Democrats: Trump must capitulate on DACA “to prove you’re not prejudiced or bigoted”
Theatrics: DHS Chief disputes Dick Durbin “****hole” claim, Cory Booker freaks out
Dick Durbin’s claim that Donald Trump referred to “s***hole” non-white countries during a closed door DACA negotiation has lit a fire.
It appears to be part of a strategy from Durbin and Democrats to walk away from a DACA deal unless they get what they want (primarily amnesty without any changes in immigration practices or border enforcement), preferring to make this a racial issue. I covered this in my post, Dick Durbin blew up DACA, deliberately:
The negotiations were not going Durbin’s way. Trump was taking a much harder line than expected. So Durbin went for the Hail Mary pass, to make it into a racism issue. The “s–thole” press strategy was just part of it, as was the “chain migration” terminology.
Durbin wasn’t going to get his way on DACA, so he blew it up, figuring it will be better as a campaign issue.
Trump denied using the term, and is backed up by Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue, who were at the same meeting and dispute Durbin’s account.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was at that meeting also. She testified today before a Senate committee which included Durbin.
Durbin fell flat on his face when Nielsen testified she did not remember Trump using the “s***hole” word during the meeting, and that Trump did not have a “specific categorization of countries in Africa.”
She testified that the word was not used under questioning from VT Senator Pat Leahy.
When CT Senator Blumenthal pressed the issue, she reiterated her prior testimony.
NJ Senator Bory Booker then went ballistic, berating Nielsen and accusing her of lying, your “silence and amnesia is complicit.”
The questioning of Nielsen, and Booker’s theatrics, are part of a concerted Democrat effort to turn DACA into a racial issue if Democrats don’t get their way.
It’s all a charade that was laid bare by Chuck Schumer today, who demanded Trump get on board Democrat DACA demands or be labeled a racist:
“If you want to begin the long road back to prove you’re not prejudiced or bigoted, support the bipartisan compromise … One that was aimed at meeting the concerns you voiced,” Schumer said, noting it was negotiated by three Republicans and three Democrats. “This may be the last train leaving the station. President Trump needs to get on board.”
That’s a line of attack used by Schumer on the Colbert show:
This was a line of attack also used by Durbin:
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Leftists are always demanding we become leftists to prove we’re not racists. Or Islamophobes. Or Transphobes.
They create and exploit leverage inside carefully manufactured frames of reference, and will sustain that frame (e.g. #Diversity #MeToo #AbortionRites) until their losses exceed their political, social, and financial return.
They do this because Republicans have constantly caved over the years whenever the Left engages in this kind of gross deception and violent lies.
This is why we have Trump. He doesn’t roll over and expose the belly whenever the Left throws a tantrum.
“This is why you got Trump.” Picture
Excellent Reading on this. (Recommend all read it all.)
“….Other people have pointed this out, but Trump is saying: We should pick immigrants according to our needs.
The left is fighting this claiming that it is immoral to think about ourselves; we must think only of the immigrants’ plight.
But why are they in a “plight” at all? What would be immoral about just leaving them where they are now?
Because, of course, they live in shitholes. That’s what the left puts forth to change this argument from one of rational self-interest (pick immigrants and number of immigrants according to our own changing needs) to one of absolute moral imperative — we must let them in because to leave them in their current countries would be cruel and inhuman.
There’s only one kind of place it would be cruel to leave someone — that’s right, a shithole.
So they can choose between screaming that we are morally obligated to lift immigrants out of their shitholes, or they can scream that it’s a travesty to call these countries shitholes, but they can’t do both.
Their entire spittle-flinging, tearing-eyed, red-faced moral meltdown relies foundationally on the idea that these people live in shitholes and only a monster would condemn someone to continue living in such states of abject shitholery.
So it cannot be any kind of foul to acknowledge that.”
“Levin: Cory Booker should win an Oscar for ‘greatest mental patient’ performance”
“The Democrats … cannot debate issues. They have no agenda in dealing with the problems that Americans face.”
