Is it time for Chuck Schumer to step aside and let women lead Senate Dems?

Today is an embarrassing day to be a Democrat.

Senate Democrats wasted an entire grandstanding-filled weekend for a whole lotta nuthin. Rather than coming to an agreement with Senate Republicans and President Trump Friday, Democrats ended up accepting the deal (with nothing new in return) Monday.

Senate Minority Leader Schumer’s lack of bargaining savvy has thrown the party’s deep fissions out into the open; highly uncharacteristic of a party that typically exercises strict messaging discipline and keeps their dirty laundry away from the public eye.

The inner-party squabbling is coming from every sect. Everyone and I mean everyone, is ticked at Schumer for “blinking first.”

A large contingent criticizing Schumer’s sellout is coming from the 2020 hopeful wing of the party:

This Dreamer ain’t happy either

Democrat women are especially upset

Nancy Pelosi was not impressed. “I don’t see that there’s any reason — I’m speaking personally and hearing from my members to support what was put forth,” said Pelosi

Sen. Feinstein was “very disappointed” in the deal.

The icing on the cake: anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour calling for McCaskill to run as a Republican or step aside

“What is best in life?” “…to hear the lamentation of the women”

If you need me, I’ll be over here enjoying the show.

Tags: Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Shutdown 2018