Glenn Reynolds: You can “thank” Hillary for the Libya Slave Trade
“you won’t hear much about that from the news media or the foreign-policy pundits”
In recent years, the country of Libya has descended into a nightmare. There is a lack of leadership and warring factions are struggling for control. Worst of all, some refugees who have been taken prisoner there are now being sold in slave markets.
CNN recently reported:
People for sale
“Eight hundred,” says the auctioneer. “900 … 1,000 … 1,100 …” Sold. For 1,200 Libyan dinars — the equivalent of $800.
Not a used car, a piece of land, or an item of furniture. Not “merchandise” at all, but two human beings.
One of the unidentified men being sold in the grainy cell phone video obtained by CNN is Nigerian. He appears to be in his twenties and is wearing a pale shirt and sweatpants.
He has been offered up for sale as one of a group of “big strong boys for farm work,” according to the auctioneer, who remains off camera. Only his hand — resting proprietorially on the man’s shoulder — is visible in the brief clip.
After seeing footage of this slave auction, CNN worked to verify its authenticity and traveled to Libya to investigate further.
Carrying concealed cameras into a property outside the capital of Tripoli last month, we witness a dozen people go “under the hammer” in the space of six or seven minutes.
“Does anybody need a digger? This is a digger, a big strong man, he’ll dig,” the salesman, dressed in camouflage gear, says. “What am I bid, what am I bid?”
Buyers raise their hands as the price rises, “500, 550, 600, 650 …” Within minutes it is all over and the men, utterly resigned to their fate, are being handed over to their new “masters.”
Professor Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit lays the blame for this situation on the foreign policy of the Obama administration which, as you may recall, was overseen by Hillary Clinton.
He wrote at USA Today:
Africans are being sold at Libyan slave markets. Thanks, Hillary Clinton.
Black Africans are being sold in open-air slave markets, and it’s Hillary Clinton’s fault. But you won’t hear much about that from the news media or the foreign-policy pundits, so let me explain.
Footage from Libya, released recently by CNN, showed young men from sub-Saharan Africa being auctioned off as farm workers in slave markets.
And how did we get to this point? As the BBC reported back in May, “Libya has been beset by chaos since NATO-backed forces overthrew long-serving ruler Col. Moammar Gadhafi in October 2011.”
And who was behind that overthrow? None other than then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Under President George W. Bush in 2003, the United States negotiated an agreement with Libyan strongman Gadhafi. The deal: He would give up his weapons of mass destruction peacefully, and we wouldn’t try to depose him.
That seemed a good deal at the time, but the Obama administration didn’t stick to it. Instead, in an operation spearheaded by Clinton, the United States went ahead and toppled him anyway.
The overthrow turned out to be a debacle. Libya exploded into chaos and civil war, and refugees flooded Europe, destabilizing governments there. But at the time, Clinton thought it was a great triumph — “We came, we saw, he died,” she joked about Gadhafi’s overthrow — and adviser Sidney Blumenthal encouraged her to tout her “successful strategy” as evidence of her fitness for the highest office in the land.
As Glenn would say, read the whole thing.
Reynolds discussed this with Tucker Carlson on Friday night. Watch the segment below:
Featured image via YouTube.
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Libya was handed over to muslim terrorist groups by Hillary and Obama.
ISIS grew out of the factions in Libya where all kinds of terrorist groups got to practice and learn how to be even more barbaric than usual.
Obama is a traitor. He committed treason over and over and over. He really was the Manchurian Candidate we all warned about. That much is clear.
Hillary klinton committed treason several times, but for money and the promise of megalomanical power. (After watching obama flaunt the law for eight years and get away with it, her mouth watered like a sloppy dog’s.)
Both are being protected by AG Swamp Sessions.
Obama can also be considered the Anti-Christ. Why is this possible one may ask. He went out of his way to promote anything that denigrated the Christian religion and replaced it with a Muslim doctrine.
“Did you know the DOJ has been investigating the FBI for 11 months…. wait, what?
Hold-up on the criticism folks. Three important statements today from the DOJ, FBI and OIG indicate there have been ongoing investigations and reviews of conduct within the upper tiers of leadership within the Department of Justice and the FBI.”
Well Hillary finally achieved something. She proved she was a greater despot than Gadhafi.
Not to mention a refugee crisis that accurately recreated the “trail of tears” or some recurring African equivalent.
Also, Obama was the Commander in Chief, not Clinton. From Tripoli to Kiev.
Given all the one-sided damage Obama caused, I sometimes wonder if he wasn’t a radical Muslim sympathizer. If his foreign policy had even been random, you would’ve expected a win 50% of the time.
For God’s sake – is there any ‘wonder’ about who obama really is?
If ONLY he was a Musim-sympathizer.
He is a horrible traitor, and it is a miracle we got him out of office at all.
Imagine that we’ve been told “words” upset folks in the ME and Africa but nobody, really, is loudly protesting the horribly evil and grotesque human rights violations unleashed by Pres. Obama, Sec. Clinton and our liberal NATO Allies in Libya. To paraphrase Col. Jessup, “what you did is weaken a nation, Barack and Hillary” and in doing so destabilized a large part of the ME/N. Africa by unleashing immigrants into Europe that would cause further disruption. It’ll be generations before we fully comprehend the human toll of their arrogance.
“It’ll be generations before we fully comprehend the human toll of their arrogance…”
Most of us comprehend it now. Only the democrat base living in their media bubble does not. Being in a cult, they never will, till the day they die.
Our only hope is the new generations coming up: we cannot let the left indoctrinate them as they have been doing without resistance from the Crying Boehners.
Again, this all comes down to our destroying the GOPe and voting-in Constitution-abiding patriots in their place. THEN you’ll see “comprehension” by our nation.