All I hear when the lefty, anti-Americans spew their nonsense, “blah, blah, blah.”
That picture should be captioned “Lex Luthor finds out Superman is still alive!”
What I hear when Leftists rant are the adults in Peanuts television specials. Try it. Quite amusing.
Don’t you just love it when they clench their fists and pound on the table? They remind me of myself when I was about two years old.
Or Soviet Premiers at the UN..
Except that was a shoe.
ONE time it was the shoe, another time it was both fists:
I respect Khrushchev. He had more class than 20 of these mediocrities put together. He was a bad guy but a high-class bad guy.
Aren’t we being a bit harsh on Senator Booker? At least he didn’t yell “Yum Yum eatem up!” and chase her around the room.
If I knew how to use Photoshop I’d put in a high-chair with tray, and a spoon gripped in each fist.
If I embezzle money from my employer and put it in my kid’s education savings account, does my kid get to keep the money?
Asking for a friend.
sure, it wasn’t the kids fault /snarc
“Trump denied using the term, and is backed up by Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue, who were at the same meeting and dispute Durbin’s account.”
No. That is NOT true. Read their dissembling. They danced around the “term”.
Nielsen did not, either.
“I’m telling you he did not use that word, George, and I’m telling you it’s a gross misrepresentation,” Perdue told moderator George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week.”
Seems pretty clear to me.
No. It’s dissembling. Did he say, “Shit-hole” or Shit-house”.
A denial would be clear; “He never said anything of the kind”.
(And they are both of a kind.)
You’re mistaken. It’s a refutation in plain English.
You are wrong. It is dissembling. It is an artful NON-denial. It limits itself to ONE term. So do all the others.
You cannot deny the NON-denials.
Who gives a shit.
People who care about what’s real. People who think critically. People who won’t embrace a comfortable lie.
You’re excused.
Rags, all you care about is your TDS.
“People who care about what’s real. People who think critically. People who won’t embrace a comfortable lie.”
No, people on the other side do. The commie prog side. Fits you well, siding with Durbin, Schumer, and Booker. Right down your demented alley.
You’re not excused.
You’re really quite mad. I haven’t done anything but point out a few true facts.
You cannot deal with facts, so you simply attack the fact relater. Typical T-rump cultist.
You’re not entitled to that information. You were not invited to the meeting. It was admitted that rough language was used by many.
When Leahy was told this, all he could do was mumble after about 10 seconds of silence “they’re not the President”.
Folks, why do you let rags-the-jackass come on every thread and destroy it? Just quit responding to his name-calling and BS. He’s just a s#!+stirrer.
Just stop talking to him. He’s a 3 yr. old who needs constant attention, or like an ugly weed that keeps growing and constantly needs pulling.
The professor should just ban him once and for all. He offers nothing but nasty little tantrums.
“He’s a 3 yr. old who needs constant attention…”
Why are you insulting 3 yr. olds?
OK, down-thumbers…
I’ve read and listened to what are depicted as “denials”.
They aren’t. Maybe I’ve missed something.
Post it.
So, you’re agreeing with Dick Durbin, Cory Booker, Chuck Schumer, and other Democrats that whatever characterization Trump used is “racist”?
No, stupid. I’m observing that the “denials” are not that.
In fact, they are confirmations, in fact.
What T-rump said is simply what he said. I never suggested that the crazies expansion on it was correct.
It was bad enough on its own demerits.
Why am I stupid for asking a simple question?
Even if you consider the “denials” unconvincing, that does not prove that Trump said what he is accused of saying (confirmation, in fact) because no one, not even you, knows what he said. Yet you seem to be willing to express certainty about him saying it.
“It was bad enough on its own demerits.”
BS. You get nuttier by the minute. You don’t know what was said. You take the progs at their word, proven liars every damn one.
And no one gives a shit what he said except you looney progs.
