Bernie Sanders: Corporate Taxes Will ‘Absolutely’ go up if Dems Take Over

Bernie has been helping Democrats advance the narrative that the GOP tax reform bill is a big break for the wealthy and no good for the middle class. Yet Sunday on Face the Nation, Sanders admitted an inconvenient truth.

Sanders said that if Democrats regain control in 2018, corporate taxes are going up. The left thinks nothing of burdening job creators.

Valerie Richardson reports at the Washington Times:

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Corporate taxes would ‘absolutely’ go back up if Democrats win Senate in 2018Sen. Bernard Sanders said Sunday that corporate taxes would “absolutely” go back up if Democrats retake the Senate in 2018.“I think we’re going to take a very hard look at this entire tax bill and make it a tax bill that works for the middle class and working families, not for the top 1 percent and large multi-national corporations,” the Vermont independent said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”Asked if that would mean raising the federal corporate tax rate, which would drop from 35 to 21 percent under the Republican tax-reform plan expected to pass Congress this week, Mr. Sanders said, “In my view, absolutely.”Republicans have touted the reduction as a way to stimulate the economy and repatriate companies that have moved overseas in order to avoid the U.S. corporate tax, the highest among the world’s major economies.

Watch the video below:

Bernie also conceded defeat on the tax reform bill.

Kyle Feldscher of the Washington Examiner:

Bernie Sanders concedes defeat on tax reform: ‘We did everything that we could’Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said opponents of the Republican tax reform plan did all they could to stop it and essentially conceded defeat before a vote scheduled for Tuesday.Sanders said on CBS’ “Face The Nation” there were too many forces opposing Democrats that they could not overcome.“We did everything that we could. But at the end of the day what you had is people like [Treasury Secretary Steven] Mnuchin, who is worth $300 to 400 million; the president of the United States, who is worth several billion dollars, as you mentioned; from four or five thousand lobbyists doing everything they could to write a bill which significantly benefits the wealthiest people in this country and the largest corporations,” he said.

Bernie just can’t fathom a scenario where the government takes less money in taxes.

He has better plans for everyone else’s wealth.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Bernie Sanders, Democrats, Taxes