Texas State University’s campus newspaper is under fire for publishing an op-ed by student Rudy Martinez who claims he hates white people and looks forward to their extermination.
Lauren Cooley reports at the Washington Examiner:
Campus newspaper editorial: ‘Your [white] DNA is an abomination’A new opinion piece in a Texas State University student newspaper tells white students, “Your DNA is an Abomination.”“When I think of all the white people I have ever encountered – whether they’ve been professors, peers, lovers, friend, police officers, et cetera – there is perhaps only a dozen I would consider ‘decent,’” student author Rudy Martinez writes in the University Star.Without much biological explanation, Martinez informs white readers, “You were not born white. You became white… You don’t give a damn.” Later in his rant, he calls the police “fascist foot soldiers” and says a “white supremacist inhabits the White House.”The editorial also suggests that “whiteness in the United States” is a “construct used to perpetuate a system of racist power.”
Here’s a detail which should surprise no one:
According to social media posts, Martinez was arrested in Washington, D.C., during President Trump’s inauguration and attempted to crowdfund for legal fees.
The conclusion is nothing short of a call for genocide:
The editorial concludes: “Whiteness will be over because we want it to be. And when it dies, there will be millions of cultural zombies aimlessly wandering across a vastly changed landscape. Ontologically speaking, white death will mean liberation for all… Until then, remember this: I hate you because you shouldn’t exist. You are both the dominant apparatus on the planet and the void in which all other cultures, upon meeting you, die.”
The University Star published this Editor’s Note about reactions to the column:
In the Nov. 28 issue of The University Star, we published an opinions column titled “Your DNA is an abomination.” The column has received widespread criticism from readers, with many expressing that they find the author’s ideas to be racist. The University Star’s opinion pages are a forum for students to express and debate ideas. While our publication does not endorse every opinion put forth by student columnists or guest contributors, as the editor I take responsibility for what is printed on our pages.The original intent of the column was to comment on the idea of race and racial identities. We acknowledge that the column could have been clearer in its message and that it has caused hurt within our campus community. We apologize and hope that we can move forward to a place of productive dialogue on ways to bring our community together.
Where could a college student get the idea that saying such things is acceptable? Oh, right…
Greg Gutfeld and the rest of the panel on The Five discussed the student op-ed yesterday. From the FOX News Insider:
Gutfeld Reacts to Texas State U Student Praying for White DeathGreg Gutfeld reacted to a column in the Texas State University newspaper entitled “Your DNA Is an Abomination.”Gutfeld said the writer, Rudy Martinez, considered only about a dozen of all the Caucasian people they encountered to be “decent.””Whiteness will be over because we want it to be,” Martinez wrote. “White death will mean liberation for all.”…”In an environment of safe spaces, a college paper in Texas run[s] this savage call for violence,” he said.
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