You need to get out of the sun.
Coolpapa, you “question” was an accusation.
Butt-hurt Barri, I’m taking what T-rump apologists at their word.
Americans care about this. That’s why we’re still on the subject. It was an amazing unforced dick stepping.
My question was not an accusation, it was a request for clarification. However, I can see by your response that you think you can read my mind, as well as Trump’s. It’s clear that you’re not willing to have a civil conversation about about anything that challenges your preconceived notions, just like every other “never-Trumper”.
“So, you’re agreeing with…”
Bullshit. I read English, not minds. I’m an attorney. I know how to phrase a question as a question, and how to phrase it as an accusation.
You did the latter.
“Americans care about this.”
No, they don’t. They think the places referenced are shitholes. And they are.
Anti-Americans care “about this”. You seem to always take the side of the Durbin’s, Schumer’s and Booker’s. All anti-American lineup.
You’re delusions are on full display. Of course this is a topic of interest to Americans.
What are we doing here…???
I line up on the side of truth, wherever that line is draw. I’m not a cultist.
Alright, in the interest of civility, I’ll stipulate to the “accusation”. But leaving that aside, why do you accept Dick Durbin’s version of what Trump said without proof?
I have proof…or at least ample evidence…in the very NON-denials we’ve been discussing.
About the only person making an outright denial is T-rump, who we know is a serial liar.
A ‘non-denial’ is not evidence. You’re a lawyer? Really?
You’re arguing about an indelicate term that accurately describes some nations that President Trump most likely did not even say, but most people wouldn’t care if he had. You appear to the rest of us as a raving lunatic, frankly, we can’t take your deranged rants seriously. You belittle yourself.
Yes, idiot, a non-denial IS VERY effective evidence. Juries read deflections and dissembling closely.
You’d be able to too if you were not demented by your religion.
Like plain English?
As usual, rags, you’re so adorable….and predictable!
Really? Where’s your post showing an actual…you know…DENIAL?
I’ll wait.
“I did not hear that word [shithole] used, no sir,” Nielsen testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
But she does not deny another term was used. Does she?
You wouldn’t be so eager to embrace that kind of artful dodging from an Obama appointee, would you?
I wouldn’t. And I HAVEN’T.
All she’s doing is avoiding the kafkatraps you love. And you’re accepting the word of Durbin the Turban with no problems.
“He said no such thing”.
That’s easy to say if it is true. It wasn’t true, and to her credit, she did not say it.
There is no “trap”, moron. There is only the truth.
haiti and africa ARE sh**holes.
LOL, so your contention is that only Durbin ( cough, cough, you don’t know your Durbin history, dear ) and Graham can be the bearers of truth? Oh, myyyyyyyyyy, lol. All refutation is *dissembling*. Hmm. Fascinatingly irrelevant and limp grip you have on the concept of truth.BTW, dear, no one owes you an explanation of what was said or not said during the course if a private confab.
“If you love me you will prove it by committing suicide.”
“If you want to begin the long road back to prove you’re not prejudiced or bigoted …”
One thing you can say about Trump is that he does not tend to give in to empty demands like this.
One of the main reasons why I voted for him.
LOL Durbin et. al never said curse words before? RIGHT.
Give it up, lefties. NO ONE CARES.
Fake oath takers.
Fake outrage.
Fake Americans.
Fake news.
Do yourselves a favor: don’t watch the democrat media’s news, sports, movies, tv shows, or read their newspapers. You won’t believe how happier you will be. Keep patronizing the democrat media, and you’ll become as nuts as Hawaii’s de facto air raid warden, Jamie Lee Curtis.
Here’s the oath:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
Now think about the likes of Turban Durban and Barack Booker.
Now think of two paper bags filled with excrement, ready for flinging.
Let’s add ‘fake talk shows’ and ‘fake comedians’ to the list.
Having worked in 56 countries around the world over the last 30 years of my career, I can say without doubt that if Trump said it, he said the truth.
