Judicial Watch: Classified emails on Weiner laptop show need to reopen Hillary server investigation

Judicial Watch has received via FOIA emails that the FBI found on the computer of disgraced former congressman and estranged husband of Hilary aide Huma Abedin.  That Huma forwarded classified emails to the laptop was previously reported, but now Judicial Watch obtained redacted copies of some of the emails, clearly marked classified.This could add to the pressure on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to order the FBI to reopen its investigation of Hillary’s server and handling of classified information in light of recent revelations that the FBI investigation may have been predetermined and perfunctory.Former FBI Director James Comey’s infamous pre-election October surprise letter to Congress was prompted by the FBI’s discovery of emails “pertinent” to the Hillary Clinton email scandal.At the time, I wrote:

As the Hillary email-Weiner sexting scandals and investigations unfold, we are learning that there are thousands of emails that the FBI believes to be work-related correspondence between Hillary and Huma Abedin.Abedin is saying she has no idea how those emails got on the co-owned computer, and considering that saying otherwise would reveal a crime (i.e. perjury and/or lying to the FBI—the latter is how Martha Stewart earned her stay at Club Fed), that is not surprising.Comey stated in his letter to Congress that the investigative team working on the Weiner sexting case briefed him on the emails they found to and from Hillary.

In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear pertinent to the investigation,” Comey wrote the chairmen. “I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.

In May of this year, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) grilled Comey over his statement that neither Huma Abedin nor Hillary Clinton had “intent” to violate federal law by sending classified information to persons without clearance.  Cruz made the point that “intent to violate the law [is] not required under the statute.”

In October 2016, less than two weeks before the election, FBI Director James Comey disclosed that the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server had been reopened after classified emails from Huma Abedin were found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop as part of an unrelated investigation into Weiner’s sexting with a teenager.The computer in question belonged to her husband, disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner.  Last November, FBI notes revealed that Hillary had been sending her housekeeper emails containing classified information for the purpose of printing them out.In his Senate Judiciary Committee testimony today, FBI Director James Comey reveals that Abedin had been forwarding classified information to her husband so that he could print it out for her to give to Hillary.He further notes that no charges were pursued because the FBI could not determine intent to violate federal law.

Judicial Watch has finally obtained the emails via FOIA and has issued the following statement demanding that the investigation be reopened:

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding today’s pending 3:00 pm (Eastern) release by the U.S. Department of State of Huma Abedin’s work-related documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that were found on her estranged husband Anthony Weiner’s personal laptop.

This is a major victory. After years of hard work in federal court, Judicial Watch has forced the State Department to finally allow Americans to see these public documents. It will be in keeping with our past experience that Abedin’s emails on Weiner’s laptop will include classified and other sensitive materials. That these government docs were on Anthony Weiner’s laptop dramatically illustrates the need for the Justice Department to finally do a serious investigation of Hillary Clinton’s and Huma Abedin’s obvious violations of law.

Watch Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton explain:

Tags: Anthony Weiner, FBI, Hillary Email Scandal, Judicial Watch