DNC-Hillary Collusion Bombshell Ignored by Major Networks

hillary clinton bernie sanders side by side

Earlier this week, Mary wrote about former DNC chair Donna Brazile throwing the Hillary Clinton campaign under the bus with her scathing Politico article about the Democrat primary being rigged against Bernie Sanders.  Brazile revealed that she found further email evidence that the Hillary campaign had struck an “unethical” deal with the DNC that effectively hobbled the Bernie campaign.

This is an enormous bombshell that one might imagine the major networks would deem worthy of a passing mention.  After all, they did occasionally spare a few moments to cover the Hillary email and server scandals.

One would be wrong, as President Trump noted yesterday.

While still a candidate, Trump was quite vocal about the way the 2016 Democrat primary was “rigged” against Sanders, as was Sanders himself.

By any measure, Brazile’s shocking revelations are news.  However, the major networks couldn’t find the time to squeeze it into their broadcasts.

Fox News reports:

Brazile admitted that Hillary Clinton’s campaign gained significant control over the Democratic National Committee’s finances and strategy in exchange for helping the party wipe out 2012 presidential campaign debt. In laymen’s terms, Brazile explains how the party rigged the primary for Clinton to defeat Bernie Sanders through shady financial deals – which would typically be major news.An excerpt from her new book, “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House,” was published by Politico at 5 a.m. ET on Thursday morning – over 12 hours before the big three networks air their newscasts.Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren even appeared on CNN at roughly 4:40 p.m. ET to discuss the scandal but ABC’s “World News Tonight,” CBS’s “Evening News” and “NBC Nightly News” skipped it completely. These programs start at 6:30 p.m. ET.On Thursday, after CNN and Fox News both covered the Brazile claims, CBS opened with details on the deadly ambush in Niger, while NBC and ABC both opened with the proposed tax cut.

While Fox News reports that NBC planned to cover it in last night’s broadcast, the other two major networks didn’t respond to requests for comment.

. . . .  ABC and CBS did not immediately respond to request for comment regarding why they failed to cover the bombshell, but Media Research Center News Analyst Nicholas Fondacaro has a theory.“They didn’t want to ruin their narrative that Clinton was a pure angel who was a victim of Donald Trump and Russian collusion,” Fondacaro wrote.

That sounds about right.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, DACA, Hillary Clinton, Trump Twitter