“This may be the last train leaving the station. President Trump needs to get on board.”
We don’t have driver-less trains except those owned by Democrats. Congress is controlled by the GOP; the WH is controlled by the GOP; the future of the USSC and judiciary is in the hands of DJT and a GOP Senate.
Who in their right mind would get on a Schumer train.
“Who in their right mind would get on a Schumer train….”
Who? The rats of GOPe. It’s comfy – and profitable – being in the Senate minority and not having to give a crap about your country.
Just ask Jeff Flake. Or Jeb! Bush.
What a shitshow.
It’s likely that Durbin and Booker are projecting their diversity. Also, Democrats are known to hear voices from the twilight fringe (a.k.a. penumbra).
That said, why are these guys defending “clean” and elective wars; immigration reform, including refugee crises and trail of tears; mass exodus while leaving people behind; and, as they are Democrats, selective-child, all in one bigoted breath.
Oh, Schumer, too. Diversitists, anti-nativists, and Pro-Choicers extraordinaire. There’s a reason why the majority of wars have been created and saved under Democrat administrations. And now, democratic leverage to gerrymander the vote. Close the abortion fields.
Sarah Sanders made the greatest response to reporter – WHY DID HE HAVE A SHOW ON nbc for 10 YEARS if he was so bigoted and racist ?
Ratings. Why does any show (consider Sharpton) remain on TV?
Why did Harvey Weinstein produce award-winning movies when he was a sexual predator?
This has to be a parody account. Weinstein was enabled for years because he gave bazillions to Democrat politicians. We know Trump is clean because lunatics like you would’ve been non-stop with your dirt for the last two years, projected and amplified by the media (you know it).
The most you have is “grab her by the pussy”. It’s not enough.
Of course, that’s complete bullshit, but that’s what you cultists have. It’s not enough.
Everyday, the left looks more and more like Aunt PittyPat
Dick Durbin has been caught before lying about something said in a meeting, and Booker has an imaginary friend.
Both are five years old, emotionally.
The road Chuck Schumers thinks Pres Trump should travel would involve never ending groveling and agreeing to Dem wet dreams and Trump would never “prove” he wasn’t racist.
Bloody Chuckie Schumer – Bride of Hillary!
Isn’t Schumer German for Merde?
Has everyone lost their collective minds? Who cares what was said or not. It’s just a freaking word and a ploy by the Democrats. Don’t we have more to be concerned with in the last week? Trump is President and I’m glad he is – MAGA. Greatest President ever –
Regulations cut, employment up, market up, housing market up, oil exporter, etc.
Nobody’s ‘lost their minds,’ any more than Soviets or Nazis employing the same ‘big lie’ strategy.
The democrat party is the party of a fascist movement. It’s tragic most of the useful idiots blindly supporting its leadership understand that – or refuse crawl out of their CNN/MSNBC crib and realize what dumbasses they’ve been by allowing themselves to be led around by the nose.
A clinical example is the woman who posts here under the name ‘Ragspierre.’
Rag: maybe I missed something
In her testimony she said there was a lot of rough talk, that people were talking over each other, and that many people were cussing.
Do you believe her?
She said she didn’t hear Trump make the shithole remark. She is not certain he didn’t say it, she simply did not hear it over all crosstalk.
And you are not thinking clearly – if Trump is as vulgar and tasteless and anti-PC as you claim, how can you believe he would lie about referring to 3rd world shit holes as shit holes?
“…if Trump is as vulgar and tasteless and anti-PC as you claim, how can you believe he would lie about referring to 3rd world shit holes as shit holes?”
Here’s your psychotic break. I never said any such thing in the context of this thread.
Of course, we know that Mr. “Grab ’em” and “I came at her like a bitch” IS both vulgar and tasteless.
We also know that he IS VERY PC; “We have to take care of the women”.
Why would he lie about saying what he said? Why does he ever lie about saying what he said? He’s a liar.
