Citing “Racism,” Maxine Waters, John Lewis To Skip Trump’s SOTU

In the wake of Representative John Lewis (D-GA) announcing he would not attend President Trump’s inauguration, more than 50 Democrats refused to attend.  Now three Democrats, so far, are refusing to attend the president’s State of the Union (SOTU) address on January 30th.

The first to announce his intention of skipping the President’s first SOTU was Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR).  His announcement was made early this month.

Since then, two more Democrats—Representatives Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Lewis—have announced they will not attend the SOTU.  Given that neither attended last year and that Waters has been vocal about her desire to impeach Trump (and then to impeach Pence), these announcements seem par for the “resist we much” course.

Fox News reports:

Two Democratic members of Congress are joining a third colleague in boycotting the State of the Union address, Leland Vittert reported Saturday.Vittert said on “Fox & Friends” that Georgia Congressman John Lewis and Congresswoman Maxine Waters of California announced they will join Oregon’s Earl Blumenauer in skipping the traditional presidential address.”Why would I take my time to go and sit and listen to a liar,” Waters, 79, said.Lewis, 77, said he cannot go forward with attending the address to Congress, after what President Donald Trump “has said about so many Americans… I wouldn’t be honest with myself.”Both legislators previously skipped Trump’s Inauguration ceremony, and Waters has since repeatedly called for the New Yorker to be impeached.

. . . . Lewis criticized Trump’s reportedly profane remarks about various poor and less-developed nations and also boycotted the opening of a civil rights museum in Mississippi headlined by the president.

Lewis claims that racism is in the president’s DNA.

Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., disagrees.

From wearing black to show support for the #MeToo movement to inviting anti-Trump guests to sit in the gallery, Democrats who still plan to attend are going to be engaging in various forms of protest.

The Hill reports:

Democrats are already plotting ways to protest during President Trump’s State of the Union later this month.At least one lawmaker plans to boycott the speech entirely, with more Democrats possibly opting to skip the event as well. Female Democrats including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) plan to wear black to show solidarity with victims of sexual misconduct, just as Hollywood stars did at an awards show over the weekend.. . . . They settled on wearing black after watching the Golden Globes on Sunday.Female Democrats are hoping that their display of black will help bring the “Me Too” conversation about rooting out sexual misconduct and women’s issues to Trump’s State of the Union on Jan. 30.Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.), the chairwoman of the Democratic Women’s Working Group, said she also expects to give her guest ticket in the House chamber gallery to a person involved in the “Me Too” movement, but hasn’t decided whom to invite yet.. . . .   Most lawmakers haven’t decided whom to invite as guests this year, but many may bring so-called Dreamers, or immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children, amid the negotiations over how to protect them from deportation. Frankel said that other members may also bring guests associated with the “Me Too” movement.

It seems like Democrats are going down their list and checking it twice:  racism, check; misogyny, check; xenophobia, check.  It shouldn’t be long before they toss in “fascism” and  “homophobia” to complete their trite litany of false accusations.

Tags: Democrats, Maxine Waters, SOTU, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump Speech, US House