Gloria Allred Holds Press Conference With Roy Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson

Attorney Gloria Allred has scheduled a press conference at 2:30 PM EDT with an alleged Roy Moore accuser, adding to the dumpster fire of Alabama’s special senate election.

An article published by the Washington Post last week featured four women, one of whom allege Moore engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct when she was but a teenager and he was in his thirties. One of his accusers alleged Moore took her out on dates and bought her alcohol. At the time, she was 18 and the legal drinking age was 19. Moore said in an interview on Sean Hannity’s radio show last week that he remembers the woman, but doesn’t recall if they dated.

Monday afternoon, Gloria Allred joined Beverly Nelson, a fifth accuser, who alleged Moore acted inappropriately when she was a teenager.

A tearful Nelson told her story, alleging Moore forced himself on her while in a car. She was 16 at the time of the alleged incident. Summarized by the Chicago Tribune:

She said Moore was a regular customer at the restaurant where she worked after school in Gadsden, Ala. She said he would talk to her and sometimes pull the ends of her hair, which she considered flirtatious but didn’t bother her.One night when she was 16, Moore offered to drive her home, she said, but instead parked the car behind the restaurant and touched her breasts and locked the door to keep her inside. She said he squeezed her neck while trying to push her head toward his crotch and tried to pull her shirt off.Moore finally stopped and as she got out of the car, he warned her no one would believe because he was a county prosecutor, Nelson said. She said she quit her job the following day.Nelson said that shortly before that, days before Christmas, she’d brought her high school yearbook to the restaurant and Moore signed it. A copy of her statement distributed at the news conference included a picture of what she said was his signature and a message saying, “To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say, ‘Merry Christmas.'”Nelson said she told her younger sister about the incident two years later, told her mother four years ago and told her husband before they married. She said she and her husband supported Donald Trump for president.

Press conference over. Will have better video when available and text of statement:

Full press conference here:



Since the allegations broke, Moore has conceding dating younger women and said he knows two of his accusers, but not the youngest two. Moore remains vehement in his denial of the allegations and contends a conspiracy was set in motion to derail his senate bid. Before the allegations broke, Moore maintained a nine-point lead over his Democratic opponent.

The entire ordeal is shaping up perfectly along predictable factions. Republican mainliners are siding with accusers and withdrawing support (most of them had backed Moore’s Republican primary opponent Luther Strange). Conservative Senator Mike Lee withdrew his endorsement of Moore and Sen. Cruz called the allegations ‘serious and disturbing’ and said Moore should withdraw from the race if the allegations are true.

Senate Majority leader McConnell graduated from the “if true” qualifier Monday, saying he believes Moore’s accusers:

Moore would hear none of it:

Sens Snow and Hatch joined the calls for withdrawal:

The allegations aside, the entire ordeal is the perfect establishment and media vs. (what used to be Tea Party) populist underdog candidate.

Myself and others believe that the allegations, the media frenzy, and the calls to withdraw by so-called establishment Republicans serve to embolden Moore’s support.

And from the ground:

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: Alabama, Alabama Special Election 2017, Roy Moore