A mistake was made by denying the president used the term.
Without admitting he did, the response should have been “So what. Are you trying to tell me there aren’t shithole countries in the world?” This would have forced the Dems to deal with reality (what a concept) in a way the everyday American (who almost certainly believes there are shithole countries) Could then see the Dems dissembling. Point out that there are shitholes and hellholes, and that people risk their lives trying to escape them. Does anyone think people risk their lives trying to escape from pleasant, well-run countries with high standards of living and decent governments? And if the people doing so are brown and black, what do their own actions say about the countries they are escaping? Even look at the terminology we use – we don’t say they’re immigrating from Cuba or Syria or North Korea – they’re escaping, as in departing a prison. People from Norway don’t “escape” Norway to come here. In fact, most have no desire to come here or go anywhere else. (Norway just recently topped a list of “happiest” countries.) Why aren’t Norwegians coming here? Is it because they’re white? No, it’s because their country isn’t a shithole! Is their country not a shithole because they’re white? No, it’s not a shithole because the Norwegian people have worked to make it not a shithole. It has nothing to do with race.
The best defense is an offense.
That whole crock of apologia ignores the context of the remark. It was specifically about PEOPLE.
Rags, the comment was about shithole countries that people come from. I’ve never heard of a “shithole” person. The term applies to places, not people.
“It was specifically about PEOPLE.”
Well, give us the quote then, since you apparently were there.
TDS, you’ll believe any fantasy, it’s all you progs have.
‘few say so.
“Why do we want all these people from ‘shithole [or shithouse] countries’ coming here?”
No, Butt-hurt Berri, I was not there. Everyone who was there we’ve heard from agrees. Except the lying T-rump. Whose ass you suck.
When you talk about people they’re shitbags not shitholes.
Example: Democrat politicians are shitbags. The cities they’ve tun for decades are shitholes.
A mistake was made by denying the president used the term.
Not at all.
The way to fight malevolent liberalism—
Stop apologizing.
Once you start apologizing they’ll be on you like a pack of dogs.
For advanced students, there’s a corollary; not quite as obvious, but every bit as important—
Stop explaining.
They’re not interested in explanations. They won’t be convinced by explanations. As long as you feel you have to explain, they’re in control. And as before, they’ll be on you like a pack of dogs.
Don’t defend, don’t explain, don’t justify, don’t apologize. Attack, and do. (“Do” as in, accomplish something tangible.) That’s it.
The President obviously plays this game very well. Whether he’s a natural, or he had to learn it the hard way, hardly matters. He plays it so well that his critics don’t even realize what the game is. And that may be why they don’t play it very well themselves.
I believe my suggestion avoids apologizing. In fact, it makes the argument that IF Trump used the term, he was fully justified in doing so – shithole countries do exist.
shithole countries do exist.
OF COURSE they exist. And we all know it. So there’s absolutely no need to explain. To explain the obvious is to jump through a circus hoop, and that’s a tactical blunder. To do it on the demand of the circus clowns is worse—a silly tactical blunder. The D’rats are the clowns, not the President. Though the clowns would love to get the President performing the same silly stunts as they are. And we don’t see much indication that Trump is dumb enough to fall into that trap.
And BTW, you don’t explain for the benefit of your questioners, you explain for those listening to the conversation – the American people. Give your supporters “talking points” at least. Liberal questioners aren’t going to accept any explanation, no matter how thorough and arguably correct it may be. (Jake Tapper would argue with Trump about what day it is.) They are not the audience.
Repeat, repeat, and repeat again and again.
RE: “Stop explaining.
They’re not interested in explanations. They won’t be convinced by explanations. As long as you feel you have to explain, they’re in control.”
And that’s the other piece – Dick Durbin has been caught lying about other remarks shared in other closed door meetings.
But you believe him over 3 other people who were in the room.
This is the hill your credibility is going to die on? Really?
