtherance of leftist indoctrinated cancer act, this time with foreigners.”

    Matt_SE in reply to myiq2xu. | January 28, 2018 at 3:17 pm

    I’m not willing to compromise with evil. Why are you?

Nope, I’m still not seeing the “3-d chess” stuff. Trump’s dealing with opponents who are utterly predictable. There seems to be approximately zero chance of anything surprising coming from any enemies, either foreign or domestic. So there are really no mysteries here.

The only thing we in the spectator stands don’t know is Trump’s intentions. I think they’re exactly what he says—and has been saying—they are. And if so, his actions have all been very straightforward.

But those expecting treachery and double-crossing by the President will be looking for signs of that; things more cryptic, portents in the stars, patterns in sheep’s entrails. Perhaps to them his straightforward tactics all seem very mysterious.

    stevewhitemd in reply to tom_swift. | January 28, 2018 at 1:12 pm

    Tom, I wouldn’t argue with you much on your conclusions as to Mr. Trump’s tactics. They are indeed straight-forward. What’s interesting to me is that as clear as Mr. Trump telegraphs what he is going to do and how he’s going to do it, the progressive left STILL can’t figure him out.

    I’ve been telling my progressive colleagues at work since Election Day: if you want to beat Trump, sit down, behave, and talk earnestly in measured tones. Write reasonably. Demonstrate a willingness (real or faked) to listen to the other side.

    If the progressives did that Trump would over-reach within a month and do something truly stupid. But they haven’t, so he won’t.

    Tom Servo in reply to tom_swift. | January 28, 2018 at 1:40 pm

    Intentions – also simple, straightforward, and easy to see. Trump is working to create a narrative for the 2018 election cycle that he can use to counter the narrative that the Dems and the Media (but I repeat myself) are building. A choice between Limits on immigration plus a wall, or absolute open borders and amnesty for all, which is what the dems have now been forced to expose that they support.

    And I repeat, as I have repeated from the start – there will be no “deal” on any terms before the 2018 elections, because they dems will not allow one. On any terms.

Prof, watch out for the tunnel vision, ideologue viewpoint:

“The other view, which I share, is that the ‘Dreamer’ framework actually was what Trump wanted, but as has happened so many times before, he is blessed with an insane/deranged/lunatic/vicious/malicious opposition which makes him seem reasonable by comparison.”

While Trump MIGHT wish to see Dreamer status legalized, it is not assured. After all, the man cancelled the existing program and the registrants will be eligible for deportation starting in march of 2018. He could have left it in place. He didn’t. He could also have offered the Dems a clean bill on DACA, with no strings attached. If he was solely interested in normalizing the DACA status. Again, he didn’t. Instead he tied his support for normalizing DACA registrants to guaranteed funding for the wall, an end to chain migration for extended family members and the diversity lottery. None of this sounds like a man who has any ardent desire to “save the Dreamers”.

What it sounds like is a negotiator who is willing to trade legal status for 700,000 – 1.8 million illegal aliens for three things which he feels are far more important to the future of the nation. Now, if the Dems take the offer, he gets what he wants and the GOP possibly gets what it wants, the Dems thrown into disarray as its base splinters. If they do not take the offer, then Trump and the GOP get to hit the Dems over the head with the charge that they do not really care about DACA and the Dreamers. It is a win – win for him.

My personal opinion is that Trump doesn’t really care one way or the other about the status of DACA registrants. After all, they are already here and they only represent less than one percent of the potential workforce in this country. Curtailing future immigration, both legal and illegal is far more important to his plans to increase the economic might of this country. I feel that the political benefits to this “framework: being accepted or rejected by the Democrats, kin an election year, is a product of his political advisors, not Trump himself. Remember Trump is not a politician, in the traditional sense. But, he is a man who knows how to get what he wants from others.

For me, the jury is still out on the President’s intentions.

However, as for the Democrats’ reactions, this could only get more entertaining should Maxine Waters be giving the OFFICIAL response.

    We really have to thank Jeb! for revealing not only what a mediocre ass he is (ass aside, what Bush hasn’t proven to be mediocre?), but how he would have sold us out to the left – as he is trying to do now.

    Low energy, low integrity, low patriotism. As for protecting our Constitution, Jeb! is the serena williams of men’s tennis, the michelle obama of fashion, the lindsey graham of conservatives, if not the barack obama of presidents.

As long as Trump now removes that offer from the table, I’m okay. As long as Trump says we now need to go back to something that matches his campaign pledges, I’m okay.

If not it will be a betrayal bordering on ‘read my lips’.

As I explained to a young, politically savvy DACA co-worker, the only impediment to passage of permanent legal status for him is the Chuck Shumer wing of the Democratic Party. The will of the American people be damned, but there exists a bi-partisan super majority of Senators and Congressmen willing to pass some sort of bill allowing DACA recipients protection from deportation. If only Sen. Schumer would allow it.

I’m hoping very, very much that Trump reads The Memo at the SotU.
Damn, that would be a ballsy move!

The truth here is that neither side will let the other “win”, because they don’t want the other side to be able to claim victory. If Dem’s really wanted to solve this problem they would have really screwed up the Republicans by accepting the deal.

if my parents robbed a bank and gave me money would I be allowed to keep and use it?
nope, proceeds of a crime.
not my fault peoples parents brke the law to get them here.

    We have to have empathy for people brought here without their consent. But we don’t have to tolerate the angry un-Americans or criminals they’ve become.

    Filter them out, and let the patriots stay, and boot-out the leftists and criminals.

      We have to have empathy for people brought here without their consent.

