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All signs point to politically motivated attack on Sen. Rand Paul

All signs point to politically motivated attack on Sen. Rand Paul

Neighbors balk at landscaping dispute claims after attack that left Sen. Paul with 6 broken ribs

Saturday, Sen. Rand Paul was jumped and beaten in his front yard by his next-door neighbor Rene Boucher. The attack left Paul with six broken ribs.

Since the attack, his attorney suggested attacker Rene Boucher (an anesthesiologist) was unusually riled up over landscaping clippings left out by the Paul’s, but other neighbors dispute those claims.

From the WaEx:

But seven neighbors in the Rivergreen gated community told Secrets Wednesday that the Pauls are friendly homeowners who kept their property tidy.

“The Paul’s landscaping looks just like everyone’s place in Rivergreen. Wish I could get him to cut my lawn,” said neighbor Robert Warner. “As a friend, neighbor and senator, Rand has been first class in every way. What I find amazing is the fact that he cuts his own grass. Our neighborhood is fortunate that the Paul’s live here,” he added.

All seven neighbors expressed shock at the “scary” attack on Paul as he was doing yard work last Saturday and they dismissed reports that it was the result of poor landscaping. However, they are puzzled about why Boucher, 59, allegedly tackled Paul, 54, who was wearing ear plugs at the time. Boucher has been charged with assault.

“The stories of a ‘landscaping dispute’ or a dispute of any sort between Rand Paul and Rene Boucher are erroneous and unfounded. The reason for Mr. Boucher’s bizarre attack is known only to him. Statements to the contrary are irresponsible and unnecessary,” said neighbor Travis Creed.

He added, “Speculation regarding Boucher’s motive has led to an unfair characterization of the Pauls and their home. The Pauls are and always have been great neighbors and friends. They take pride in their property and maintain it accordingly. Rand has enjoyed working on and maintaining his lawn for as long as I have known him.”

…All seven neighbors expressed shock at the “scary” attack on Paul as he was doing yard work last Saturday and they dismissed reports that it was the result of poor landscaping. However, they are puzzled about why Boucher, 59, allegedly tackled Paul, 54, who was wearing ear plugs at the time. Boucher has been charged with assault.

“The stories of a ‘landscaping dispute’ or a dispute of any sort between Rand Paul and Rene Boucher are erroneous and unfounded. The reason for Mr. Boucher’s bizarre attack is known only to him. Statements to the contrary are irresponsible and unnecessary,” said neighbor Travis Creed.

He added, “Speculation regarding Boucher’s motive has led to an unfair characterization of the Pauls and their home. The Pauls are and always have been great neighbors and friends. They take pride in their property and maintain it accordingly. Rand has enjoyed working on and maintaining his lawn for as long as I have known him.”

Based on his social media profiles, Boucher was fervently anti-Trump and anti-Republican. Seven neighbors think the landscaping excuse is bogus as does Sen. Paul (who tweeted the above-cited article from his official account).

I understand being cautious about assigning motive until the facts provide one, but what’s left here? Clearly, everyone, including Paul believe the defendant’s excuse is just that.

More frightening than the attack itself is the relative neglect this story has received. The press ought to be knocking down doors trying to get to the bottom of this. A lawmaker attacked in his own homes and for what look to be politically motivated reasons is no small occurrence and the latest troubling development in the normalization of violent behavior aimed at differing opinions.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye


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Morning Sunshine | November 9, 2017 at 10:36 am

your quote from the other source is repeated three times.

The Examiner quote starting at “All seven neighbors…” and two following paragraphs are repeated an additional two times.

Appreciate the emphasis, but I got it the first time around. 😉

Imagine the media response if some angry conservative had tackled Elizabeth Warren or Nancy Pelosi in front of their houses, breaking ribs in the process.

They would be demanding that Martial Law be declared.

    OleDirtyBarrister in reply to Tom Servo. | November 9, 2017 at 12:11 pm

    Which is precisely why Snuffy Sessions needs to make an example out of the liberal perp and use his AUSA in KY to pursue federal charges under 18 USC 351(e) and also lean on the state to pursue charges under state law.

Bucky Barkingham | November 9, 2017 at 11:32 am

The LibDems want to gain an effective Senate majority without an election by putting 3 GOP Senators in the hospital.

He’s only a republican so hardly worth the media’s time to get out of bed.

OleDirtyBarrister | November 9, 2017 at 12:03 pm

The nutty liberal doctor may have a habit of huffing his own medicine.

The doctor’s lawyer likely is very concerned about his client’s future and is trying his best to change the story. The doctor has a serious problem in that he can be charged and tried in both the state and the federal systems for what he did, may have to serve time or probation in both systems consecutively, and may lose his job, license, career, home, and family in the process.

After the shooting of Congress Critters back in the summer, the feds may believe they need to bow up and draw a hard line, particularly if the attack appears to be politically motivated. And the feds have the tools they need to make an example of him. The US Code, 18 USC 351(e), makes the attack on Rand a felony offense with punishment of up to 10 years if there is physical injury, plus a potential fine. When a federal felon gets a long sentence up in the multi year range of 6 or more, the prison in which he is incarcerated is likely to he harsher and of higher security than just a camp one might get for a 1-2 year sentence if he had no prior convictions.

So what will Snuffy Sessions and his federal entourage do?

the latest troubling development in the normalization of violent behavior

It’s only half-troubling. Progressive or Leftist violence is normalized, business-as-usual. But from the Right, violence is still “violence” (or it would be, if it happened). Speech is “violence”. Mere existence is “violence”.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to tom_swift. | November 9, 2017 at 2:32 pm

    And it will be so until either a law is enforced, or the violence becomes bipartisan. Those are the only choices. And the time for choosing is limited.

All these news stories have been bizarre lately. Seems like Rand Paul is really protecting this guy who attacked him and broke his ribs.

Reported on Fox that federal charges will be filed.

So, if true, the chances are 1:0. Sorry “civil war” lusters!