No, cultist. Nobody said anything about that.
What has been pointed out…and NOT refuted…is that NO.BODY has actually denied that T-rump used the term or on very like it.
The FACT that they have artfully made the dissembling statements they have commends (slightly) their own integrity. They would not outright lie.
And, yes, I believe them. As far as that goes.
I also believe the other accounts of “people in the room”. They don’t disagree on any important point.
“I also believe the other accounts of “people in the room”. They don’t disagree on any important point.”
Of course you do. You always believe what your fellow progs say, every single time. You’re always on that side.
Cotton, Purdue, and Nielsen, you moron.
“Cotton, Purdue, and Nielsen, you moron.”
All three would call you a lying prog. They have said nothing like what you pretend.
Your side is Durbin, Schumer, Booker, and the rest of the progs. You own it.
They said exactly what I’ve depicted, and quoted, in fact.
You can find those quotes for yourself, you lying nutter.
Neither has anyone disputed that Trump said gravity is a lie. Your assertions that that is evidence are ludicrous. Yet my couch remains on the floor. Who the f cares that Trump made an obvious observation in a private meeting? Why isn’t Durbin being castigated from betraying an obvious confidence. Think he’ll get invited to future similar meetings?
His credibility here died 2 years ago.
Corey Booker belongs on Broadway. The theater in congress is outstanding. If there is no deal begin the deportations.
More like he belongs busking on a street corner.
Barack Booker is not ready for the big time. Nor was barack obama, for that matter.
See Rag, this is why I don’t believe you are an attorney – reading comprehension is a prerequisite for law school.
Some of his remarks further up-thread in this topic alone have me questioning his being an attorney.
There are plenty of bad attorneys. Law school is an easy course if you can memorize. It ain’t physics, just memorization.
Lot of damn good ones, and plenty of piss poor ones chasing every ambulance.
Of course, you are a lying nutter. There’s a lot more to law school than rote, you poor idiot.
Sure, there is a bit more. I have a great deal of admiration for good lawyers, bad ones not so much. The really important skills need to be there before law school, or you’re not likely to be a good one.
Bet my LSAT score was higher than yours.
Reporter: did Trump say shithole?
Perdue: No, Trump did not say shithole.
Rag: Ah ha! So you don’t deny it?!
Judge: (facepalm)
Perdue: No, T-rump did not say “shit-hole”.
Ragspierre: What did he say?
Perdue: Um….not that.
Judge: Please answer the question responsively.
You spend far too much time playing the fool.
He has all this time for the internet. I guess his caseload is quite light.
What makes you think he’s playing?
These photos of Booker are great. He looks like somebody complaining that his arugula was served with the wrong fork. I’m sure we’ll be seeing these quite a bit in the future.
They’re probably as good as Carville’s Gollum impersonation.
Trying to work the base into a frenzy. They don’t have anything of substance to show the voters.
And Black Americans have just doubled their approval of Trump’s work…….
racism, 1st definition: anything liberals don’t like.
(that also the liberal definition of hitler, islamaphobia, transphobia, and sexism)
by any objective measure, haiti and africa ARE sh**holes. haiti is the poorest country in the world and has the highest illiteracy in the western hemisphere. nigeria is nearly as poor and their illiteracy rate is higher than haitis.
if we want to let people into America from sh**holes, we better be very selective so we don’t end uo with more people on various forms of welfare.
about 57% of immigrant household, both legal and illegal, with children are receiving one or more forms of welfare. it is insanity to continue to be the welfare program for mexico and haiti.
General comment To Whom It May Concern:
Is it possible on this comment system to include a blocking feature? There are certain people I’d love to block since they botch up comment sections with their own tantrums and do not add meaningfully to conversations. Life is too short for such vain timewasters.
On Disqus one is able to block such nonsense commenters, but I don’t see a way to do so here?
If there is, would someone please explain the method?
That, and move the Reply link away from the down-tick link?
