Defecting North Korean Soldier has anthrax antibodies in bloodstream

Just before Christmas, Legal Insurrection noted reports that North Korea was loading potentially deadly anthrax bacteria onto intercontinental ballistic missiles as part of a biological weapons test program.

The stated goal is to eventually deliver a payload of deadly pathogens to the United States. The challenge facing the North Koreans is that the heat generated from the missiles launch, flight, and strike is deadly to the lifeforms on board.

However, biological weapons have distinct advantages over nuclear ones. The materials for their construction tend to be inexpensive, and their detonation tends not to leave radioactive fallout or collapse a mountain on critical research personnel.

It appears the rogue nation’s bioweapons program may be quite robust. One of the four North Korean soldiers who defected has been found to have anthrax antibodies.

A North Korean soldier who defected to the South has been found to have anthrax antibodies in his bloodstream, local news reports.The unidentified soldier, believed to be the man who defected in November this year, would have been either exposed to or vaccinated against anthrax before he defected to South Korea.’Anthrax antibodies have been found in the North Korean soldier who defected this year,’ a South Korean intelligence official told local news network Channel A according to UPI.

So, the soldier was either very lucky (The mortality rates from anthrax range between 25% and 80%) or is part of an elite program, as anthrax vaccination consists of a series of shots and requires annual boosters.

Despite the claims of the North Korean regime that the concerns about anthrax weapons was “groundless”, defense experts are deeply concerned.

Former assistant defense secretary Andrew Weber warned about how dangerous the weapons could be if developed by Kim Jong-un.He said: “The Soviet Union did have warheads that were designed for biological weapons on long-range missiles.“But it is really not necessary, you could deliver an anthrax attack in Los Angeles or Miami or New York, covertly and have a strategic impact and kill tens or thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.”

Meanwhile, North Korea missile developers have been hit by US sanctions.

The US has placed sanctions on two North Korean officials it says have led the development of nuclear missiles.The US treasury named the two men as Kim Jong-sik and Ri Pyong-chol, and said both were “key leaders” of North Korea’s ballistic missile programme….North Korea said the move was “an act of war” and tantamount to a total economic blockade.The new US sanctions will block any transactions by the two men carried out in the US, essentially freezing any American assets they may have.

Between the worms and the antibodies, it is no wonder that Kim Jong Un is worried about defecting soldiers and citizens. Their bodies contain clear evidence of the brutal priorities of his sick regime.

Tags: North Korea, Vaccines