      Empathy is one thing.

      Assuming an obligation to compensate them for their parent’s crimes is something else.

      My empathy is sufficient to make me reluctant to support any program which would impose criminal penalties. No jail time, etc. for being here (which is not their fault) and staying here to date (which is their fault).

      But being sent home is not a criminal penalty.

Wasted effort … the problem of the “Dreamers” can not be resolved. As long as there is immigration there will be illegal immigration … and there will always be a “Dreamer” class of immigrants … and we’re never going to enforce our immigration laws strictly enough and consistently enough to minimize it. For the current batch … you either do nothing, deport them or give them a path to citizen ship … but once this batch is dealt with … another batch will replace it.

    The ““Dreamer” class of immigrants” is a leftist concoction and a plan to dilute the American vote.

    Tough love is in order: make it hard to stay – make them have a stake in the American game. Or let them to go maxine waters/ruth ginsberg alternative to the SOU address party and we can round them up there.


      Doesn’t matter which side concocted which plan.

      When it comes to the “Dreamer” class … the public and leadership do not have the stomach for “tough love”. It’s a pipe dream. The country is not going to stand for any sort of mass deportation of immigrants that were brought in by their parents as children. Nor is the country going to stand for relentless raids or other measures. The more families are broken up the more intransigent the country will become.

      About the best you can do is to keep the “Dreamer” class on its toes … deport a few every now and then, get tough on verification with employers, get tough with colleges etc. We’ll have to live with half measures.

      The problem will remain unsolvable because we haven’t got the stomach to enforce our immigration laws to the degree necessary to minimize the problem.

      BTW … re. … “make it hard to stay – make them have a stake in the American game.” That statement sounds contradictory.

      What can be done to make it hard for them to stay … yet makes them have a stake in the American game?

      The Dreamers already have a stake in the game … what they don’t have is legality. If you want them to truly have a stake in the American game … then your only option is to legalize their presence.

    Mac45 in reply to PODKen. | January 28, 2018 at 11:00 pm

    There is NO problem with the Dreamers. They are here in violation of the law and can simply be deported. when the public is asked about strict immigration enforcement it says deport. When they are asked about granting amnesty to any class of illegals, they say deport. When they are asked if Dreamers’ families should be included in any amnesty, they say deport. Members of Congress have accurate polling on this subject and have had for the last 30 years. That is why they refuse to vote for any kind of amnesty.

    Politicians want massive amounts of illegals in this country and they want them to be able to vote. Businesses want large numbers of illegals to fill out their work forces with people who will work for peanuts and who can not demand better wages, working conditions or complain if they do not get them. Who doesn’t want illegals in the country? The majority of the populous who has to compete with them for jobs and benefits.

    “When it comes to the “Dreamer” class … the public and leadership do not have the stomach for “tough love”. It’s a pipe dream. The country is not going to stand for any sort of mass deportation of immigrants that were brought in by their parents as children. Nor is the country going to stand for relentless raids or other measures. The more families are broken up the more intransigent the country will become.” – This is ridiculous. The public could care less if Juan, his wife Ramona, their children Felice and Juan jr. have to leave the country or not. The elite media and its masters do.BBut, nobody with two working brain cells believes the media anymore. They keep claiming that because Juan is being deported after living the US for 15 years his family is being broken up. Lies. Why can’t his family go with him, or at least follow him to Mexico? US citizens go to Mexico all the time? But, they are barred from going to Mexico with the Paterfamilias? Yeah, sure. Do not be fooled by the misinformation about how the American public feels about illegal immigration. Only the elites, some business owners and the media like it. The rest of the common people are against it or, at least, ambivalent to whether it should be eliminated. Only a very small minority of special interests want illegal immigration and an even smaller minority wants amnesty for any illegals, including Dreamers. It did not work out well for the country in 1986 and it will not workout well for it today.

Paul In Sweden | January 28, 2018 at 8:39 pm

The other view, which I share, is that the ‘Dreamer’ framework actually was what Trump wanted, but as has happened so many times before, he is blessed with an insane/deranged/lunatic/vicious/malicious opposition which makes him seem reasonable by comparison.-William A. Jacobson

Professor, That is plausible and a scenario that has a lot of people concerned. My thoughts are that if POTUS Trump wanted this DACA illegal aliens amnesty ‘DEAL’ he would have offered a ‘Clean DACA DEAL’ as demanded by the open borders Democrats.

Why spike the legislation with all the poison pills?

Everyone wants to be magnanimous and be viewed as Santa Claus but mid-terms are almost around the corner. I cannot see this Trump offer as being genuine.

The other view, which I share, is that the ‘Dreamer’ framework actually was what Trump wanted

But why? It makes no sense. What does it gain him? Trump gets nothing from a bunch of legalized illegals. And he certainly won’t get the D’rats suddenly thinking he’s a great guy. There’s nothing in it for him.

The D’rats need it. They need the votes. This is not a mere detail, or something “nice to have”—it’s vital to the future of the D’rat Party. But I seriously doubt that Trump considers that a good reason to give it to them.

Trump is blessed with an opposition that makes him seem reasonable by comparison.

I’m still a NeverTrumper, but this sums up my feelings exactly. Churchill said democracy was the worst form of government except for all the others that have ever been tried. Trump seems to be the worst possible president except for every single one of his current opponents.

    Barry in reply to Milhouse. | January 30, 2018 at 2:03 am

    “Trump seems to be the worst possible president…”

    Blinders, apparently.

    Remember when you were complaining that you’d believe the embassy move meant something only when they moved it to J.?

    Good times.