Lawmakers Frustrated by McCabe Testimony on Trump Dossier, Hillary

The House Intelligence Committee (HPSCI) grilled FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for seven hours over the dossier published against then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and the FBI’s investigation into then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

Unfortunately, he could not give them much information and actually contradicted testimony of former witnesses, which has led the committee to issue new subpoenas.


From Fox News:

While HPSCI staff would not confirm who will be summoned for testimony, all indications point to demoted DOJ official Bruce G. Ohr and FBI General Counsel James A. Baker, who accompanied McCabe, along with other lawyers, to Tuesday’s HPSCI session.The issuance of a subpoena against the Justice Department’s top lawyer could provoke a new constitutional clash between the two branches, even worse than the months-long tug of war over documents and witnesses that has already led House Speaker Paul Ryan to accuse DOJ and FBI of “stonewalling” and HPSCI Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., to threaten contempt-of-Congress citations against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray.“It’s hard to know who’s telling us the truth,” said one House investigator after McCabe’s questioning.

McCabe told the panel that the FBI worked hard “to verify the contents of the anti-Trump ‘dossier’ and stood by its credibility.” However, he could not tell the lawmakers if “the bureaur has been able to verify the substantive allegations in the dossier, or even identify a substantive allegation that has been corroborated.”

The lawmakers asked him which part of the dossier was true and Mccabe only pointed to the part “that the unpaid, low-level Trump foreign policy advisor Carter Page visited Moscow in July 2016.”

Fox News continued:

The sources said that when asked when he learned that the dossier had been funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, McCabe claimed he could not recall – despite the reported existence of documents with McCabe’s own signature on them establishing his knowledge of the dossier’s financing and provenance.

Hillary Clinton

When it comes to failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, McCabe’s testimony did not sway the GOP on the panel to change their minds that she received special treatment from the FBI.

Remember, in the middle of the campaign, then-FBI Director James Comey cleared her of any wrongdoing despite listing all the careless ways she handled confidential information.

James Comey

McCabe did confirm Comey’s previous testimony that Trump asked the former FBI director for his loyalty. From CNN:

In private testimony before the House Intelligence Committee this week, McCabe told lawmakers that Comey informed him of conversations he had with President Donald Trump soon after they happened, according to three sources with knowledge of the matter.The testimony suggests McCabe could corroborate Comey’s account, including Trump’s ask that Comey show him loyalty, which the President has strongly disputed. Comey previously testified that he briefed some of his senior colleagues at the FBI about this conversation with Trump.

Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee back in June that Trump told him “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty” as the two men dined at the White House last January. Comey described Trump to the committee as a man “obsessed with loyalty and publicly clearing his name amid an FBI investigation of his associates.” The Washington Post wrote that the testimony showed Comey’s “growing unease with the nature of the demands being made of him in their private conversations.”

Trump fired Comey in May and denied Comey’s testimony.

Tags: FBI, Hillary Email Scandal, Trump Russia, US House