Topless feminist steals baby Jesus from Vatican Nativity scene AGAIN
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Topless feminist steals baby Jesus from Vatican Nativity scene AGAIN

Topless feminist steals baby Jesus from Vatican Nativity scene AGAIN

What did baby Jesus ever do to her?

Shouting “God is woman!”, a barechested activist attempted to steal a giant likeness of baby Jesus from the Vatican Nativity scene Monday.

An activist for FEMEN, a misguided Ukranian feminist outfit, the protester was tackled and covered by Vatican police before she could run off with baby Jesus. Reuters reports:

A topless activist from the feminist group Femen tried to snatch the statue of the baby Jesus from the Nativity scene in St. Peter’s Square on Monday but was stopped by police as she grabbed it.

A Reuters photographer said the woman jumped over guard rails and rushed onto the larger-than-life Nativity scene shouting “God is woman”. She had the same slogan painted on her bare back.

A Vatican gendarme stopped her from taking the statue and she was detained. The incident happened about two hours before Pope Francis delivered his Christmas message to some 50,000 people in the square.

The group’s website identified her as Alisa Vinogradova and called her a “sextremist”. It says the goal of the group, which was founded in Ukraine, is “complete victory over patriarchy”.

FEMEN activists consider their breasts the ultimate protest weapon and their goal is simple: complete victory over the patriarchy, according to their website:

In the beginning, there was the body, feeling of the woman’s body, feeling of joy because it is so light and free. Then there was injustice, so sharp that you feel it with your body, it immobilizes the body, hinders its movements, and then you find yourself your body’s hostage. And so you turn your body against this injustice, mobilizing every body’s cell to struggle against the patriarchy and humiliation. You tell the world: Our God is a Woman!

Our Mission is Protest!

Our Weapon are bare breasts!

And so FEMEN is born and sextremism is set off.

But these aren’t just any boob-baring feminists, they’re “physically and psychologically ready to implement the humanitarian tasks of any degree of complexity and level of provocation.”

FEMEN female activists are the women with special training, physically and psychologically ready to implement the humanitarian tasks of any degree of complexity and level of provocation. FEMEN activists are ready to withstand repressions against them and are propelled by the ideological cause alone. FEMEN is the special force of feminism, its spearhead militant unit, modern incarnation of fearless and free Amazons.

Does Wonder Woman know about this? Just curious.

FEMEN boasts their core values are sextremism, atheism, and feminism, which explains quite a bit about the kind of woman attracted to their cause. “Cynical, embittered, deeply hurt, and live a loathe-filled life? Like to paint yourself with bad English translations and run around with your knockers tossing about? Then we’re the protest group for you!”

Anyway, FEMEN tried the same stunt back in 2014 with similar results, though better photos, like this one:

As I blogged the last time they pulled this stunt:

The hypocrisy… it burns. Leave it to feminists to call a campaign that advocates the mass murder of the unborn the “Massacre of the Innocents.” Forget that the actual Massacre of the Innocents was Herod’s campaign to murder all male babies and young children, because after chatting with the Magi he was all, “Jesus? Pssh. I’m the only King!”

Protip, it’s not novel when you try the same stunt repeatedly. Loses a little something, I think.


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As the porch light attracts moths, leftist narratives attract the delusional or worse. Their behavior must be feeding some internal personal sickness since it sure does not attract me in any way.

American Human | December 26, 2017 at 9:18 am

I, for one, don’t believe she was bare-chested because there were no pictures. How can I tell if she’s bare-chested if there are no photos of her bare chest.
If women want to go bare-chested, fine, but they shouldn’t get upset when men stare at their breasts.
Your question (obviously made is the spirit of jest) “What did baby Jesus ever do to her?” begs the answer that He did something that no other could have done. “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved.”

Ah baby, don’t turn your back on me!

That’ll show ’em.

Sad Female. She most likely wishes there was a MAN who loved her and she had babies. Most likely a MISERABLE womyn, full of hate, lonely, fat rear-end, etc.

This is the “modern” womyn. Take a good “hard” look at her. Pathetic and a wasted life achieving NOTHING except her Xanax-Prozac battles with existence.

Soon, the Muslims will deal with her kind. She will be beaten, silenced, and kept pregnant in her HUSBANDS home. Then, finally, she will be happy.

Looking at the old picture. Is Baby Jesus trying to feel her up?
She should join #MeToo.

I should also add, that I am willing to offer an exchange to feminists. I’ll support #FreeTheNipple if they wiull support #FreeTheLeer.

Not too surprisingly, it’s always the Jesus figurine which gets stolen. You’d think it would occur to somebody to bolt Him down.

Fame is fleeting, so is superficial beauty (NOT making any judgment of her!). There is also tasty and tasteless …. definitely tasteless.

I’d love to see these entitles wenches flogged.

“What did baby Jesus ever do to her?”

He founded the evil Xtofascist patriarchy, or something.

Eyes down here…

Also, it’s a baby, a burden. A symbol of patriarchal oppression.

Gaia withholds comment.

DouglasJBender | December 26, 2017 at 1:08 pm

Perhaps this is the feminist version of “Running of the Bulls”. But theirs would be titled, “Running of the Boobs”, which also would have more than one meaning.

DouglasJBender | December 26, 2017 at 1:10 pm

By the way, when they are out there protesting stuff topless, do they carry signs above their heads that read, “Look at Me!!”?

As a rational anarchist, I fully support the rights of SJW women showing me their breasts.

She’s rather young to be acting like a butyryl tag – that was auto correct’s version of bitter old hag.
Kind of sad actually, She needs a family, or a husband, or perhaps simply sanity.

You’ll notice they’re not going to Saudi Arabia to smash the patriarchy by flashing their tits.

I <3 bewbies.

Taser in the boob would have ended this posthaste.