Evergreen State Employee Quits Alleging School Spent State Money Illegally
“using financial aid money intended for students to hire non-student workers”
The employee is making serious allegations here. As if this school didn’t already have enough problems.
The College Fix reports:
Veteran Evergreen State employee resigns in disgust, citing illegal spending of state money
Evergreen State College has drawn harsh scrutiny this year for racial activism against two white professors, but it’s also hiding financial improprieties, according to a recently departed employee.
Michael Radelich, who left the Washington state public college earlier this month, told The College Fix the Writing Center had been using financial aid money intended for students to hire non-student workers.
He served as a learning resource specialist as well as record keeper for the Writing Center, where he worked for 14 years, and said he raised his concerns multiple times before leaving the school – and again in his exit letter.
“I would do payroll, pay the tutors, time sheets and record everything we spent,” Radelich said in an interview near Western Washington University.
Radelich’s departure follows that of Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, the husband-and-wife biology professors who received $500,000 from the college to settle their lawsuit alleging that it failed to protect employees from “hostility based on race, as well as threats of physical violence.”
Other departures since Weinstein’s campaign against the racially tinged “Day of Absence” include Evergreen’s police chief Stacy Brown, women’s basketball coach Jennifer Schooler, and just last week Rashida Love, director of the First Peoples Advising Services.

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Might I suggest a comma after the word ‘quits’ in the headline? As written, it sounds like a current employee has stopped making allegations.
Don’t stop.
Don’t, stop.
Agreed. Your missing comma in the title COMPLETELY changes your meaning.