Twitter Thrilled With Justice Willett's Return After Confirmation to the Fifth Circuit
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Twitter Thrilled With Justice Willett’s Return After Confirmation to the Fifth Circuit

Twitter Thrilled With Justice Willett’s Return After Confirmation to the Fifth Circuit

And not a moment too soon

Earlier this week, Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett was confirmed to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The Tweeting Texan’s account has been dormant since November, remaining silent during Senate confirmation hearings.

But he’s back!

And Twitter was thrilled:


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I did a little research and learned that the 50-47 confirmation vote was straight down party lines.

Apparently, the leftist precious of ‘bi-partisanship’ is only a thang when it’s advantageous to their agenda.

A belated congrats to Ho and Willet. And to paraphrase a vile, venal pantsuit witch who should be in prison, “Ah ain’t noways tarred of winning.”

Keep it up, Trump, and I just might vote for you next time.