This has been the most rational and most productive exchange on this thread. I vote with you two. To the extent that commenters have a vote in these matters. 😉
Thank you. And something tells me the downtick I got was a) not accidental, and b) came from Texas.
Ew, yah. That would be so marvy…!!!
Then you could cocoon yourself so nice and coozy warm and never hear anything challenging your dogma.
Nope, not at all. Some commenters are not challenging anyone’s dogma, they are vulgar attackers who are uncivil and provoking for the sake of nothing but provocation.
As I typed, life is too short to be bothered by such histrionics that are not meant to accomplish anything other than a desperate scream for attention.
More freedom in comment platforms is much appreciated. My time here is limited and better spent reading thoughtful discussions rather than raw, ridiculous rants.
I pointed out that NOBODY had “denied” the T-rumpian ejaculation, but had only dissembled on the exact word or term used.
That was no rant. It was not vulgar. It was not anything but true.
You cannot deny it. So you attack me. Your time would be better spent in introspection.
hrh40 never mentioned a name.
“Context”, nutter. Learn the term, and how to apply it!
So, you read “…since they botch up comment sections with their own tantrums and do not add meaningfully to conversations.”
and decided it was you. Good to know.
A lot of people just employ the “Rags Rule”, suggested by Rags himself for a poster that he regularly clashed with.
To paraphrase…
When you see their name, just downvote and skip over the comment
IIRC, that was in reference to Gary (The Liar) Brit, who was banned here for some time.
Maybe not. You appear to have a bright recollection of everything I’ve said. Odd for someone who considers me without creds…
Some of your spittle just sticks, I guess
Until Booker & Co. go into the neighborhoods and confess how they lied to the DACA recipients, how they built up false hopes, how they made promises they had no authority to make, how they thought they could get away with ignoring Rule of Law – until these shirt-winders go into the communities and admit their fraud they have no standing, status, or basis to claim any sort of righteousness.
Frauds, liars, and charlatans – the lot of them.
The DACA issue can never be fully resolved. The current crop can be given a path to citizenship, deported or whatever they decide to do … but that will not solve the broader problem.
As long as there is illegal immigration there will be children that accompany their parents or relatives. These children will eventually become the next batch of children that were illegally brought here via no choice of their own. Once their numbers build up again … we’ll find ourselves with the same problems and the same ethical questions.
We have not the stomach to stop illegal immigration and … without qualification … turn everyone away that has no legal right to be here.
They’ll keep coming.
The big problem here is that the Dems are demanding that DACA relief not contain an end to chain migration. In other words, the parents who illegally entered the country bringing their young children would get the same amnesty that their Dreamer kids would get. As well as all of their other kids, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Which blows the amnesty from the claimed 800k up to maybe > 10 million.
When it became obvious that Trump was not going to buy into the Group of 6 bill, or DACA relief w/o an end to chain migration, I think that it is very likely that lil Dickey Durbin had a meltdown, and invented this to cover their failure.
The off Broadway version of “Hamilton.
Well, they’re right that something urgently needs to be done about the DACA people. They are a serious criminal element in our society who should be sent back to their native fecal excavations with great dispatch. The last thing we need to do is encourage the importation of a band of scoff-laws and ne’er-do-wells.
Haven’t you heard? All the DACAs are either war heroes or valedictorians.
But isn’t a “brick shithouse” a good thing? At least in my neck of the woods it is.
One of my uncles had a house in the country. Found out his was the only house in the are without a outhouse. When family came to visit, all the kids were relegated to sleeping in the barn, with no facilities. To keep the kids from interrupting the adult festivities he built a brick shithouse, with heat and running water, between the barn and the house. Only brick one in the area… BTW, the rooms in the barn had no heat. In winter, lot’s of blankets.
Booker needs his ass kicked.
Modest suggestion: Let’s get President Trump and Congress out of the silly business the way that the UK did with Brexit: Let’s have a nation-wide non-binding referendum, and they should follow our lead.
