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Prof Under Fire for Telling Students to Work Hard and Avoid Drinking

Prof Under Fire for Telling Students to Work Hard and Avoid Drinking

“extremely damaging”

This seems like good advice for any student but the outrage brigade didn’t like it.

FOX News reports:

Professor draws ire for saying students will have to work hard and avoid drinking

UK’s Cambridge University physical sciences professor came under fire this week from mental health campaigners and students after he suggested undergraduates will have to work hard and abstain from drinking to pass the course.

Eugene Terentjev draw the fury of students and mental health activists after sending out an email last week to first-year natural sciences undergraduates at Cambridge, telling them the course will be difficult and thus they should refrain from drinking and other social activities if they wish to succeed, according to an email leaked to student-run publication Varsity.

“Physical sciences is a VERY hard subject, which will require ALL of your attention and your FULL brain capacity (and for a large fraction of you, even that will not be quite enough),” Terentjev wrote to the students.

“You can ONLY do well (ie achieve your potential, which rightly or wrongly several people here assumed you have) if you are completely focused, and learn to enjoy the course. People who just TAKE the course, but enjoy their social life, can easily survive in many subjects — but not in this one.”

He added: “Remember that you are NOT at any other uni, where students do drink a lot and do have what they regard as a ‘good time’ — and you are NOT on a course, as some Cambridge courses sadly are, where such a behaviour pattern is possible or acceptable.”

The professor’s comments caused an uproar among activists and students, who called his email “extremely damaging” and neither “appropriate nor acceptable”, with one other university vice-chancellor accusing Terentjev of “frightening impressionable undergraduates”, the London Times reported.


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Damn, that is the kind of Professor I want my grand-kids to have in college. Maybe we should establish a “People’s Choice” for Professor of the Year. Work ethics, responsible behavior, they seem to be reasonable set of keys for success.


When my kids headed off to college, I told them to learn to enjoy their courses, work hard, don’t drink to excess, and don’t stay up all night. Terentjev neglected the “don’t stay up all night” advice, but he sounds like someone I’d like to have teach my kids and grandkids.

Of course the snowflakes protested, and I assume they called him a racist, sexist, etc. After all, his course doesn’t fit their criterion that they should be able to get a college degree for whining about their feelings for four years.

The criticisms of this professor falls right in line with equally absurd claims that tests are examples or white supremacy, that mathematics is guilty of being a white patriarchal subject that has little value, and so forth. Perhaps when these triggered student are lying on the bed looking up at their doctor who is going to perform their heart double bypass surgery, they will be heartened to hear that their doctor never took an exam or studied hard for those were simply past practices foisted upon innocent students by white supremacist, patriarchal, racist colleges and that their doctor, being so enlightened, never found it necessary to take part in those barbarian practices.

“The professor’s comments caused an uproar among activists and students, who called his email ‘extremely damaging’ . . .”

1. Who are these “activists”?
2. Methinks excessive alcohol consumption is damaging; receiving an e-mail is not.

    Walker Evans in reply to hrhdhd. | November 13, 2017 at 11:19 pm

    According to campus snowflakes, any words communicated in any form that do not agree 100% with their own so-called “ideas” are a form of violence.

    And we all know that violence is damaging, right. Right?