Sen. Rand Paul Assaulted by Next-door Neighbor
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Sen. Rand Paul Assaulted by Next-door Neighbor

Sen. Rand Paul Assaulted by Next-door Neighbor

“Paul told troopers that his neighbor came onto his property and tackled him from behind, forcing him to the ground and causing pain.”

Kentucky’s junior senator Rand Paul was assaulted outside of his own Bowling Green home Friday afternoon.

According to local news, the alleged assailant is Rene Boucher is Sen. Paul’s next door neighbor. The FBI believes the attack was politically motivated:

WBKO reported:

On Friday, the Kentucky State Police responded to Rand Paul’s residence in Bowling Green at 3:21 p.m.

When they arrived, troopers say they discovered that Rene Boucher, 59, of Bowling Green, intentionally assaulted Sen. Rand Paul causing minor injury.

Troopers say Senator Paul was not transported to the hospital.

Boucher was arrested and charged with one count of Assault 4th—minor injury, and taken to the Warren County Detention Center.

“Senator Paul was blindsided and the victim of an assault. The assailant was arrested and it is now a matter for the police,” says Kelsey Cooper, State Communications Director for Office of U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY).

Warren County Regional Jail has the spelling listed as Rene Albert Bousher.

KSP says Boucher was an acquaintance.

…According to the arrest warrant, Paul told troopers that his neighbor came onto his property and tackled him from behind, forcing him to the ground and causing pain.

The arrest warrant goes on to say that Paul had small cuts to his nose and mouth.

According to the Bowling Green Daily News is being held on a 5,000 bond. Boucher has been charged with a Class A misdemeanor, which could spell jail time if convicted.

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DouglasJBender | November 5, 2017 at 11:34 am

There must be some way Trump or the Russians can be blamed.

If this had happened to me the headline would have been, “Senator Arminius’ sled dogs attack poor innocent neighbor, eat his lunch.”

You may wonder why a Tejano like me is talking sled dogs.

Good question.

Everybody needs a hobby.

    A tired dog is a happy dog.

      Arminius in reply to Paul. | November 5, 2017 at 1:40 pm

      Yes! And I want to make lots if dogs happy.

      Arminius in reply to Paul. | November 5, 2017 at 1:46 pm

      Thing is, though, don’t try to sneak anything by a dog at an airport. You will make some dog happy.

        I’ve always been partial to Labrador Retrievers, and they absolutely love any “find it” or “fetch it” game. My dog now is almost 10 years old but he is still a complete monster when I break out a tennis ball. He’ll go through anything (or jump off anything) to get to it. Even at his age, he still needs at least 15 miles a week of walking/jogging to tamp down the excess energy.

4th armored div | November 5, 2017 at 11:48 am

did a google and still don’t know why the perp did it.

seems that since Sen Paul was hit from the back, that much serious damage could have been inflicted, but wasn’t –
Kemberlee, if you can get more info before posting a headline, it would be very helpful.

Rand Paul strikes me as a Corgi kind of guy.

Not like there’s anything wrong with that.

I used to be a more hunting dog kind of guy. But then I moved to Texas. And I LIKE Texas, don’t get me wrong. But every choice has both positive and negative connotations. It’s a trade off.

And in Texas the only hunting leases I can find also have ranching leases. Which means strychnine traps for the coyotes.

I’m not going to put my dog up against one of those. No dog could resist the bait. That’s the point.

Hunting dogs gotta hunt. It’s why you brought ’em. So they have to range. Sled dogs are strapped to your sled. You’re going to be blankety blank there. Wherever there is.

    Old0311 in reply to Arminius. | November 5, 2017 at 2:16 pm

    After they get the coyotes killed back to a level they like the countryside will be covered in cottontails. One such event happened when I was 12 and it was so much fun spotlighting bunnies all night.

Why is it that the same press that talks about a “climate” creating a situation doesn’t do so when the situation is reversed?

Senator Paul is quite Libertarian.

Maybe the neighbor is offended by the lack of government interference in his life.

Maybe Rand told Boucher he was a big “Pink Panther” fan, and Boucher was pretending to be Kato . . .

Or Boucher is nuts and should be locked up.

And how is assaulting a Senator only a Class A misdemeanor? I realize they might increase the charge, but if merely threatening POTUS is such a serious offense, I would think an unprovoked physical altercation on a Senator would automatically mean you are looking at serious hard time.

Humphrey's Executor | November 5, 2017 at 5:22 pm

Its a felony under 18 US Code 115.

Reports are now that Sen. Paul suffered five broken ribs. Not just a little shove, then.

Five broken ribs.

The lunatic perp committed a pretty heavy felony – and a violent one, too.

In addition to being a registered Democrat, the Daily Caller revealed:

“A Facebook account that appears to Boucher’s contains multiple anti-President Donald Trump postings; Boucher shared posts from Occupy Democrats, a popular Facebook page for liberals and progressives….”

At 59, this guy just might spend the rest of his life in prison. In this day and age, he’ll be made an example of. Unless, of course, Sessions recuses himself.

5 broken ribs. Neighbors say he is an avowed Socialist.