Ballot questions:
1. Do you support chain migration, the ability for immigrants to automatically bring in family members?
2. Do you support building a physical wall all along the US-Mexican border?
3. If #2 above fails: Do you support expanding the physical wall where it makes sense and using other means to protect the border?
4. Do you support granting citizenship to Dreamers with the right bring in family members?
5. If #4 fails: Do you support granting citizenship to Dreamers without any rights to chain migration?
6. If #4 and #5 fail: Do you support keeping Dreamers in this country, providing a path to citizenship, but no rights to chain migration?
By the way, my votes: 1N 2Y 3Y 4N 5Y 6Y
1. do you mean legal immigrants? The answer would depend on their status…
2. no, not a wall. A wall is stupid and limits observation; a fence system is much better.
3. yes. For decades, like most conservatives.
4. no, absolutely not.
5. no, let them return to their native nations and begin the legal immigration process.
6. no, and because every amnesty ever tried anywhere has failed to do what was intended.
What point is there to a non-binding referendum? Even when things are explicitly written in law the government does whatever they want. They simply can’t be trusted.
All of this is just some half-assed circle jerk. Sure … we’ll help the current DACA children or kick the can down the road or we’ll make a little headway in one direction or another … but not enough to make any real difference.
Our government … and by in large our people … do not have the will to put our country first, put our laws first … and take decisive, comprehensive and effective steps to control who comes into this country. Bandaids and kicking the can down the road is the best we can expect.
A referendum is an unnecessary, ad-hoc act of desperation.
The obvious alternative is … when in doubt, read the instructions.
The Federal government has an instruction manual, and the President is following it. There’s a section in the manual for Congress too, even if too many Congresscritters don’t want to pay any attention.
The cool thing about the instruction manual is that it still applies to everyone else even if Congress fails to do its job.
But back to the referendum. We already had one; it was called the 2016 election. The candidate said he would do certain things. After his election, he proceeded to do them. Most are works in progress; the “instant gratification” types are unhappy with that … just as I’m sure they hate a great many things about the real world.
Yep. As many of us said a year + ago.
It was boob-bait for the boobs.
“What would T-bone do?”
Little man Booker, time to get the big boy pants out and act like a man. A “man” crying may get some creds with some pseudo-feminists, maybe even get you laid, but no points with anyone with more than a functioning brain stem.
Yep. Ramirez gets it…
Ramirez is just another shithole lefty like you.
Since he did not use the term in a public setting, the cartoon is just more of your prog BS.
I do believe you’ve used a curseword or three in private.
And public.
Keep trying. We’ll keep handing you back your shithole.
You are really quite mad.
You know this, and keep getting worse.
And you are an insane hater of the President. Just like everyone on the left. You are aligned with the absolute worst elements in this country.
Mad is your middle name.
You know this, and keep getting worse.
All that is a lie. I do hate liars and frauds, and Collectivist pretenders sans character. Just as I did Barracula.
I oppose the worst elements in America, including you.
I remain the same, day-to-day. You devolve into your cult-following madness every minute.
You’re out of your mind.
“You’re out of your mind.”
That’s like Gupta saying Trump has heart disease, or Lee claiming he is mentally impaired.
So thanks. Good to know you continue to act like the progs.
“Just as I did Barracula.”
LOL, you’ve spent 1000 times that on Trump. I think you loves you some barracula and shrillary. Seems pretty clear.
You are the worst element in America.
You’re irrational, and a liar. Not in that order.
You are objectively both. Trying to tar me with various total bullshit is just who you are.
Well, it’s a record: the woman who posts here under the name ‘ragspierre’ generated 279 ‘thumbs-down’ in one post.
Good word, lady.
You should call fake psych Brandy X. at Yale for help: 203-432-4771.
But do it quick, before she gets into porn, and out of the fake doctor business.
Suck me, SwineReports. Deep and long.